hmtl5 Sources: Hedges Genealogy


Matches 1 to 50 of 111

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
1 S86 Headstone
2 S78 Kentucky birth records
3 S5 1900 US census
4 S104 A Century of Roots, Allerton, Illinois: 1887-1987
5 S105 Ancestry family tree
6 S17 Birth certificate
7 S103 birth record
8 S18 California Death Records
9 S58 California, select births and christening, 1812-1988
10 S8 Cemetery records
11 S25 Census
12 S13 Charles Hedges (1673-1743) of New Castle County, Maryland and Descendants
Joanne Eustice and John Dern 
13 S80 Charles Hedges and brother Joseph Hedges of Frederick County, Maryland and their descendants
Joanne Eustice 
14 S101 Chicago and North Western Railroad Employment Records
15 S106 Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles
16 S7 Death certificate
17 S24 death record
18 S10 Declaration for Pension, US military
19 S110 deed
20 S75 Family Bible record of William Ribelin
21 S16 Family Bible, George F. Hedges
22 S1 Family Bible, William Ribelin Hedges
23 S56 Family Bible, Wm. T. Cassity
24 S6 Find a Grave
25 S64 Fleming County, Kentucky Marriage Records, 1798-1851
26 S47 Florida death index, 1877-1998
27 S11 Hedges Reunion Book
28 S98 History of Frederick County, Maryland, v.2
Thomas J.C. Williams 
29 S91
Gregory, Thomas Jefferson 
30 S59 Idaho death index, 1890-1962
31 S4 Illinois deaths and stillbirths index: 1916-1947
32 S51 Illinois Marriages: 1851-1900
33 S45 Indiana births, 1880-1920
34 S23 Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920
35 S40 Indiana Marriage Collection: 1800-1941
36 S111 inventory
37 S93 Iowa birth records
38 S20 Iowa births and christenings index, 1857-1947
39 S46 Iowa Cemetery Records
40 S63 Iowa Select Marriages, 1800-1992
41 S65 Iowa, Marriages, 1851-1900
42 S67 Iowa, select deaths and burials, 1850-1990
43 S89 Jennie (Dimick) Hedges letter, 8 June 1982
44 S36 Kentucky birth index, 1911-1999
45 S3 Kentucky birth records, 1852-1910
46 S29 Kentucky Death Index, 1911-2000
47 S30 Kentucky marriage records, 1852-1914
48 S49 Kentucky Marriages, 1785-1979
49 S57 Kentucky Marriages: 1802-1850
50 S82 Linda Kay Hedges

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