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Hedges Reunion 1946
The Seventeenth Annual Hedges Reunion was held Sunday, August 18, 1946 at Lincoln Park, Danville, Illinois with 99 relatives and friends present. A basket dinner was served at the noon hour. George F. Hedges presided at the business meeting in the afternoon. Talks were given from those from distances and was enjoyed by all. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year. President J. W. Hedges, Vice President P. T. Hedges, Secretary Treasurer Anna Bagley. The next meeting will be held the 3rd Sunday in August 1947 in Missouri. Gifts were presented to the oldest man present, George F. Hedges, 79. Oldest woman was Mrs. Cora Hedges, 76 years old. The youngest was Robert Alan Yeazel, 3 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yeazel. Newlyweds were Mr. and Mrs. John Hanks. The one coming the farthest was Jasper N. Hedges of Dubois, Wyoming, 1650 miles. There were 6 marriages, Betty Buckman and Dale Wood, Geraldine Hedges and Frank Pesorara, Betty Lou Smith and Frank Day, Lois Smith and Max Dodd, Roy Hedges and Inez Cola, Irene Smith and John Hanks. There were 9 births [transcriber has omitted this section to preserve privacy] Two deaths: Ercel Eldon Simpson and James A. Hedges. Greetings were received from those from a distance who could not attend.
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