hmtl5 Notes: Hedges Genealogy


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7801 MHR note: William Gilkison (Catlin, IL) said "Jim" used to talk in his sleep and once he sang "Joyfully, joyfully will I go home". His wife said the next morning "This is the durndest family I ever saw!"
Hedges, James Alva (I24)
7802 MHR note: William Moore and Anne moved to Kansas. They had two children. She and her sister Nancy used to dance to their father's flute. Anne had black hair and blue eyes - typically Irish.
Cassity, Anne Deborah (I2497)
7803 MHR note: William P. Miles has about 800 acres of land near Purdin, Missouri. He had a grist mill west of Purdin run by water power.
Myles, William P. (I1845)
7804 MHR note: William T. and Dorotha Cassity (called Dollie) took their family from Kentucky to Lee County, Iowa and stayed from October 1849 to Januiary 1851 when they moved to Missouri, settling first on the Fields Property about 2 miles east of Purdin. In 1851 their grandson, Frank E. Cassity (sone of Wm. Harrison Cassity) lives on the place.

William T. Cassity is buried on the old farm of Alva Cassity, which later also belonged to his son, Alvah Jr. The stones being endangered by cattle which got into the plot, their grandson, Frank E. Cassity had the stones of his grandfather and those of two of his grandfather's sons, John Alva Cassity and Isaac Franklin Cassity, moved to the Dryden Cemetery at Grantsville, Missouri.

MHR note: William T. Cassity family Bible to his son William Harrison Cassity, to his son Frank E. Cassity of Purdin Missouri. Copied by Mary Hedges Reiner on 19 September 1950.

MHR note: William T. Cassity bought a clock two week before the birth of his son James Ira Cassity in 1 November 1830. in 1950 the clock was owned by Frank E. Cassity. It has wooden works. There is a mirror on the front and the bell tone is clear and good. A little piece had been broken from it by a hen which came into the house and flew at her miage in the mirror. it was later reparied, thought without authority, when the clock was left for repari at one time.
Cassity, William T. (I1731)
7805 MHR note: "Ed" Parker was foreman of Bradford Supply Co., B Olivar, New York. The company does supplies for oil wells and water wells.
Parker, Edward George (I814)
7806 MHR note: "Forrest" joined the Christian Church about August 1950. He was a trucker hauling coal. He worked for the L & N Rail Road for awhile and farmed.

The Vawter part of his name was for Ashby Vawter Hedges, his cousin, who visited in Corbin in 1926 and had not learned of his cousin Amelia's death.
Parker, George Vawter "Forrest" (I826)
7807 MHR note: "Frank" reared Bessie Helvesteen (who married John Jones); Hina Helvesteen; and Jim Calvert.
Hedges, William Franklin "Frank" (I457)
7808 MHR note: "Marion" moved his family from Topeka, Kansas to Montrose, California in 1920. He preached at Marietta, Kansas, June 1916. He was a house carpenter, and had a roving foot. He was reared by P.T. Hedges and Mary Ann.

MHR note: "Marion" was taken in by Aunt Mary and Uncle Cappy [P.T. Hedges and wife Mary Ann (Vawter0 Hedges] but didn't get along with the girls and was unhappy. At 15 he ran away to Chicago with a neighbor boy and was gone a month or so. He returned but left again at 16 and tramped to Norton and worked on a bridge gang a couple of months. He returned to Norton. On his bicycle went to Palro and worked in harvest at Anmon's. [spelling?]

MHR note: He went with Nettie some, went to Hays on July 4 and tore the lace off her wrap. After his marriage he heard that Nettie was working in Denver at a restaurant, took off to see her without telling Alma who initiated a search and it became news in a paper notice. Nettie saw the item and sent him back to Topeka. He reported that he went to a lodge convection and when he got on the train he know no more until he woke up in a rooming house in Denver and supposed he'd been drugged.

