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 | 1873 J G McKeown farm
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 | 1873 Plat map Yellow Springs Township
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 | 1873 Yellow Springs
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 | Alexander McKeown land record 1827
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 | Anna Parker McKeown will page 1
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 | Anna Parker McKeown will page 2
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 | Chester McKeown, Valley Trailer Sales Valley_Trailer_Sales014
8 |
 | Clifford_Isaac_Tull.jpg Birth Certificate
9 |
 | Crawford, Claudius 27921612_186622dd-8ccc-4a36-85a2-4896e62f75cd.jpeg
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 | Crawford, Walter 27921635_907b6256-6b09-4d0b-a91f-caffaf1ca2a0.jpeg
11 |
 | Hedges, McKeown Marriage Certificate
12 |
 | Hedges, McKeown Marriage License
13 |
 | Hrabe, Alice Shields obituary
14 |
 | index.html
15 |
 | Isaac Caskey will
16 |
 | McKeown, John L obituary
17 |
 | McKeown, Wm Stanley obituary
18 |
 | News - Glasgow, John 1885-01-29 Cunningham, Emily
19 |
 | newspaper article McKeown house
20 |
 | Noble County, Oklahoma 1912
21 |
 | Obituary of Isaac Shields The Perry Republican, Friday, June 28, 1907
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 | Obituary of Margaret McCollum Daily Enterprise Times, Tuesday, May 12, 1903
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 | Obituary of McCollum, Margaret Shields
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 | Obituary of Shields, William Scott
25 |
 | Obituary of William Peter Nighswonger Clearwater Courant, Thursday, Jan., 1918
26 |
 | Ohio claim of Alexander McKeown 1827 STA_Patent_oh0090__.459.PDF Alexander McKeown of Belmont County, Ohio.
the North West quarter of Section Thirty Five in Township Eleven of Range Seven in the district of lands office for the sale at the Steubenville, Ohio containing one hundred and fifty three acres and fifteen hundredths of an acre.
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 | Oklahoma claim John L. McKeown 1903 STA_Patent_ok0930__.463.PDF John L. McKeown
Lots numbered one and two and the South half of the North East quarter of Section five in Township twenty North of Range Two West of Indian Meridian in Oklahoma containing one hundred and fifty five acres and twelve hundredths of an acre.
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 | Oklahoma claim of Isaac Shields 1903 STA_Patent_ok0930__.464.PDF South East quarter of Section eighteen in Township twenty one North of Range Two West of Indian Meridian in Oklahoma containing one hundred and sixty acres
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 | Perry OK cemetery Master-Map-Lg.pdf
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 | Round Prairie Presbyterian Church session minutes 15 May 1863 Isaac and Margaret Shields transfer their church membership from Aisquith Street Presbyterian Church in Baltimore to Round Prairie Church in Kossuth, Iowa.
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 | Sarah McKeown obit
32 |
 | Shields, Isaac land claim 1901
33 |
 | The Chandler News Publicist Thu Mar 26 1942
34 |
 | The Perry Republican notice of land claim by John L. McKeown
35 |
 | Tull, Elda Mary Birth Certificate
36 |
 | Tull, Margaret Olive Birth Certificate
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 | Valley Trailer Sales Ice Cream Shop