Matches 1,051 to 1,100 of 10,835
# | Notes | Linked to |
1051 | daughter of Paul L. Jacques and Mildred May | Jacques, Donna Marie (I233)
1052 | daughter of Peter & Elizabeth Kemp | Kemp, Mary Ann (I3447)
1053 | daughter of Peter Butler and Mary Ogle | Butler, Elizabeth (I1591)
1054 | daughter of Peter Cassity and Lulac Roberts | Cassity, Grace Jewel (I1161)
1055 | daughter of Peter T. Lawson and Aseneth Ora Williams | Lawson, Agnes Elizabeth (I2798)
1056 | daughter of Philip Cline and Elizabeth Ambrose | Cline, Sophia (I3484)
1057 | daughter of Preston Robert "D.P." Ellis and Sarah Yantis Christian | Ellis, Lenora Helen (I2393)
1058 | daughter of Raymond Hicks and Mary E. Collier | Hicks, Hattie Mae (I5002)
1059 | daughter of Reuben H. "Ruby" Gill and Mary Amanda Dow | Gill, Gladys Ann (I1702)
1060 | daughter of Reuben Hunt and Jane "Jennie" Donovan | Hunt, Martha "Mattie" (I2019)
1061 | daughter of Rhoda (Martin) Bronham | Martin, Mamie (I4277)
1062 | daughter of Richard Dunlap and Sarah Elizabeth byrne | Dunlap, Mary Haymond (I2783)
1063 | daughter of Richard Ebbrecht and Katherine Eckewrath | Ebbrecht, Louise (I4782)
1064 | daughter of Richard Elkin Hickerson and Louise Saunders | Hickerson, Minnie Lee (I3221)
1065 | daughter of Richard Ignight and Sally E. | Ignight, Pearl I. (I3242)
1066 | daughter of Richard Major and Rachel | Major, Buena Vista (I4403)
1067 | daughter of Richard Stephen Kinison and Matilda Cook | Kinison, Mary Lou (I1901)
1068 | daughter of Richard W. Jeffery and Ruth Pearman | Jeffrey, Janet (I3121)
1069 | daughter of Robert Andrew Decker and Elsie Augustine Glaser | Decker, Violet Elaine (I2164)
1070 | daughter of Robert Bryant Bentley and Sarah Halcomb | Bentley, Letitia V. (I4390)
1071 | daughter of Robert Charles and Rebecca Grayson | Charles, Armentha Alice "Menta" (I3266)
1072 | daughter of Robert Dallas Huston and Ruth Winn | Huston, Virginia Frances (I3835)
1073 | daughter of Robert Fulton and Barbara Baltzell | Fulton, Catherine (I3394)
1074 | daughter of Robert Jolliff and Mary Caroline Shields | Jolliffe, Edna May (I557)
1075 | daughter of Robert Kelly and Myrtle Morrison | Kelly, Mary Margaret (I3311)
1076 | daughter of Robert Richards and Catherine Cummins | Richards, Jane Nelly (I2861)
1077 | daughter of Roderick Craig and Melvina Cook | Craig, Dollie Mae "Jennie" (I155)
1078 | daughter of Rolen Gooch and Cecillia Delilah "Silily" Millsap | Gooch, Mildred (I1888)
1079 | daughter of Roscoe Brown "RockY" Martin and Elizabeth Jane Houchin | Martin, Norma Lavon (I3117)
1080 | daughter of Roscoe Leslie Flynn and Carrie Lela Marcum | Flynn, Dolores (I4620)
1081 | daughter of Roy Burchett and Mary Vesta Sander | Burchett, Elnora Elizabeth (I5170)
1082 | daughter of Roy Franklin Keel and Inez Winters Kerr | Keel, Shirley Ann (I4354)
1083 | daughter of Roy McLisander Johnson and Odessa Otey | Johnson, June Odessa (I4136)
1084 | daughter of Roy Nelson Gilbert and Mabel Bernadette Campbell | Gilbert, Edna Leota (I1929)
1085 | daughter of rue Lavon Maudsley and Helen Norean Christensen | Maudsley, Barbara Mae (I5382)
1086 | daughter of Samuel B. Harbert and Abigail Loofbourrow | Harbert, Rebecca (I2991)
1087 | daughter of Samuel Cronice and Mary Myers | Cronise, Susan Henrietta (I5302)
1088 | daughter of Samuel Harrison Hamm and Elizabeth Jane "Eliza" Perry | Hamm, Eleanor (I2064)
1089 | daughter of Samuel Harrison Howard and Dessie Dawson | Howard, Margaret (I1703)
1090 | daughter of Samuel M. McClimans and Rachel Pumphrey Pierson | McClimans, Mary (I3672)
1091 | daughter of Samuel Masters and Grace Bell Garrett | Masters, Burdetta Gibson “Det” (I3838)
1092 | daughter of Samuel McClure and Julia England | McClure, Dora Rebecca (I4483)
1093 | daughter of Samuel Milton "Milt" Evans and Lusetta Allison | Evans, Josephine (I1518)
1094 | daughter of Samuel Richard Maddox and Sarah Catherine Haney | Maddox, Myrtle (I4770)
1095 | daughter of Samuel Walter Remick and Lillian Aurela Phillips | Remick, Irma Louise (I5341)
1096 | daughter of Selden T. Golay and Cynthia Hatch | Golay, Anna (I3569)
1097 | daughter of Sherman Fox and Martha Hupf | Fox, Lula Mae (I5005)
1098 | daughter of Sherman Taft Bates and Della Mae Burris | Bates, Virginia Ruth (I3849)
1099 | daughter of Sidney Paul Craig and Ruth | Craig, Mary Miller (I5082)
1100 | daughter of Silas Anderson Fore and Sarah Churchwell Moss | Fore, Virginia Emily (I2949)