# |
Source ID |
Title, Author |
1 |
S86 | Headstone |
2 |
S78 | Kentucky birth records |
3 |
S5 | 1900 US census |
4 |
S104 | A Century of Roots, Allerton, Illinois: 1887-1987 |
5 |
S105 | Ancestry family tree |
6 |
S17 | Birth certificate |
7 |
S103 | birth record |
8 |
S18 | California Death Records |
9 |
S58 | California, select births and christening, 1812-1988 |
10 |
S8 | Cemetery records |
11 |
S25 | Census |
12 |
S13 | Charles Hedges (1673-1743) of New Castle County, Maryland and Descendants Joanne Eustice and John Dern |
13 |
S80 | Charles Hedges and brother Joseph Hedges of Frederick County, Maryland and their descendants Joanne Eustice |
14 |
S101 | Chicago and North Western Railroad Employment Records |
15 |
S106 | Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles |
16 |
S7 | Death certificate |
17 |
S24 | death record |
18 |
S10 | Declaration for Pension, US military |
19 |
S110 | deed |
20 |
S75 | Family Bible record of William Ribelin |
21 |
S16 | Family Bible, George F. Hedges |
22 |
S1 | Family Bible, William Ribelin Hedges |
23 |
S56 | Family Bible, Wm. T. Cassity |
24 |
S6 | Find a Grave |
25 |
S64 | Fleming County, Kentucky Marriage Records, 1798-1851 |
26 |
S47 | Florida death index, 1877-1998 |
27 |
S11 | Hedges Reunion Book |
28 |
S98 | History of Frederick County, Maryland, v.2 Thomas J.C. Williams |
29 |
S91 | https://archive.org/details/historyofsolan00greg/page/n1/mode/2up Gregory, Thomas Jefferson |
30 |
S59 | Idaho death index, 1890-1962 |
31 |
S4 | Illinois deaths and stillbirths index: 1916-1947 |
32 |
S51 | Illinois Marriages: 1851-1900 |
33 |
S45 | Indiana births, 1880-1920 |
34 |
S23 | Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920 |
35 |
S40 | Indiana Marriage Collection: 1800-1941 |
36 |
S111 | inventory |
37 |
S93 | Iowa birth records |
38 |
S20 | Iowa births and christenings index, 1857-1947 |
39 |
S46 | Iowa Cemetery Records |
40 |
S63 | Iowa Select Marriages, 1800-1992 |
41 |
S65 | Iowa, Marriages, 1851-1900 |
42 |
S67 | Iowa, select deaths and burials, 1850-1990 |
43 |
S89 | Jennie (Dimick) Hedges letter, 8 June 1982 |
44 |
S36 | Kentucky birth index, 1911-1999 |
45 |
S3 | Kentucky birth records, 1852-1910 |
46 |
S29 | Kentucky Death Index, 1911-2000 |
47 |
S30 | Kentucky marriage records, 1852-1914 |
48 |
S49 | Kentucky Marriages, 1785-1979 |
49 |
S57 | Kentucky Marriages: 1802-1850 |
50 |
S82 | Linda Kay Hedges |