Matches 51 to 100 of 3,432
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51 | A.G. Walkinshaw and Geo. S. Bedford received a carload of horses from Missouri last week. Quinter Republican, Quinter, Kansas. Thursday, 17 November 1892. | Walkinshaw, Arthur Glasgow (I389)
52 | A.G. Walkinshaw has purchased the “Moyer” house on the corner east of the Bank, and moved it onto his land, he recently purchased from J.W. Crooks. Quinter Republican, Quinter, Kansas. Thursday, 9 March 1893. | Walkinshaw, Arthur Glasgow (I389)
53 | A.G. Walkinshaw sold his claim last week for $1,200. Quinter Republican, Quinter, Kansas. Thursday, 26 January 1893. | Walkinshaw, Arthur Glasgow (I389)
54 | Adele and Heath Guptill IN THE CARE OF Evergreen Washelli Funeral Home & Cemetery Adele M. Guptill was born in Leavenworth, Washington on April 21, 1920 to Albert and Anna (Grue) McKeown. She was the youngest of 3 siblings, the oldest being brother Forrest followed by second brother Gayle (Mac). When she was about 4 years old, the family moved to Bellingham where Albert ran Grue's Groceries by the waterfront. They later moved to Seattle. Heath Reese Guptill was born in Seattle, Washington on June 1, 1917 to Forest Putnam Guptill and Lenore (Reese) Guptill. His sister Eugenia (Gene) was born about 10 years later. Heath discovered from his grandfather, Nathaniel Heath Guptill (1855-1940), who married Carrie Orilla Putnam, that he is an ancestor to General Israel Putnam of Revolutionary War fame of the Battle of Bunker Hill ("don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes"). Heath and Adele attended Roosevelt High School in Seattle where they met while working on the "Stage Force" crew building sets for the theatre department. They also enjoyed singing in the choir. Adele and Heath also attended the University of Washington where Heath got a B.S. in Electrical Engineering in 1939. He also entered a Masters program before the start of WWII. Heath and Adele married on October 20, 1942 and lived briefly in Schenectady, New York where Heath had a job at GE, as well as the Naval Research Lab in Washington, DC (working on the then secret radar project). They later moved back to the West coast where they had 2 sons. Summer vacations were often spent camping or visiting family in the Seattle area. In L.A. Heath worked at Hughes Aircraft until his retirement in 1973. Wanting to move back to the Northwest after raising their family in the LA area, they built their new home in Bothell, Washington in 1974 where they lived until March, 2008. After retirement, Heath and Adele enjoyed a busy life and traveled to Norway, England, Ireland, Hawaii and cruised the Inland Passage to Alaska. Adele enjoyed bicycling and they were both long-time members of the Bothell Senior Center "Gourmet Bicycle" riding group. Adele would ride all over the King county area and after the rides, the group would meet for a hearty lunch. Heath would act as their "sag wagon", assist with repairs and "sweep" the course for people needing a ride back to the starting point. Heath also joined the Seattle Sail and Power Squadron to further safety education in small boat seamanship and navigation. They enjoyed a wonderful sail into Princess Louisa Inlet - a place he remembered going to when he was a Boy Scout. They both had a zest for life and enjoyed sailing and being out on the water in the Sound, as well as attending various plays, Civic Light Opera, and World Cavalcade travel presentations with friends. They have 6 grandchildren, and 8 great grandchildren. They used to rotate and "trade off" hosting Christmas gatherings either at their home in Bothell or at their son's homes in the LA area or in Oregon. Their out of state families would also come visit and enjoy the liberal policy on fireworks at the Fourth of July in Bothell. Heath was a voracious reader and loved science fiction. He also enjoyed tinkering with electronic or wood projects in his garage workshop. He created various functional works of art and enjoyed being a "handyman" around the house. Adele worked briefly as an administrative assistant at UCLA and taught Sunday school. She was the consummate home-maker and hostess and tried numerous new healthful recipes on the family; many successful ones have been handed down to their children. Adele had a gigantic vegetable garden, growing fruits and vegetables for their table. She was also an accomplished seamstress and enjoyed sewing and knitting, creating numerous functional outfits and pieces for her family. They were still very much in love and devoted to each another after almost 69 years of marriage! At one point before giving up driving, Heath drove into Bothell to get a Mother's Day card for his bride - one of his last independent "errands". In the last several years, Heath's health declined as a result of dementia and a stroke, but Adele was his constant companion and caretaker to the end - Heath called her "his angel". Heath passed away July 18, 2011 in Bothell. He was much loved by his family and friends who will miss his lively conversations and good company with him. In all, he was a compassionate, intelligent and ethical person throughout his life. Adele always had a sparkle in her eyes and was loved and admired by her family as well as friends at her assisted living facility. Her family wondered where she got her strength and determination, but she passed away July 16, 2012 in Bothell, WA after battling non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. She was compassionate, loving, determined and righteous throughout her life. Their family and friends will miss them both very much. May they rest in peace at Evergreen Washelli in Seattle, together again. | Guptill, Heath Reese (I1823)
