hmtl5 Photos: Hedges family of William R. and Sarah L.: Hedges Genealogy


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Hedges family of William R. and Sarah L.

The family of William R. and Sarah L. Hedges
L to R – standing: Jasper Newton Hedges, Lucy Malinda Hedges, Peter Thompson Hedges, Mary Dalton Hedges, James Alva Hedges, Anna May Hedges, George Fielden Hedges, Emma Analiza Hedges, John William Hedges. Seated: William Riley Hedges and Sarah Lavina (Allen) Hedges

Owner of originalEdna Hiltner
File nameHedges family of William R and Sarah L 2.jpg
File Size700.57k
Dimensions2559 x 1928
CaptionL to R – standing: Jasper Newton Hedges, Lucy Malinda Hedges, Peter Thompson Hedges, Mary Dalton Hedges, James Alva Hedges, Anna May Hedges, George Fielden Hedges, Emma Analiza Hedges, John William Hedges. Seated: William Riley Hedges and Sarah Lavina (Allen) Hedges
HeadlineThe family of William Riley and Sarah L. Allen Hedges
SourceEdna Hiltner
Photo SourceEva Lee Robinson Hedges
Copyright NoticeCreative Commons
Linked toSarah Lavina Allen; Anna May Hedges; Emma Annaliza Hedges; George Fielden Hedges; James Alva Hedges; Jasper Newton Hedges; John William Hedges; Lucy Malinda Hedges; Mary Dalton Hedges; Peter Thompson Hedges; William Riley Hedges
AlbumsHedges Reunions and Gatherings, Cora Belle Gritton and George Fielden Hedges album

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