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Bray, Ruth Beatrice in Lewisburg 1960
Bray, Ruth Beatrice in Lewisburg 1960
Briar Creek Union Cemetery Columbia County PA headstone photos.pdf
Briar Creek Union Cemetery Columbia County PA headstone photos.pdf
Great-great grandmother of Mary Elizabeth Moyer Kreider, Anna Marie Boyer Engler Achenbach (1737-1817) wife of John Philip Achenbach is buried in Briar Creek Cemetery along with several other relatives.
Brickerville Cemetery 20180613_175711.jpg
Brickerville Cemetery 20180613_175711.jpg
Brickerville Cemetery 20180613_175837.jpg
Brickerville Cemetery 20180613_175837.jpg
Brickerville Cemetery 20180613_181128.jpg
Brickerville Cemetery 20180613_181128.jpg
Brickerville Cemetery 20180613_181204.jpg
Brickerville Cemetery 20180613_181204.jpg
Brickerville Church 20180613_181350.jpg
Brickerville Church 20180613_181350.jpg
Brungart, Daniel (1823-1897) and Phebe Ann Royer (1825-1920)
Brungart, Daniel (1823-1897) and Phebe Ann Royer (1825-1920)
Status: Located; St. Peters Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery, Rebersburg, Miles Township, Centre County, PA
Brungart, Elmira (1847-1850)
Brungart, Elmira (1847-1850)
Status: Unmarked; St. Peters Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery, Rebersburg, Miles Township, Centre County, PA
Brungart, Jasper R. (1851-1936) and Mary E Long (1850-1914)
Brungart, Jasper R. (1851-1936) and Mary E Long (1850-1914)
Status: Located; St. Peters Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery, Rebersburg, Miles Township, Centre County, PA
Brungart, Susan (1813-1889)
Brungart, Susan (1813-1889)
Status: Located; St. Peters Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery, Rebersburg, Miles Township, Centre County, PA
Catharine Royer
Catharine Royer
Status: Located;
Catherine Smith 20180613_160926
Catherine Smith 20180613_160926
Status: Located;
Catherine Smith 20180613_160940
Catherine Smith 20180613_160940
Status: Located;
Centre County, PA cemeteries (other than Rebersburg).xlsx
Centre County, PA cemeteries (other than Rebersburg).xlsx
Relatives buried in Centre County, PA cemeteries (other than Rebersburg). Includes Aaronsburg. See also pdf of Aaronsburg headstone photos.
Christopher Meyer
Christopher Meyer
Status: Located; Salem United Church of Christ Cemetery, Campbelltown, Lebanon County, PA
Col. H.R. Kline and Rebecca Achenbach
Col. H.R. Kline and Rebecca Achenbach
Status: Located; Laurel Hill Cemetery, Orangeville, Columbia Co., PA
Col. H.R. Kline and Rebecca Achenbach
Col. H.R. Kline and Rebecca Achenbach
Status: Located; Laurel Hill Cemetery, Orangeville, Columbia Co., PA
Company A
Company A
Image from The story of our regiment; a history of the 148th Pennsylvania vols., written by the comrades by Muffly, Joseph Wendel

Charles Bierly (1840-1914) son of Melchoir and Catharine Gephart Bierly. Enlisted 22 Aug 1862 at Rebersburg, in Company A, 148th PV and mustered out June 26, 1865. He was wounded at Gettysburg while crossing a stone fence, and spent nine months in a hospital in Philadelphia. When he enlisted the army rolls had his name as Beirly and he kept that spelling for the duration of his life. Blacksmith, worked in his father’s shop on the west side of Chestnut Alley. They lived in Rebersburg and moved to a farm in 1874 that he rented from his father and then bought the farm in 1893.
Solomon S. Bierly (1845-1921) son of Michael and Mary Mallory Bierly. He was a member of Company A 148th Regt., and was only 16 years old when he enlisted in 1862. He died in Seligman, Missouri.
Levi Boob (1840-1867) son of Adam and Susannah Adams Boob. A member of Co. A, 148th Regt. PA volunteers. Amputation of right arm. He accidentally shot himself while bear hunting and died the same day.
Solomon Dale (1837-1864) son of Christian and Hannah Shoeneberger Dale. Lost his life at the battle of Spottsylvania Court House.
William C. Meyer (1844-1864) son of Reuben and Mary “Polly” Corman Meyer. Enlisted on 22 Aug 1862, wounded at Po River, Virginia 10 May 1864. Killed at Deep Bottom VA 14 Aug 1864. A shell passed through his breast. He was not married. His parents lived on the Trinca farm east of Rebersburg.
Thomas George Weirich (1864-1935) son of Rev. George and Mary Meyer. Enlisted 19 Aug 1862, wounded at Cold Harbor VA, youngest member of the company. He was discharged 7 June 186?. He lived in Washington, DC.
John A. Miller (1838-1900) married to Mary Esterline and had one child when he left for the war. Promoted to Corporal 14 May 1863 with honorable discharge in 1865.
Samuel R. Gettig married to Susan Yearick. Lived at 110 Madisonburg Pike, Madisonburg, PA. Prisoner of war at Reams Station, VA.
