hmtl5 Rosebud Cemetery, Stillwater County, Montana, US: Hedges Genealogy

 Rosebud Cemetery, Stillwater County, Montana, US

Latitude: 45.4827555, Longitude: -109.4424502 | Click to get directions to Rosebud Cemetery


Located about 2 miles south of Absarokee and 1/4 mile east of Highway 78, near Butcher creek.

All Burials

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Buried   Person ID 
1. Gardner, Eugene Kelly   d. 14 May 1995 Rosebud Cemetery, Stillwater County, Montana Find all individuals with events at this location I2978
2. Mazet, Louise Georgia   d. 1 Sep 2008 Rosebud Cemetery, Stillwater County, Montana Find all individuals with events at this location I2979