Notes |
- from The Genealogy of the Meyer Family by Henry Meyer, 1890.
William, born at Freeburg, Pa., Sept 27, 1834; mar-
ried Dec. 18, 1860, Sarah C, daughter of John A. and Amelia
Hilbish of Montgomery Ferry, Perry County, Pa his wife
was born at Liverpool, Perry Co., Pa., Mar. 2, 1837. During
his youth William assisted his father about the hotel, store
and farm, and attended schools of his town. From 1848
to 1853 he attended schools of a higher grade, among them
being Berrysburg Classical Institute; Select School at Selins-
grove; Tuscarora Academy; Perrysburg Seminary and Free-
burg Academy. In the interim he also acquired the art of
marble cutting, working under instructions in Philadelphia in
1852. Like all the Meyer descendants of his great grand-
father Christopher, William is a noted musician and ha&
taught classes in vocal music in Dauphin, Juniata, Northum-
berland, Union and Centre Counties, and in almost every
school district in his own County (Snyder). From 1854 to-
1858 he taught in the public schools of Freeburg. In 1858
he was elected County surveyor, for a term of three years,
and in 1863 he was elected County Superintendent of com-
mon schools of Snyder County, and served in that capacity
until 1872. He was re-elected to the same office for a fourth
term in 1881. In June, 1879, Franklin and Marshall College
conferred upon him the honorary degree of Master of Arts.
He was appointed Notary Public in 1864; elected Justice of
the Peace in 1875, and is now (1890) serving his third term.
Besides the official positions above enumerated he held a
number of minor appointments of trust such as assignee,^
guardian, executor and administrator of estates. He has
had charge of the Vocal Department in the Musical College
Freeburg, since its establishment, and is the musical conduc-
tor of its annual conventions. William is a member of the
German Reformed church and has always been prominently
connected with all movements in his section for the promo-
tion of every good cause. In May, 1855, he was elected super-
intendent of the Lutheran and Reformed Sunday-school of
his village and has filled that position now thirty-four years,
representing his school in many S. School conventions in his
County and his County in State Associations held in Phila-
delphia, Lancaster, Williamsport, Johnstown and Sunbury.
He has held many positions in his church which for want of
space cannot be enumerated here. It will be observed the
subject of this sketch has occupied many positions of useful-
ness and trust in his life time, and we can pronounce no-
greater eulogy upon him than by saying that in all of them
he acquitted himself with honor, integrity and efficiency.