55 | Adele and Heath Guptill IN THE CARE OF Evergreen Washelli Funeral Home & Cemetery Adele M. Guptill was born in Leavenworth, Washington on April 21, 1920 to Albert and Anna (Grue) McKeown. She was the youngest of 3 siblings, the oldest being brother Forrest followed by second brother Gayle (Mac). When she was about 4 years old, the family moved to Bellingham where Albert ran Grue's Groceries by the waterfront. They later moved to Seattle. Heath Reese Guptill was born in Seattle, Washington on June 1, 1917 to Forest Putnam Guptill and Lenore (Reese) Guptill. His sister Eugenia (Gene) was born about 10 years later. Heath discovered from his grandfather, Nathaniel Heath Guptill (1855-1940), who married Carrie Orilla Putnam, that he is an ancestor to General Israel Putnam of Revolutionary War fame of the Battle of Bunker Hill ("don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes"). Heath and Adele attended Roosevelt High School in Seattle where they met while working on the "Stage Force" crew building sets for the theatre department. They also enjoyed singing in the choir. Adele and Heath also attended the University of Washington where Heath got a B.S. in Electrical Engineering in 1939. He also entered a Masters program before the start of WWII. Heath and Adele married on October 20, 1942 and lived briefly in Schenectady, New York where Heath had a job at GE, as well as the Naval Research Lab in Washington, DC (working on the then secret radar project). They later moved back to the West coast where they had 2 sons. Summer vacations were often spent camping or visiting family in the Seattle area. In L.A. Heath worked at Hughes Aircraft until his retirement in 1973. Wanting to move back to the Northwest after raising their family in the LA area, they built their new home in Bothell, Washington in 1974 where they lived until March, 2008. After retirement, Heath and Adele enjoyed a busy life and traveled to Norway, England, Ireland, Hawaii and cruised the Inland Passage to Alaska. Adele enjoyed bicycling and they were both long-time members of the Bothell Senior Center "Gourmet Bicycle" riding group. Adele would ride all over the King county area and after the rides, the group would meet for a hearty lunch. Heath would act as their "sag wagon", assist with repairs and "sweep" the course for people needing a ride back to the starting point. Heath also joined the Seattle Sail and Power Squadron to further safety education in small boat seamanship and navigation. They enjoyed a wonderful sail into Princess Louisa Inlet - a place he remembered going to when he was a Boy Scout. They both had a zest for life and enjoyed sailing and being out on the water in the Sound, as well as attending various plays, Civic Light Opera, and World Cavalcade travel presentations with friends. They have 6 grandchildren, and 8 great grandchildren. They used to rotate and "trade off" hosting Christmas gatherings either at their home in Bothell or at their son's homes in the LA area or in Oregon. Their out of state families would also come visit and enjoy the liberal policy on fireworks at the Fourth of July in Bothell. Heath was a voracious reader and loved science fiction. He also enjoyed tinkering with electronic or wood projects in his garage workshop. He created various functional works of art and enjoyed being a "handyman" around the house. Adele worked briefly as an administrative assistant at UCLA and taught Sunday school. She was the consummate home-maker and hostess and tried numerous new healthful recipes on the family; many successful ones have been handed down to their children. Adele had a gigantic vegetable garden, growing fruits and vegetables for their table. She was also an accomplished seamstress and enjoyed sewing and knitting, creating numerous functional outfits and pieces for her family. They were still very much in love and devoted to each another after almost 69 years of marriage! At one point before giving up driving, Heath drove into Bothell to get a Mother's Day card for his bride - one of his last independent "errands". In the last several years, Heath's health declined as a result of dementia and a stroke, but Adele was his constant companion and caretaker to the end - Heath called her "his angel". Heath passed away July 18, 2011 in Bothell. He was much loved by his family and friends who will miss his lively conversations and good company with him. In all, he was a compassionate, intelligent and ethical person throughout his life. Adele always had a sparkle in her eyes and was loved and admired by her family as well as friends at her assisted living facility. Her family wondered where she got her strength and determination, but she passed away July 16, 2012 in Bothell, WA after battling non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. She was compassionate, loving, determined and righteous throughout her life. Their family and friends will miss them both very much. May they rest in peace at Evergreen Washelli in Seattle, together again. | McKeown, Adele M. (I1822)
