hmtl5 Sources: McKeown Genealogy


Matches 1 to 50 of 68

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
1 S46 Presbyterian Church records
2 S63 Paul R. Sarrett, Jr. Friends of Page County
Paul R. Sarrett, Jr. 
3 S35 Florida death index
4 S37 Nebraska birth records
5 S38 Iowa birth records
6 S39 birth certificate
7 S40 Oregon death index
8 S41 Oregon state births
9 S43 Iowa deaths and burials
10 S4 Tombstone, headstone
11 S44 Minnesota death records
12 S14 1900 US census
13 S51 1925 Iowa census
14 S42 Ancestry and descendants of Michell Reed and his wife, Sarah Foster
Armstrong, Arthur Reed 
15 S20 Biographical History of Page County, Iowa
16 S66 California birth and christening records
17 S11 California Death Index, 1940-1997
18 S32 Cemetery records
19 S36 census record
20 S65 Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Harrison and Carroll, Ohio
21 S19 Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania
22 S15 Death certificate
23 S17 Descendants of John Glasgow.pdf 2018 and Glasgow Register Report.doc
Robert Glasgow 
24 S23 Duncan and related families, v.2
Sarrett, Paul R. Jr. 
25 S8 Find a Grave
26 S48 Glasgow family Bible
27 S67 Headstone application for military veterans
28 S60 History of Muscatine County, Iowa, from the earliest settlements to the present day, Biographical, v.2
29 S62 History of Page County, Iowa
Kershaw, W. L. 
30 S52 IAGenWeb Project
31 S31 Illinois deaths and stillbirths Index
32 S9 Iowa Births and Christening Index, 1857-1947
33 S18 Iowa cemetery records
34 S16 Iowa marriage records
35 S10 Iowa Marriages, 1851-1900
36 S21 Iowa Marriages, 1923-1937
37 S55 Ireland, select marriages
38 S50 LKH note
39 S47 Marriage record
40 S1 McKeown family Bible. D.Thompson
41 S13 Michigan births and christenings index, 1807-1911
42 S12 Michigan Deaths, 1971-1996
43 S7 Military registration
44 S49 Minnesota birth record
45 S68 New Zealand History
46 S57 Newspaper article
47 S61 newspaper clipping
48 S3 Obituary
49 S64 obituary abstract
50 S34 Ohio births and christenings

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