hmtl5 Notes: Hedges Genealogy


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7801 MHR note: Alonzo and Sarah Ann were baptised by William R. Hedges.
Cassity, Alonzo Morton (I1796)
7802 MHR note: Alva was the manager of the grocery department of the Mercantile Company, Purdin, Missouri. He was a member of the Church of Christ.

They had two children.
Bagley, William Alva (I180)
7803 MHR note: Alvah R. Cassity was "a whiskey-drinking, flute-playing, home-loving individual, with typical Irish temper" said Naomi Stutsman, Hefferman, their granddaughter. They and their daughter Nancy and baby daughter went to Texas and stayed over night with Addison Hedges and returned to Missouri and settled near Linneus because it was so much like Kentucky. They bought land from the government for twenty five cents an acres.
Cassity, Alvah Russell (I1735)
7804 MHR note: Amanda (Cassity) Neely was the oldest member of the Cassity tribe present at the 18th annual Cassity reunion at Linneus, Missouri on 31 August 1947.
Cassity, Amanda Jane (I2596)
7805 MHR note: America's aunt Letha Davis married at age about 60 to Jake Plank, when her husband Ben Davis died. American took Letha (Davis) home with her to Montezuma, Indiana to live. Previous to that America had lived with her sister, Sallie (Sarah) Miles in Missouri.
Cassity, Emily America (I1847)
7806 MHR note: Ann Vawter was first cousin to Philemon Vawter.

The Vawter book, page 80, says that Ann did 2 June 1939, but that was when she broke her hip. 
Vawter, Ann (I363)
7807 MHR note: Anna died on Thanksgiving Day at the home of here daughter, Anna (Cassity) Lewis.
Bray, Anna Mae (I2618)
7808 MHR note: At age 17 George enlisted in the 10th Indiana Cavalry, Co. A, serving one year and honorably discharged. Enlisted in the 10th Indiana Cavalry in Kentucky and served two years, to the end of the Civil War.

He retired in 1930 and they moved to Royal Iowa.
Clifton, George Andrew (I237)
7809 MHR note: Aubrey married a second time in 1967.

LKH note: From his obituary, his second wife was Julia Fisher.

Kautz, Aubrey Salyer (I1499)
7810 MHR note: Benjamin Pulliam married 2nd Genevee (Bulcher) Cassity, the divorced wife of William Presley Cassity.
Pulliam, Benjamin Franklin (I2592)
7811 MHR note: Bert served In WWI he was in the 13th Regiment US Marines; Corporal of A. E.F.; 1st Lieut. US Marine Corps Reserves (1925-1935); Sec. General Director "The Sunflower Boys", Sat of American Legion, Department of Kansas.

He received at A.B. degree from the University of Illinois, Urbana in 1916. He was manager for Business Men's Assurance Co of America. Had a professional degree C.L.U United Congress. Church; past president of the Lions Club; past president of the University Club; American Legion (past commander); 40 aet 8; Teta X; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Delta Kappa; on board of directors of the public museum.

Hedges, Bertram Atkinson (I918)
7812 MHR note: Bible in possession of Mrs. L. F. Sherwood, Ronceverte, West Virginia.
Hedges, Joseph Brilhart (I674)
7813 MHR note: Blanche Brown said that William H. lived all his life in Rock Wall County, Texas. He was a farmer. P.T. aid they had no children of their own but had taken in two to read - 7th Day Adventist.

He married Susie Terrill who had a half brother David Gass and a half-sister Nancy Gass. David Gass might be the "Uncle Gass" that Lida Gill recalled hearing about.
Hedges, William Harrison (I346)
7814 MHR note: Bonne Lacy Ingram is buried in Three Lick Cemetery with his parents but his wife, Mary Jane Moody is buried in the Hillsboro Cemetery and has a stone.