56 | Adolph Jacob Marohn was born at Thorn, Germany, July 25, 1857. He came to America when 17 years of age in 1874, and located near Cleveland, Ohio, where he remained four years, coming them to the Black Hills in 1878. He soon thereafter was employed by the homestake Mining company and had remained in the employment of that company until death, covering a space of 36 years, excepting two years, when he was residing on a homestead. In 1888 he was married to Miss Juliet McClure, a school teacher in this part of the state. To Mr. and Mrs. Marohn were born three children, Roy, Beulah and Lucile. These children have been educated in the public schools of Lead. Three years ago Mrs. Marohn and the three children transferred their resident to Lincoln, Neb., for the purpose of additional school privileges for the children at the Nebraska University. From this institution of learning the daughter, Beulah graduated last spring and she is now teaching the High school of Wood River, Nebr. Mr. Harohn was taken sick with pneumonia Friday, November 28th and after a two weeks struggle with the fatal disease, passed away Friday evening, December 11, age 57 years, 4 months and 3 days. At his bedside at the time of his departure his wife and children were all present. Mr. Marohn was a man of most sterling qualities, commanding the respect and confidence of all who became acquainted with him or had business dealings with him. He was a good man, a useful man, and an excellent man, most faithful and loyal to the best interests of his family; faithful in the service he most willing gave to his church. He was an Odd Fellow of a fraternal spirit and official prominence, of great worth to the order. A most reliable workman in the employment of the Homestake company for a long period of years; a moral and upright citizen advancing the best interests of the city of his residence, and the country of his choice. In the trail of his life he has left rich deposits of moral worth and spiritual life in the hearts of a vast multitude of people who have known him, have loved him and cooperated with him. His life has helped his fellowmen. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Marohn rise up to call them blessed, and so do a multitude of others. Mr. Marohn gave his life for his family. Rev. D.M. Brown. Lead Daily Call, Lead, South Dakota. Tuesday, 15 December 1914. | Marohn, Adolph Jacob (I103)
57 | Aged Resident Dies at Hastings Hospital Arapahoe – Mrs. John A. Billesbach died at a Hastings hospital Monday morning after being seriously ill only a few days. Failing in health after the death of her husband in 1951, Mrs. Billesbach left her home here and was cared for in nursing homes in Holbrook and Beaver city before going to Hastings last November. She would have been 86 years of age October 4. Born in New York state, she came to Heartwell with her family at the age of eight. She also lived there several years following her marriage, the couple moving to Arapahoe in 1905, and with the exception of two years at Yuma, Colo., and two more at Heartwell, had maintained their residence here. The couple observed their 64th wedding anniversary on September 14, 1951. Immediate survivors are two sons, Harvey of Holbrook, and Elbert of Alta Loma, Calif., and two daughters, Mrs. George Honeyman of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Ray Gonzales of Denver, Colo. Rosary was at the Andrews Funeral Home Tuesday evening and funeral services were held Wednesday morning at St. Germanus Catholic church with the Rev. Henry Denis officiating. Burial was made in the Arapahoe cemetery. The Public Mirror, Arapahoe, Nebraska. Thursday, 27 September 1956. | Haws, Amanda Jane (I923)
58 | Aged Woman Dies In N. Concord On Wednesday Night Miss Mary Glasgow, 67, Succumbs After Stroke of Apoplexy Few Days Ago Miss Mary Glasgow, 67, died Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock at her home on East Main street, New Concord. She suffered a stroke of paralysis several days ago, and her death was the result of this. She had been in poor health for some time. She is survived by one brother, Cameron of the home, and another brother of near St. Clairsville; and by one sister of Columbus. Miss Glasgow was a member for the Reformed Presbyterian church. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock at the late residence. Rev. W.M. Hughes will officiate and interment will be in the city cemetery in New Concord. The Times Recorder, Zanesville, Ohio. Friday, 13 April 1923. | Glasgow, Mary Gray (I740)
59 | Agnes Dugan Succumbs Mrs. Agnes Dugan, former resident of Salem who moved to Portland in 1942, died Monday evening at a Salem hospital after a six-month illness. Mrs. Dugan was born July 19, 1887 at Iowa and came to Salem in 1945. Her husband, James E. Dugan of Portland survives her. Other survivors include a son, Donald of Portland; a daughter, Dee Casey of Dallas; a sister and brother in Iowa and four grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are pending at W. T. Ridgon mortuary. Statesman Journal, Salem, Oregon. Tuesday, 11 February 1958. | McCullough, Agnes Sarah (I1181)