Condo, Margery 1859-1935
Condo, Margery 1859-1935
Confer, Susan (1833-1858) 2nd wife of John Meyer
Confer, Susan (1833-1858) 2nd wife of John Meyer
Status: Located; St. Peters Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery, Rebersburg, Miles Township, Centre County, PA
Corman, Mary (1821-1903) and Reuben Meyer (1808-1891)
Corman, Mary (1821-1903) and Reuben Meyer (1808-1891)
Status: Located; St. Peters Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery, Rebersburg, Miles Township, Centre County, PA
Couch, Robert in Lewisburg 1960
Couch, Robert in Lewisburg 1960
Crotzer, Mary Ann (1793-1860) wife of Anthony Bierly (1787-1857)
Crotzer, Mary Ann (1793-1860) wife of Anthony Bierly (1787-1857)
Status: Located; St. Peters Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery, Rebersburg, Miles Township, Centre County, PA
Dorset of Monmouth County: from Historical and genealogical miscellany: data relating to the settlement and settlers of New York and New Jersey, John Edwin Stillwell, (1903).
Dorset of Monmouth County: from Historical and genealogical miscellany: data relating to the settlement and settlers of New York and New Jersey, John Edwin Stillwell, (1903).
Historical and genealogical miscellany: data relating to the settlement and settlers of New York and New Jersey, by John Edwin Stillwell, 1903
Dorsett 20180617_165314.jpg
Dorsett 20180617_165314.jpg
Status: Located;
Dorsett Town Cemetery 20180617_164549.jpg
Dorsett Town Cemetery 20180617_164549.jpg
Status: Located;
Dorsett Town Cemetery 20180617_171048.jpg
Dorsett Town Cemetery 20180617_171048.jpg
Status: Located;
Dorsett Town Cemetery.jpg
Dorsett Town Cemetery.jpg
Status: Located;
Dorsett, Ann d 1891 20180617_164708.jpg
Dorsett, Ann d 1891 20180617_164708.jpg
Status: Located;
Dorsett, Elizabeth d 1759 20180617_165137.jpg
Dorsett, Elizabeth d 1759 20180617_165137.jpg
Status: Located;
Dorsett, James d 1720 20180617_164727.jpg
Dorsett, James d 1720 20180617_164727.jpg
Status: Located;
Dorsett, John d 1765 20180617_165045.jpg
Dorsett, John d 1765 20180617_165045.jpg
Status: Located;
Dorsett, Joseph 1722-1770
Dorsett, Joseph 1722-1770
Status: Located;
Dorsett, Joseph d 1741 20180617_165157.jpg
Dorsett, Joseph d 1741 20180617_165157.jpg
Status: Located;
Dorsett, Joseph d 1741 20180617_165207.jpg
Dorsett, Joseph d 1741 20180617_165207.jpg
Status: Located;
Dorsett, Joseph d 1858 and Maria Schenck d 1864 20180617_165603.jpg
Dorsett, Joseph d 1858 and Maria Schenck d 1864 20180617_165603.jpg
Status: Located;
Dorsett, Joseph I d 1831 and Hannah Burdge d 1807 20180617_164945.jpg
Dorsett, Joseph I d 1831 and Hannah Burdge d 1807 20180617_164945.jpg
Status: Located;
Dorsett, Rachel Sproul 20180617_165633.jpg
Dorsett, Rachel Sproul 20180617_165633.jpg
Status: Located;
Dorsett, Rachel Sproul d 1827 20180617_170529.jpg
Dorsett, Rachel Sproul d 1827 20180617_170529.jpg
Status: Located;
Dubbs, Daniel (1813-1889) first wife: Catherine Meyer d. 1846, second wife: Hannah Kreamer
Dubbs, Daniel (1813-1889) first wife: Catherine Meyer d. 1846, second wife: Hannah Kreamer
Status: Located; St. Peters Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery, Rebersburg, Miles Township, Centre County, PA
Dubbs, Daniel, Hannah Kreamer, Catharine Meyer
Dubbs, Daniel, Hannah Kreamer, Catharine Meyer
Status: Located;
Dubbs, Mary J 1854-1859
Dubbs, Mary J 1854-1859
Status: Located;
Elisabeth Schuy d. 1792 (Maria Elisabeth - wife of Lewis Henry Schuy
Elisabeth Schuy d. 1792 (Maria Elisabeth - wife of Lewis Henry Schuy
Status: Located; Headstone
Ella Hosterman 1868-1956
Ella Hosterman 1868-1956
Elvina Cathrine Royer Grieb death certificate
Elvina Cathrine Royer Grieb death certificate
Emma Moyer
Emma Moyer
Engler, Anna Marie Boyer (1737-1817) wife of John Philip Achenbach (1732-1800)
Engler, Anna Marie Boyer (1737-1817) wife of John Philip Achenbach (1732-1800)
Status: Located; Briar Creek Union Cemetery, Columbia County, PA
Erhard, Cyrus and Catherine
Erhard, Cyrus and Catherine
Status: Located;

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