Four children.
Hedges, Levi "Marion" Freece (I384)
7809 MHR note: "Monroe" was a blacksmith and a minister in the Christian Church. William Gilkison of Catlin, Illinois can recall seeing him at his forge at Ringos Mills, Kentucky when Willie was about 15 years old.

Monroe is buried at Godard, Kentucky, as is his wife and son, John Tilden Hedges, but no stones for them could be found.

Lavina reared the children of her son, Lloyd, when their mother died. Monroe was tall and thin and had dark blue eyes and dark brown hair. This information from Rose Sherlock as told to her sister Ethel Collins.
Hedges, James Monroe "Monnie" (I647)
7810 MHR note: "Pete" had 160 acres, 4.5 miles N.E. of Wetmore, Kansas. In 1916 it had an 8 room house and electric lights. He had a well drilling outfit with which he could make $150 per month in 1916. He gave a statement for my book - see big sheet, p.B-4.
Cassity, Peter Albert (I435)
7811 MHR note: "Peyton was a preacher and operated a country store.
Estep, Ira Peyton (I635)
7812 MHR note: "Roe" Gilkison lived on Island Fork of Triplett Creek, Rowan County, Kentucky. He met his death by falling off a wagon and breaking his back. He and Sarah are buried at Muse's Mills Cemetery and have stones.
Gilkison, Levi Monroe "Roe" (I598)
7813 MHR note: "Sarah (Hedges) Gilkison was a midwife. The record we have is one written on the pages of a little notebook, some of the leaves of which have become lost. What we have of her record begins with the year 1864, near the close of the Civil War. As Sarah did not marry until she was 28 years old, probably she had gone with her mother, Rosannah (Ribelin) Hedges, and assisted her at some of the births at which her mother had officiated. Just what territory Sarah covered in her attendance at the births does not appear, but probably mostly in the community back in the hills, called Triplett, and environs. She rode horseback on her missions. Just what her equipment was, is unknown to the compiler of this record."
Hedges, Sarah (I567)
7814 MHR note: 4 children
Jenkins, Mary "Lee Anna" (I129)
7815 MHR note: 7 children.
Hedges, Lovinia Alice (I687)
7816 MHR note: 7 Sept 1857 Cassity, Eliza Jane (I428)
7817 MHR note: According to Clara Gilkison, Blanche jumped from a window of their burning house and died as a result.
Gilkison, John Warren (I1148)
7818 MHR note: According to Clara Gilkison, Blanche jumped from a window of their burning house and died as a result.
Elam, Blanche Mae (I1149)
7819 MHR note: Addie fell and broke her hip in May 1958. She left 3 brothers: Charles Cox, Portsmouth, Ohio; Lewis Cox, Bluffton, Indiana; and William Cox, Daytona Beach, Florida. Addie had lived in Vermilion County, Illinois since she was 12 years old and in Catlin Township for 51 years. She belonged to the Catlin Church of Christ.

Names of parents and grandparents of Addie come from a page in the back of the Hedges Reunion Book. Also the names and birth dates of her six children.

MHR gives Addie's parents names: John Henry Cox and Mary Elizabeth Ratefill.
Cox, Sarah Adeline "Addie" (I1175)
7820 MHR note: After his father's death, Cecil lived with George F. Hedges and attended Jamaica grade school and Sidell high school. He graduated from Blackburn college at Carlinville.
Simpson, William "Cecil" (I191)
7821 MHR note: Albert Cassity was called "Ab". He moved from Milan Missouri to Fall River, Kansas about 1909 and to Fredonia, Kansas about 1912.
Cassity, Albert Thompson (I1750)
7822 MHR note: Albert S. Back left Bertie when her child was born. She heard from him once thereafter.
Parker, Roberta Vianna "Berta" (I835)
7823 MHR note: Albion was named for a judge, Albion Winneger Tourgee, who sent Albion Hedges his framed pictures. It bore the inscription: "Ignorance and neglect are the mainsprings of misrule."