60 | Agra Index Among the early settlers was a gentleman of the old school, a man of deep knowledge and learning, Powhattan B. Molloy, he was a retired lawyer and a man it was a pleasure to know; a man I always considered a true friend, and whom I respected for his learning and kindly manner. Poll, as he was called, was a firm believer in the tenets of the Democratic party. He would lock horns with the best of them on political issues. I sued to raise his ire by remarking that I though Alexander Hamilton was right when he said the common people were not qualified for self-government. Molloy would flare up and say “Davis is a dodrotted Tory.” I would square myself by saying I though Bryan and Champ Clark were the two greatest statesmen the world ever knew. The Chandler News-Publicist, Chandler, Oklahoma. Friday, 27 April 1923. | Molloy, Powhattan Bolen (I156)
61 | Agra – Ada E. McKeown, 95, homemaker, died Monday. Services 2 p.m. Wednesday. Agra Methodist Church. Palmer, Cushing. Tulsa World, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Tuesday, 18 October 1994. | Beck, Ada Edath (I632)
62 | Alan Blair Gish Dies In Kansas Alan Blair Gish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gish, Arkansas City, Kan., died Thursday, Sept. 9 in a hospital there. Alan Gish was five years old the day of his death. Lawrence Gish formerly city manager in Marceline. He had attended two years of nursery school, and was to have started kindergarten this year. Survivors include his parents, a sister, Susan and a brother, David, both of the home; grandparents Mr. and Mrs. William N. Blair, Hutchinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee N. Gish, Augusta. He was preceded in death by a sister, Nancy Lee, in February of 1969. Those wish to contribute to the American Leukemia Society may do so through the Jess Rindt & Son Memorial Chapel. Funeral services were Sept. 11, in Arkansas City. Burial was in the Sterling, Kan., cemetery. The Marceline News and the Bucklin Herald, Marceline, Missouri. Thursday, 30 September 1965. | Gish, Alan Blair (I1200)
63 | Albert G. McKeown Funeral services for Albert G. McKeown were held today in Santa Monica, California. Mr. McKeown died last Sunday while vacationing in California. He was a former resident of Muscatine County and was the last member of the family for which the McKeown bridge on County road C was named. His occupation was farming from which he retired. His parents were Parker and Emma Lord McKeown. Survivors include three children: Forest of Palos Verdes Peninsula, California, Gayle of Kirkland, Washington and Adele Gupsill [Guptill] of Los Angeles. Relatives in this area include cousins, Herman and Andrew Lord and Mrs. Jesse Korte of Muscatine, and Richard Lord of Nichols. Burial took place in California. The Muscatine Journal, Muscatine, Iowa. Thursday, 23 December 1965 | McKeown, Albert Gay (I242)
64 | Albert Griggs Private family services will be held for Albert Franklin Griggs, 81, who died Feb. 7 in Pahrump. He was born March 2, 1922 in Faulkton, S.D., and moved to Pahrump in 1992, coming from San Diego. He worked as a civil engineer for Lamesia Engineering, retiring after 25 years. He then worked for five years for Nolte and Associates. His wife Mary Alice Griggs of Pahrump; son Albert Franklin (Michelle) Griggs II of Branson, Mo.; daughters Cheris (Dr. Arla) Markin of Las Vegas and Holly (Mark) Mitchell of Fordland, Mo.; brother Jack (Bertie) Griggs; four grandchildren; and eight great grandchildren survive him. His son Randall Griggs and brother Clarence Griggs preceded him in death. Neptune Society of Nye County handled the arrangements. (2/7/04) Pahrump Valley Times - (Feb/13/2004) | Griggs, Albert Franklin (I263)
65 | Albert McKeown Dies on Visit Albert R. McKeown, 1118 South 20th street, died yesterday afternoon at Minneapolis, Minn., where he was visiting at the home of a niece. Mr. McKeown, a veteran of 30 years’ service with the Burlington railroad, had lived half a century in St. Joseph. He retired about 15 years ago. He was 83 years old and a member of Marvin McMurry Methodist Church. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Paul Hancock, with whom Mr. McKeown made his home, Mrs. V.E. Jackson and Mrs. W.C. Summers, and a stepson, John C. Creal, all of St. Joseph. The body will arrive in St. Joseph and be taken to a local mortuary. St. Joseph New-Press, St. Joseph, Missouri, Saturday, 24 July 1954. | McKeown, Albert Rutherford (I18)
66 | Alberta McKeown Mrs. Alberta McKeown, age 42 years, died Thursday night at the home of her father, A. Branson, 1332 E, Broadway. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 from the home in Billings. The Enid Daily News, Enid, Oklahoma. Saturday, 10 April 1920. | Branson, Alberta (I642)
