hmtl5 Notes: Hedges Genealogy


Matches 1,051 to 1,100 of 10,835

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1051 daughter of Paul L. Jacques and Mildred May Jacques, Donna Marie (I233)
1052 daughter of Peter & Elizabeth Kemp Kemp, Mary Ann (I3447)
1053 daughter of Peter Butler and Mary Ogle Butler, Elizabeth (I1591)
1054 daughter of Peter Cassity and Lulac Roberts Cassity, Grace Jewel (I1161)
1055 daughter of Peter T. Lawson and Aseneth Ora Williams Lawson, Agnes Elizabeth (I2798)
1056 daughter of Philip Cline and Elizabeth Ambrose Cline, Sophia (I3484)
1057 daughter of Preston Robert "D.P." Ellis and Sarah Yantis Christian Ellis, Lenora Helen (I2393)
1058 daughter of Raymond Hicks and Mary E. Collier Hicks, Hattie Mae (I5002)
1059 daughter of Reuben H. "Ruby" Gill and Mary Amanda Dow Gill, Gladys Ann (I1702)
1060 daughter of Reuben Hunt and Jane "Jennie" Donovan Hunt, Martha "Mattie" (I2019)
1061 daughter of Rhoda (Martin) Bronham Martin, Mamie (I4277)
1062 daughter of Richard Dunlap and Sarah Elizabeth byrne Dunlap, Mary Haymond (I2783)
1063 daughter of Richard Ebbrecht and Katherine Eckewrath Ebbrecht, Louise (I4782)
1064 daughter of Richard Elkin Hickerson and Louise Saunders Hickerson, Minnie Lee (I3221)
1065 daughter of Richard Ignight and Sally E. Ignight, Pearl I. (I3242)
1066 daughter of Richard Major and Rachel Major, Buena Vista (I4403)
1067 daughter of Richard Stephen Kinison and Matilda Cook Kinison, Mary Lou (I1901)
1068 daughter of Richard W. Jeffery and Ruth Pearman Jeffrey, Janet (I3121)
1069 daughter of Robert Andrew Decker and Elsie Augustine Glaser Decker, Violet Elaine (I2164)
1070 daughter of Robert Bryant Bentley and Sarah Halcomb Bentley, Letitia V. (I4390)
1071 daughter of Robert Charles and Rebecca Grayson Charles, Armentha Alice "Menta" (I3266)
1072 daughter of Robert Dallas Huston and Ruth Winn Huston, Virginia Frances (I3835)
1073 daughter of Robert Fulton and Barbara Baltzell Fulton, Catherine (I3394)
1074 daughter of Robert Jolliff and Mary Caroline Shields Jolliffe, Edna May (I557)
1075 daughter of Robert Kelly and Myrtle Morrison Kelly, Mary Margaret (I3311)
1076 daughter of Robert Richards and Catherine Cummins Richards, Jane Nelly (I2861)
1077 daughter of Roderick Craig and Melvina Cook Craig, Dollie Mae "Jennie" (I155)
1078 daughter of Rolen Gooch and Cecillia Delilah "Silily" Millsap Gooch, Mildred (I1888)
1079 daughter of Roscoe Brown "RockY" Martin and Elizabeth Jane Houchin Martin, Norma Lavon (I3117)
1080 daughter of Roscoe Leslie Flynn and Carrie Lela Marcum Flynn, Dolores (I4620)
1081 daughter of Roy Burchett and Mary Vesta Sander Burchett, Elnora Elizabeth (I5170)
1082 daughter of Roy Franklin Keel and Inez Winters Kerr Keel, Shirley Ann (I4354)
1083 daughter of Roy McLisander Johnson and Odessa Otey Johnson, June Odessa (I4136)
1084 daughter of Roy Nelson Gilbert and Mabel Bernadette Campbell Gilbert, Edna Leota (I1929)
1085 daughter of rue Lavon Maudsley and Helen Norean Christensen Maudsley, Barbara Mae (I5382)
1086 daughter of Samuel B. Harbert and Abigail Loofbourrow Harbert, Rebecca (I2991)
1087 daughter of Samuel Cronice and Mary Myers Cronise, Susan Henrietta (I5302)
1088 daughter of Samuel Harrison Hamm and Elizabeth Jane "Eliza" Perry Hamm, Eleanor (I2064)
1089 daughter of Samuel Harrison Howard and Dessie Dawson Howard, Margaret (I1703)
1090 daughter of Samuel M. McClimans and Rachel Pumphrey Pierson McClimans, Mary (I3672)
1091 daughter of Samuel Masters and Grace Bell Garrett Masters, Burdetta Gibson “Det” (I3838)
1092 daughter of Samuel McClure and Julia England McClure, Dora Rebecca (I4483)
1093 daughter of Samuel Milton "Milt" Evans and Lusetta Allison Evans, Josephine (I1518)
1094 daughter of Samuel Richard Maddox and Sarah Catherine Haney Maddox, Myrtle (I4770)
1095 daughter of Samuel Walter Remick and Lillian Aurela Phillips Remick, Irma Louise (I5341)
1096 daughter of Selden T. Golay and Cynthia Hatch Golay, Anna (I3569)
1097 daughter of Sherman Fox and Martha Hupf Fox, Lula Mae (I5005)
1098 daughter of Sherman Taft Bates and Della Mae Burris Bates, Virginia Ruth (I3849)
1099 daughter of Sidney Paul Craig and Ruth Craig, Mary Miller (I5082)
1100 daughter of Silas Anderson Fore and Sarah Churchwell Moss Fore, Virginia Emily (I2949)

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