Notes |
- John Blumer Dead
Word was received here this morning that John Blumer, one of the early settlers had died suddenly at his home one mile east of Cestos. He was setting the super table Wednesday night when death struck him. Heart disease is given as the cause of death.
The Vici Beacon, Vici, Oklahoma. Thursday, 31 January 1935, page 1.
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- Another Pioneer Has Passed To The Beyond
John Blumer was born in Iowa in 1872 and passed away at his home near Cestos in Dewey County January 30, 1935. He had come in from work and was beginning a meal when, without warning, his heart went back on him and he slumped in his chair.
He came to Oklahoma and filed on a claim near Cestos in 1893, and lived in that community since. He leaves his widow and several children. Also three brothers and three sisters. Of these Fred Blumer lives at Woodward, Mrs. Emil Schamburg lives at Vici, and Mrs. Anna Mercer At Camargo. Albert Blumer of the Journal is a nephew.
John Blumer belonged to the Pentecostal Church at Cestos. He was a highly respected citizen, and his going will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Burial was made in the Riley Cemetery near Cestos last Friday.
Woodward County Journal, Woodward, Oklahoma. Thursday, 7 February 1935.
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