67 | Alexander Scott Bailey Alexander Scott Bailey, son of Douglas and Nancy Bailey was born in Harrisville, Butler county, Pa., on May 28, 1849, and passed away at his home in Superior, Nebr., on March 17, 1936, at 1:50 p.m. Mr. Bailey was united in marriage to Miss Agnes Brown on Dec. 15, 1875, at Clarinda, Ia. They later moved to Jewell county, Kansas, and then to their farm northwest of Superior, where they lived many years before coming to Superior 27 years ago. Mrs. Bailey preceded her husband to the better land on Sept. 18, 1931. Mr. Bailey was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He was a devoted husband, a loving father and a kind and thoughtful neighbor. He is survived by his son, Ellis D. Bailey of Superior, a foster daughter, Mrs. Grace W. Roberts of Lincoln, Nebr., and three sisters, Mrs. Agnew Buchanan of Tingley, Ia., Mrs. W.D. Berringer, of Clarinda, Ia., and Miss Hannah S. Bailey, also of Clarinda. The funeral services were held in the home, 634 Colorado street, on Thursday, March 19, at 2 p.m., with Rev. W.A. Stockwell of the First Presbyterian church in charge. Music was furnished by a quartet from the Reformed Presbyterian church. Burial was in Evergreen cemetery at Superior. Superior Weekly Journal, Superior, Nebraska. Thursday, 19 March 1936. | Bailey, Alexander Scott (I1145)
68 | Alice (McKeown) Marohn had two children: 1920 US census lists home as Spokane, Spokane County, Washington. - Roy, Alice and baby Ralph. 1925 Iowa state census lists home in Iowa - Roy, Alice and children Ralph, Maryalice & Ruth A. 1930 US census records list home in Sandpoint, Bonner County, Idaho - Roy, Alice and children Ralph & Maryalice. | McKeown, Alice Ella (I28)
69 | Alice Gertrude Hrabe. Graveside services for Alice Gertrude Hrabe, 92, formerly of Stillwater, were scheduled at 4 p.m. today at Sunset Memorial Gardens under direction of the Strode Funeral Home. She died Friday, marsh 12, 1993, in Oklahoma County. She was born Oct. 31, 1900 in Lucene, Oklahoma Territory, the daughter of William and Florene Helen (White) Shields. She married O.O. Hrabe. She was co-owner of a pharmacy and a member of the First Christian Church. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Phillip W. (Robin) Offill Sr. of Oklahoma City; one grandson, Phillip W. Offill Jr. and his wife, Erin, of Arlington, Texas; and one granddaughter, Marianne Blackwell and her husband, Don, of Colorado Springs, Colo. | Shields, Alice Gertrude (I517)
70 | Alice Irene Hasenyager , 89, a former teacher, died Nov. 14, 1994, in the White Ridge Health Center, Lee's Summit, where she lived. Graveside services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at White Chapel Cemetery. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the Sheil Colonial Chapel. The family suggests contributions to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. Mrs. Hasenyager taught first and second grades at Harrison Elementary School in Kansas City, retiring in 1971. She received a bachelor's degree in education from University of Nebraska, Lincoln. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and the VFW Auxiliary. She was a Presbyterian. Her husband, Virgil Hasenyager , died in 1969. She was born in Liberty, Neb., and lived in this area for 49 years. Survivors include a stepson, Clifford Hasenyager , Dusseldorf, Germany, and a stepdaughter, Vita Orth, St. Francis, Kan. | Nelson, Alice Irene (I1249)
71 | Alice Maccaller On Tuesday, September 10, 2013, in Thousand Oaks, our beloved Alice went home to Jesus after a valiant fight against a long illness. She was 82. Alice was born on February 11, 1913, in Los Angeles. She grew up in Westwood, and lived in West Los Angeles before moving to Thousand Oaks in 1965 with her husband and young family. A cherished wife, mother, aunt, grandmother, and great-grandmother, we all remember her as a beautiful, kind, gracious, and loving woman who welcomed everyone. She had a wonderful sense of humor, brilliant intellect, and loving heart. A freelance writer and personal historian, her way with words was legendary. She loved the ocean, crescent moons, music and frequent gatherings with family and friend, full of laughter, food, and love. Countless friends mourn her passing along with her family. She is survived by her loving husband of fifty-five years, Brandon; her devoted children Dominic (and his wife Kathleen), Julie, Michele McCurdy (and her husband, Mark), Andrea Buhr (and her husband Chris), and Stephen; her grandchildren Timothy, Matthew, Stephanie, and Jeannine MacAller; Alex Butchart; Maddy McCurdy; Trevor and Christian Buhr; and Annie and Sophie MacAller; as well as her great-granddaughter Ana MacAller. A funeral Mass is set for Saturday, September 14 at St. Maximilian Kolbe in Westlake Village at 2 p.m., with a burial service to follow at Valley Oaks Cemetery. Arrangements were made with the assistance of Griffin Family Funeral Chapels, Thousand Oaks. (805)-230-2800. Ventura County Star, Ventura, California. Thursday, 12 September 2013. | Dawson, Alice Virginia (I1471)