LKH note: Find a Grave only lists 7 burials at Three Lick Cemetery and Boone is not included. 
Ingram, Boone Lacy (I495)
7815 MHR note: Born on the old Cassity farm. Cassity, Aletha Jane (I1838)
7816 MHR note: Carl Bivens was a pilot instructor who was shot by a student, Ernest Pletch.
Bivens, Carl (I2449)
7817 MHR note: Carlos was a sergeant in WWII.
Harris, Carlos Ray (I171)
7818 MHR note: Catherine (Scholl) Hedges) father was Christian Scholl. Scholl, Catherine (I1622)
7819 MHR note: Charles is son of Richard and his second wife.
Hiatt, Charles Thurston (I726)
7820 MHR note: Charles lives two miles north of Purdin. He had a stroke on 12 February 1955. He and Anna were members of the Christian Church.
Bagley, Charles Stewart (I156)
7821 MHR note: Charles' first wife was Susie Rhinehart. He was a farmer and later a realtor in Canton, Missouri. He was a member of the Odd Fellows and an officer of the Christian Church.
Horn, Charles Jacob (I972)
7822 MHR note: Claimed by some to be the oldest child. Lived in Illinois said Iwliz. Lived in Missouri said others.
Hedges, Wallace (I500)
7823 MHR note: Clarence graduated from high school in Macy, Indiana in 1919. He was an elder, Church of Christ, Macy Indiana, since 1929.
Ellis, Clarence Earl (I285)
7824 MHR note: Columbus Cassity lived 3 days. Cassity, Columbus (I2559)
7825 MHR note: Cora married a man with the surname of Correll.
Moore, Cora Lynne (I2513)
7826 MHR note: Daughter of Hermonious Alkire
Alkire, Deborah (I2263)
7827 MHR note: Delilah was married first to unknown Grimes. Westfall, Delilah (I499)
7828 MHR note: died in Civil War. At Alton, Illinois regiment hospital. Typhoid. Cassity, Jacob (I2256)
7829 MHR note: Died of TB. Cassity, Anthony (I1748)
7830 MHR note: Diphtheria took three children in one week. Another died of typhoid. The only boy died at two years old.

MHR note: Nancy was always called "Miss Nancy" in her family.
Cassity, Nancy Armstrong (I2253)
7831 MHR note: Dorothy (Trumbo) Cassity was called Dollie. Her name was "Dorotha" on stoe at Grantsville, about 4 miles east of Purdin. She was aged 32 years, 5 months, 2 days. Their stonehad been moved from the burial place on the old "Al" Cassity farm, about 1 miles north of Linneus, Missouri by their grandson, Frank E. Cassity,as the old place on a hill in a field was not kept up. The stones of their two sons, John Alva and Isaac Franklin Cassity had been moved from the farm to the Grantsville Cemetery also. Frank Cassity said that Dorothy had a first cousin "Monnie" Trubmo. He may have been Monasas Trumbo.

MRH note. Dorothy Trumbo's father had 6 silver teaspoons made of 6 silver dollars for part of her dowry.. Frank E. Cassity had them in 1950. She also had a copper candle snuffer which Frank gave to the historical society at Kirsville, Missouri. Dorothy's sister, Deborah (Trumbo) Jones got the silver cangle molds wich had been the property of the British General, Proctor, and was taken when his goods were confiscated. It became the property of John Trumbo of Bath County, Kentucky, father of Dorothy and Deborah, among other children. 
Trumbo, Dorothy (I1732)
7832 MHR note: Dorothy died from the flu.
Moore, Dorothy Francis "Dottie" (I2598)
7833 MHR note: Dorothy taught for two years in Illinois and four years in Mississippi.