Albion went to Canton, Ohio, March 1914. He attended high school at Benton, Kansas and Bible College at Canton, Ohio.
Hedges, Albion Tourgee (I1012)
7824 MHR note: Alfonse Gears was in the Marines during WWI and was overseas in Germany.
Geers, Alfonse Fredrick (I996)
7825 MHR note: Alma was a member of the Catlin Christian Church
Hedges, Alma Maud (I1355)
7826 MHR note: Alvah Russell Cassity, Jr. was walking up Burlington Railroad track to his brother William’s house when a railroad motor car came along and being deaf Alvah didn’t hear the men shout and they could not stop the handcar which struck and fatally injured Alvah.
Cassity, Alvah Russell (I2261)
7827 MHR note: Amelia joined the Pine Grove Methodist Church at age 17 and the Christian United Church at Soldier, Kentucky in 1884.
Hamm, Amelia Helena (I352)
7828 MHR note: Amelia Rose (Gilkison) Scaggs and infant daughter died on the same day and are buried together. Gilkison, Amelia Rose (I1163)
7829 MHR note: Amy Belle was a nurse and was nursing in Colorado when A.W. met her. She was superintendent of nursing at a Phoenix, Arizona hospital in 1951.
Fulghum, Amy Belle (I774)
7830 MHR note: Amy was William Ward's 4th wife. He was her step father.

Ten children 
Starrett, Amy (I1198)
7831 MHR note: April or May 1777 Hedges, William (I1585)
7832 MHR note: Arden was a miner. He graduated from high school in 1922. He once worked in a coal mine and was park supervisor in Danville, Illinois. In 1952 he began a job as custodian for a theater in Danville, Illinois. He is a member of the Christian Church. In about 1969 they moved to Stultz Mobile home Park. Tillotson, Bertie "Arden" Luther (I980)
7833 MHR note: Arthur learned to fly at Memphis, Tennessee, December 1943. He was for a time Director of Education at Fisher Air Corporation. He bought a store at maple Hill, Kansas in October 1944. He had lived at Scott, Arkansas in 1940. He graduated from high school in Denison, Kansas in 1924. Received an A.B. from Beebe College, Beebe, Arkansas in 1938. He was a mason and belonged to the M.E. Church. He taught school for eleven years before becoming a minister in the "All Souls Church" in Scott, Arkansas. He engaged in newspaper work in Houston, Texas and in Arkansas. He attended Bethany College, Bethany, Missouri; Maryville Teachers College, Maryville, Missouri; Pittsburg Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas; Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas; Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas, University of Arkansas, Fayette, Arkansas.
Hedges, Arthur Marion (I1068)
7834 MHR note: Ashbey Vawter Hedges was a school teacher and superintendent of schools for 50 years (if parts of terms are counted). He taught first "Slaty Point" school, Rowan County, Kentucky (along the Triplett Creek) and went back to teach his last school there. He taught also in Illinois (Wingard School, among others), and in Kansas, and one term in Oklahoma (1907-08). He carried the mail by horseback from Mt. Sterling to Cross Roads, Kentucky (now Farmer), swimming the Licking River to do so. He was a Mason, Oddfellow and Republican. He was a member of the Christian Church.
Hedges, Ashba Vawter (I375)
7835 MHR note: Ashby had a little over two years of college at Fort Hays, Kansas State College and 1923-24 taught at Hugoton, Kansas high school and in spring was principle when the former resigned. He is Superintendent of Distribution for Shell Oil Co., Columbus, Ohio in 1956. They lived for nine years in Arkansas City, Kansas and in Toledo, Ohio in 1950.
Hedges, Ashby Vawter (I1029)
7836 MHR note: At age 20 Charlie got into a scrape with a girl who was half-witted. He skipped out with a horse and buggy. The horse was mortgaged but he sold it, and when questioned by A. V., said it had broken through a bridge and broken its leg and he'd had to kill it. Uncle Cappy [Peter Thompson Hedges] had to pay the money. He had to give the girl money and took her to an aunt in Florida. After they arrived, her father had her swear that she and Cappy had been registered as man and wife at a hotel on the way and extorted more money from him. He sold his farm and moved.