72 | Alice Mae Ferguson 84, born August 9, 1921 in Des Moines, Iowa and passed away peacefully on Wednesday, January 11, 2006 in Tucson. She was preceded in death by the love of her life and husband of 59 years, Earl W. Ferguson; her parents, Howard W. Gates and Ada Vera (Gilroy); her three brothers, John, Glen, Bill and her four sisters, Zula, Margaret, Ada and Shirley. Loving mother of Sally (William) Middleton of Tucson, Shirley Heatwole of Willow, AK, Earl (Vivian) Ferguson of Henderson, NV. Grandmother of Michael (Marieke) Heatwole of Anchorage, AK, Sharon Heatwole of Houston, TX, Jeff (Dana) Gilmore of Tucson, Lance Ferguson of Henderson, NV. Great-grandmother of Olive and Rennick Heatwole and Evan Gilmore. She joined the Peace Valley Church of the Brethren in Missouri when she was 16 and she was a founding member of the Tucson Church of the Brethren. Viewing will be Monday, January 16, at ADVANTAGE ARIZONA MORTUARY, 7 E. University Blvd. 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Funeral services will be Tuesday, January 17, 1:00 p.m. at the Tucson Church of the Brethren, 2200 N. Dodge. Published by Arizona Daily Star on Jan. 15, 2006. | Gates, Alice Mae (I894)
73 | Alma (McKeown) and Karl Fladt had no children. Morning Sun News-Herald, Morning Sun, Iowa, 9 February 1905, page 5. Miss Alma McKeown is now day operator at the Mediapolis telephone exchange. | McKeown, Alma (I26)
74 | Also Nelson Arlo E. Nelson, 77,Marysville, who owned and operated the store at Smittyville from 1958 to 1975, died last Thursday at Community Memorial Hospital. Services were conducted Saturday afternoon from the United Methodist Church with the Rev. Paul Wiand officiating. Burial was in the Beattle Union Cemetery with arrangements by Kinsley. Vocalist was Stanly Swanson. Pallbearers were Randy Nelson, Max Kice, Randy Schultz, Mike Calloway, Mark Modrell and John Nelson. Honorary pallbearers were Bernard Stueve, Ed Smith, Eugene Porting, Ben Holthaus, Bob Brooks and Howard Anderson. Nelson was born Aug. 13, 1906, at Liberty, Neb., to Hughes Nelson and Ida Dugan Nelson. He married Margaret Kooser in 1933. They farmed until 1957, when they began operating the store at Smittyville. He was a member of Masonic Lodge No.234. Preceding him in death were his parents, a sister, Ferne; a brother, Wayne; and a grandson, Darren. Survivors are his widow of the home; three sons, William of Olathe, Kenneth of Paola and Darrell of Lincoln; a daughter, Arlowyn Cody, Beatrice; a sister, Alice Hasenyager, Kansas City, Mo.; a brother, William H. Nelson, Marysville; 14 grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren. The Marysville Advocate, Marysville, Kansas. Thursday, 19 January 1984. | Nelson, Arlo Emmerson (I1250)
75 | Altha Adelaide Jerome was born in Adair County, Illinois, March 22, 1855. She was the third child of Orrin Stephen & Phoeba (Davis) Jerome. Altha's brothers and sisters were, Chauncy, Benjamin, Menerva & Mansfield Jerome. Altha was first married to John William Stone, Dec. 24, 1871, John passed away on Nov. 2, 1873. Altha & John had a son, John Robert Stone, who married Mary Jane 'Jenny' Elliott, March 17, 1896 in Payne County, Oklahoma. Jenny's parents were, Waymond C. & Martha Ann (Caroll) Elliott. John and Jenny Stone's children were, Wayman, Ralph Elliott, Carl H., Frank F., Madeline M., & Ralphine M. Altha married Anderson Jane (Ank) Molloy, March 11, 1875 in Linn County, Missouri. Altha & Ank's children were, Daniel A. (Bert), Phoebe H. Kane, Eunice L. Adams, Orein A., Authur G., Ora E. (Mcguire, Noah), Leroy, & Luther W. Anderson Jane (Ank) Molloy passed away March 11, 1875. Altha married Hiram Myrick a widower July 3, 1905. There were no children to this union. The Molloy family came to Oklahoma Territory, from Linn County Missouri, first settling north of Guthrie Oklahoma. A son Luther was born there March 19, 1891. Anderson J. (Ank) Molloy took a claim in the Sac & Fox Territory, one mile south and six miles east of Perkins Oklahoma, described as the SW 1/4 of Section 7, Township 17, Range 4, East. in 1891 on a horse named (Tag) which Mansfield Jerome, Altha's brother borrowed to make the Cherokee Strip land run on Sept. 16, 1893. Mansfield filed a claim, SW 15-20-2W.. in Noble County Okla. at the Land Office in Perry Oklahoma. The Molloy land is no longer in the family but the Jerome land is. The first wood home built on the Molloy homestead was lost in a fire, Adelaide had fancied up her home by covering the bare walls with muslin. One evening while returning from the cotton field two of the Molloy children, Roy & Ethel were attempting to light a kerosene lamp when it overturned and caught the muslin on fire. Soon the whole house was in flames and the family lost all their clothes and household possessions. Altha lost three of her children, Arthur, Orein A. & Leroy, Arthur died at age 11, 1892 an was the first person buried in the Oak Dale Cemetery, Agra, Lincoln County Okla. Land was given for the cemetery by Roland Gooch. Orein A. 1917, buried at Oakdale. Leroy died July 3, 1925, and is buried in the Perkins Cemetery, Altha passed away July 7, 1925, four days after her son Leroy. Altha stayed on the farm and raised her family, she was a good mother and highly thought of by friends and neighbors. Thanks to Joyce Stanton, Mrs. Luther, (Florence L. Case), Molloy, & Darren Jerome. | Jerome, Altha Adelaide (I1110)