Both Dorothy and Claude are members of the Christian Church.
Brown, Dorothy Mattie (I937)
7834 MHR note: Edwin L. Fiesler was a barber in Iowa for about twenty two years. In 1940 he was employed by Willys Overland Company, Maywood, California. they lived in Woodward , Iowa, from 1922 to 21 July 1936 when they went to Los Angeles. Mr. Fiesler was a Lutheran. Ruth and the three older children belong to the Christian Church. Edwin and Ruth were Democrats. Edwin is a member of I.O.G.F.
Fieseler, Edwin Leo (I317)
7835 MHR note: Eliza Jane was called "Eliza Ann" by her step mother (Mary D. (Clark) Ringo.
Cassity, Eliza Jane (I428)
7836 MHR note: Erby died of appendecitis. Garrett, Erby Irvin (I2347)
7837 MHR note: Exact copy of the William Ribelin family Bible record presented by the Frankfort Chapter N.S.D.A.R. through Miss Rebecca Gano.

Ribelin, William (I406)
7838 MHR note: Flora graduated from high school in 1917, Urbana, Illinois, from Brown's Business College in 1922 and with an A.B. degree from Culver-Stockston College in 1931. When the Peoples Savings Bank in Center Point Iowa, when it opened in October 1946, Flora was the manager. In 1956 she worked at the State Bank in St. Joseph, Illinois. She was a member of the Christian Church. She died in 1969 in a car accident.

Tillotson, Flora Ellen (I979)
7839 MHR note: Frank E. Cassity said that Elizabeth was a first cousin of Alvah, so her mother must have been a sister of Mary Armstrong or of Peter Thompson Cassity. Elizabeth was a cousin of Dorothy Trumbo who married William T. Cassity and of Ruth Ann Trumbo who married Armstrong R. Cassity. Dorothy and Ruth Ann were sisters, both being daughters of Jacob Trumbo.

MHR note: Naomi (Stutsman) Heffernan said Elizabeth was the daughter of Jacob Trumbo and Deborah Alkire. 
Trumbo, Elizabeth (I1736)
7840 MHR note: Genevee married 2nd to Frank Pulliam, former husband of Effie Cassity.
Belcher, Genevieve (I2578)
7841 MHR note: George Razor was a slave owner, and was about 60 years old when Malinda Cassity married him at age 25. He had children older than her from his first wife.
Cassity, Malinda L. (I1840)
7842 MHR note: George Razor was a slave owner, and was about 60 years old when Malinda Cassity married him at age 25. He had children older than her from his first wife. Family F926
7843 MHR note: Goldie married second to a man surnames Farrens.
Gardner, Goldie May (I107)
7844 MHR note: Grace was raised from age 2 by her uncle Thomas Laban Smith and his wife Ada L. (Hedges) Smith. Thomas Smith was a brother to Maud (Smith) Kelso. She died in 1908, leaving a son, Alvin age 9 and Grace about age 2. By 1910, Grace's father, Dennis Kelso had remarried; census records from that year show his son Alvin, age 11, living with him, but Grace is with her Uncle Thomas listed as his step-daughter. In the 1920 census Grace is listed as his niece. In the obituary for Ada (Hedges) Smith, Grace is listed her daughter.
Kelso, Alta Grace (I304)
7845 MHR note: Hager had worked as a practical nurse for more than ten years at Smith Hospital, Corbin, Kentucky. In 1956 she worked at the S.E. Cap. Hospital.

Hager was named for a friend of her father. If she had been a boy, she would have been named William Hager Parker.

About 1936, she had a letter from a man in Conn., asking her to prove she was the youngest child of Amelia and George William Parker in order to receive some money. She proved her identity but never received the money, though a lawyer tried to trace the letter writer later, to no avail.

three children.
Parker, Winnie "Hager" (I839)
7846 MHR note: He belonged to the Christian Church. Three children.
Jenkins, Leonard Ersel (I150)
7847 MHR note: He traveled the last ten years of his life.
Alkire, Chester Marvin (I1371)
7848 MHR note: He was a farmer and did trucking. He was in WWII in Australia.
Hedges, Henry Russell (I228)
7849 MHR note: He was an airplane mechanic and in WWII he was a staff sergeant, Served in New Guinea.
Hedges, Roy George (I226)
7850 MHR note: He was called "Than".
Tipton, Nathaniel (I1742)

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