hmtl5 Maplewood Cemetery, Anderson, Madison County, Indiana, US: Hedges Genealogy

 Maplewood Cemetery, Anderson, Madison County, Indiana, US

Latitude: 40.114742, Longitude: -85.66583400000002 | Click to get directions to Maplewood Cemetery

Also known as: Bolivar Cemetery, East Maplewood Cemetery, Old Maplewood Cemetery, Thorpe Cemetery, West Maplewood Cemetery, West Point Cemetery

200 College Drive, Anderson.

Maplewood Cemetery can be viewed as two cemeteries in one: West Maplewood Cemetery and East Maplewood Cemetery. West Maplewood is the original Maplewood Cemetery (aka Anderson Cemetery, or City Cemetery) and is a pioneer cemetery that was founded in 1863. It was renamed West Maplewood in 1902 when a new cemetery was founded across the road to accommodate the need for a larger cemetery. Appropriately, the new cemetery was named East Maplewood. Today the adjacent East Maplewood and West Maplewood Cemeteries are collectively commonly known as Maplewood Cemetery.

All Burials

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Buried   Person ID 
1. George, Charles Egbert   bur. 7 Jan 1967 Maplewood Cemetery, Anderson, Madison County, Indiana Find all individuals with events at this location I2040
2. Hedges, Mary Margaret   bur. 23 Oct 1935 Maplewood Cemetery, Anderson, Madison County, Indiana Find all individuals with events at this location I1503
3. Jolliffe, Edna May   bur. 21 Mar 1953 Maplewood Cemetery, Anderson, Madison County, Indiana Find all individuals with events at this location I557
4. Main, John Dyson   bur. 19 Jul 1928 Maplewood Cemetery, Anderson, Madison County, Indiana Find all individuals with events at this location I1504