76 | An engagement that will be of interest to a large circle of friends of the young couple was announced last Friday evening, to a company of the young lady friends of Miss Belle Edgar, who informed her friends of her coming marriage to Richard C. Adams who is now a student in the White Bible school in New York City completing his preparations to leave in the fall as a missionary to China. The announcement of the coming nuptials was made at a delightful little affair which was given Friday evening by Miss Edgar at her home. An interesting feature of the affair was the fact that the announcement of her engagement was made on the thirty-fifth anniversary of the marriage of her parents and the affair was also a celebration of that event. The announcement was made in a unique manner. Printed slips were passed bearing two statements, both of which were badly ‘pied.” When the jumbled letter were property arranged the first was found to be a statement of the anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar and the second told of the coming wedding. When the coming event was know the bride-to-be was showered with good wishes by the guests. During the evening a two course lunch was served and later the guest inspected the pretty new Edgar home from garret to cellar. The date of the coming wedding was not announced, but it will be an event of the coming summer and the couple will leave the first of September to take up their work in China. Miss Edgar is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Edgar of this city and Mr. Adams is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Adams, also of Sterling. Both are graduates of Cooper college and have a large circle of friends in Sterling and community to whom the announcement of the coming nuptials will be of much interest. After finishing his course at Cooper, Mr. Adams took a course in the Reformed Presbyterian Seminary, at Pittsburgh, Pa., and became a licensed minister. After finished his course there he went to New York to make special preparation for his missionary work. The Sterling Kansas Bulletin, Sterling, Kansas. Thursday, 29 March 1917. | Edgar, Mary Belle (I586)
77 | An engagement that will be of interest to a large circle of friends of the young couple was announced last Friday evening, to a company of the young lady friends of Miss Belle Edgar, who informed her friends of her coming marriage to Richard C. Adams who is now a student in the White Bible school in New York City completing his preparations to leave in the fall as a missionary to China. The announcement of the coming nuptials was made at a delightful little affair which was given Friday evening by Miss Edgar at her home. An interesting feature of the affair was the fact that the announcement of her engagement was made on the thirty-fifth anniversary of the marriage of her parents and the affair was also a celebration of that event. The announcement was made in a unique manner. Printed slips were passed bearing two statements, both of which were badly ‘pied.” When the jumbled letter were property arranged the first was found to be a statement of the anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar and the second told of the coming wedding. When the coming event was know the bride-to-be was showered with good wishes by the guests. During the evening a two course lunch was served and later the guest inspected the pretty new Edgar home from garret to cellar. The date of the coming wedding was not announced, but it will be an event of the coming summer and the couple will leave the first of September to take up their work in China. Miss Edgar is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Edgar of this city and Mr. Adams is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Adams, also of Sterling. Both are graduates of Cooper college and have a large circle of friends in Sterling and community to whom the announcement of the coming nuptials will be of much interest. After finishing his course at Cooper, Mr. Adams took a course in the Reformed Presbyterian Seminary, at Pittsburgh, Pa., and became a licensed minister. After finished his course there he went to New York to make special preparation for his missionary work. The Sterling Kansas Bulletin, Sterling, Kansas. Thursday, 29 March 1917. | Adams, Richard Cameron (I582)
78 | Anderson Jane (Ank) Molloy was the 9th child out of 11 of Abel Ferrio & Hanna (Asbury) Molloy. His brothers and sisters were, Unknown, William Asbury, Letitia Oletha, Powhattan Bolen, Thomas Jefferson, Fleming Andrew, James Ballard, Mary E., Robert Augustas & Moses Kyle Molloy. March 11, 1875 he was married to Altha Adelaide Jerome, Daughter of Orrin Stephen & Phoeba (Davis) Jerome in Linn County Missouri. Altha was 1st. married to John William Stone, Dec. 24, 1871. Altha & John had one child, John Robert Stone. Anderson & Altha had eight children, Daniel A. (Bert), Phoebe H. (Kane), Eunice L (Adams), Orein Abel, Arthur G., Ora Ethel (Mcguire, Noah), Leroy & Luther W. Molloy. The Molloy family came to Oklahoma Territory settling first north of Guthrie Okla. Mr. Molloy took a claim one mile south and six miles east of Perkins Oklahoma in 1891. Described as the SW 1/4 of Section 7, Twp. 17, Range 4 East. The farm remained in the Molloy family until just recently. The first wood frame home built on this homestead was lost in a fire. Adelaide Molloy had fancied up her home by covering the bare walls with muslin. One evening while returning from the cotton field two of the Molloy children, Roy and Ethel were attempting to light the kerosene lamp when it overturned and caught the muslin on fire. Soon the whole house was in flames and the family lost all their clothes and household posessions. Anderson J. (Ank) Molloy passed away in 1892 and July 3, 1905 Adelaide married Hyram Myrick a widower. Three children died before Adalaide, Arthur, Orin, & Leroy. Arthur died at age 11 just before Roland Gooch and was the first person burried at the Oakdale Cemetery, given by Roland Gooch. | Molloy, Anderson Jane "Ank" (I1109)