Charles is buried in Forest Grove Cemetery next to his parents.
Hedges, Charles Martin (I367)
7837 MHR note: At age two, Anna went with his mother and step-father to Newman Grove, Nebraska.
Julsen, Anna (I954)
7838 MHR note: At her marriage she said her father was born in Fleming County and her mother in Lewis County, Kentucky (n.b.3, p.73). He said his parents were born in Morgan County. Witnesses were John Fanning and H. N. Kissick.

MHR note: Stones in Three Lick Cemetery, Rowan County, Kentucky:
Ina L. Harris b.9 July 1902, d.10 October 1906
Charles W. Harris b.18 August 1910, d.11 June 1916.
Infant Harris b.d. 10 April 1914
Wilson Harris b.26 February 1915, d.1 July 1916.
Moody, Margaret Mettie (I521)
7839 MHR note: August or September 1742 Hedges, William (I1585)
7840 MHR note: Austin remarried.
Hockensmith, Austin (I847)
7841 MHR note: Bernice worked for Capper Publications, Topeka, for more than ten years and was in civil service in 1949.
Gill, Bernice Eliza (I1048)
7842 MHR note: Berry Ems told Blanche (Hedges) Brown that Charles Clark Crouch was married three times. He had four step children and seventeen children of his own. He left each of his children about $10,000.

Charles had sixteen living children at the time of his death.
Crouch, Charles Clark (I754)
7843 MHR note: Bertha was a German Lutheran.
Julias, Bertha Rosalie (I334)
7844 MHR note: Bessie belongs to the Church of God. She is of Irish descent and is a niece of Gary C. Flanery (son-in-law of "Rousseau". She is a Democrat.
Flanery, Bessie Beatrice (I1151)
7845 MHR note: Bessie was killed by a train tripping into a creek. It was making its first run on the way to Michigan.

LKH note: MHR gives another marriage to Unknown Shaw.
Found a marriage records for Bessie May Jinks, age 18, to Hessey Shaw, age 22, on 20 Dec 1905 in Oskaloosa, Jefferson County, Kansas.
Jinks, Bessie May (I1222)
7846 MHR note: Blanch taught for six years in Vermilion County, Illinois before her marriage. After her husband died, she taught three years in Mississippi, then returned to Illinois and taught twelve more years. During WWII she taught f few terms again in Vermilion County, Illinois. She wrote poems, stories and articles, home of which were published in Youth's Companion , Munsay's Magazine, Little Folks' Magazine, Woman's Home Companion, and various educational, religious and local periodicals.

Blanche and Hiram had three children and reared Elsie Snyder who was a first cousin to Hiram. Elsie was a orphan.

She and Hiram were both members of the Christian Church.
Hedges, Rosa "Blanche" (I366)
7847 MHR note: Blanche Jeffers said that John's middle name was Clefford, not Clifford.
Evans, John Clefford "Cleff" (I862)
7848 MHR note: Bonnie graduated high school in 1925 in Hale, Missouri and studied at Maryville Teachers College and Arkansas University. She was a member of the Eastern Star and a Methodist.
Callaway, Bonnie Frances (I1069)
7849 MHR note: Buried in Three Lick Cemetery, 6.5 miles from Farmer, Kentucky rail road station. 1.8 miles on, past big squared log house, covered by clapboards of William Ribelin Hedges.

MHR note: It was at her house that Jesse died.
Hedges, Ivelia Jane (I514)
7850 MHR note: Capture in Civil War. Ida Cronkhite said he was killed in first battle. Hedges, William "Albert" (I503)

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