79 | Anna E. Painter Nurse Anna Elizabeth Painter, 87, of Rialto died Tuesday of heart failure at St. Bernardino Medical Center in San Bernardino. Painter, a native of Santa Ana, lived in Rialto 65 years. She retired as a registered nurse after 30 years with Dr. Fred W. Gutekunst and worked for San Bernardino County Medical Center for 10 years. She was a member of Westside Christian Church in Redlands. Survivors include her son, Kenneth of Reche Canyon; four grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Visitation will be from 3 to 7 p.m. Thursday at Bobbitt Memorial Chapel, 1299 E. Highland Ave., San Bernardino. Graveside service will be at 1 p.m. Friday at Mountain View Cemetery, 570 E. Highland Ave., San Bernardino. The family suggests donations to Westside Christian Church, 1495 W. Olive Ave., Redlands. San Bernardino County Sun, San Bernardino, California. Wednesday, 26 February 1997. | Walkinshaw, Anna Elizabeth (I1081)
80 | Anna Nelson Ann Esther Nelson, 86, died Sunday, Jan. 18, 1998, at Cambridge Place Nursing Home. Mass of Christian Burial was at 11 a.m. Wednesday at St. Gregory’s Catholic Church. Rosary was at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the church. The Rev. George Bertels officiated. Organist was Bob Welch. The church choir sang All the Earth Proclaims the Lord, Panis Angelicus, O Lord I Am Not Worthy, Ave Maria and Holy God We Praise Thy Name. Pall bearers were William Nelson, Kerry Nelson, Mike Nelson, Danny Nelson, Steve Nelson and Kevin Nelson. Burial was in St. Gregory’s Catholic Cemetery, Marysville. Arrangements were by Kinsley. She was born June 23, 1911, at Summerfield, the daughter of Thomas and Kathryn Percell Whelan. She graduated from Summerfield High School in 1930. She married William H. Nelson Feb. 8, 1935, at Holy Family Church, Summerfield. They farmed in the Summerfield and Beattie areas until moving to a farm one mile west of Oketo in 1966. After retiring they moved into Marysville in 1978. She was a member of Holy Family Catholic Church and Alter Society in Summerfield before moving to Marysville, where she was a member of St. Gregory’s Catholic Church and Alter Society. Preceding her in death were her husband on Aug. 7, 1984; a son, William M. Nelson in 1997; brothers, Frances, Mike and John Whelan; and sisters, Theresa Whelan, Kathryn Whelan and Sabena Manley. Survivors are four sons, Jerome Nelson, Tulsa, Jerald Nelson, Liberty, Mo., Norman Nelson, Raytown, Mo., and Jim Nelson, Bremen; one daughter, Kathleen Ayres, Downer Grove, Ill.; 19 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. The Marysville Advocate, Marysville, Kansas. Thursday, 22 January 1998. | Whelan, Anna Esther (I1255)
81 | Anna's maiden name found in 1925 Iowa state census record. | Munson, Anna Mathilda (I87)
82 | Annabelle (Nighswonger) Libby, 76, of Whitewater, homemaker, died Monday, Jan. 16, 1989. Service 11 a.m. Friday, Grace Baptist Church. Survivors: son, Edmond J. of Whiteater; daughters, Norma A. Higgins of Salt Lake City, Joy L. Olsen, Ruth E. Oswald, both of Wichita; brothers, Dale Nighswonger of Silver Lake, Robert Nighswonger of Springdale, Ark.; 10 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Memorial has been established with the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association. Lamb-Nutter Morturary. The Wichita Eagle, Wichita, Kansas. Thursday, 19 January 1989. | Nighswonger, Annabelle (I1563)
83 | ANNOUNCEMENT: Ola Baird and Mr. Kilpatrick Wed at Burlington Wapello (IA) -- Mrs. Ola Melinda Baird of Mediapolis, formerly of Wapello; and Charles McMillan Kilpatrick of Burlington, formerly of Morning Sun, were united in marriage at 8:30 p.m. May 11 (1962) at the West Hill Methodist church at Burlington. The Reverend John Wagoner officiated. The couple was attended by George G. Gorman of Burlington and Mrs. Olive M. Baird of Morning Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick are at home at Mediapolis. He is employed by the Chittenden-Eastman Company at Burlington. [Parents were buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Morning Sun Township, Louisa County, Iowa]. The Muscatine Journal, 31 May 1962 | Harris, Ola Melinda (I1060)
84 | ARAPAHOE -- Roland E. Emmett, 78, died Thursday (May 19, 2005), at Tri County Hospital in Lexington. He was born Oct. 20, 1926 in Oxford to R. Finch and Twyla (Tull) Emmett. He grew up in Arapahoe and graduated from Arapahoe High School in 1944. He received a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the University of Nebraska Lincoln in 1948 and served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Me married Grace Swanson on June 3, 1948 at Papillion. He worked in the commercial banking and insurance business in Arapahoe for 40 years and retired in 1992. Memberships include St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Arapahoe, President of Arapahoe Fire Department, bandmaster of Tehama Temple Shrine Band, Presidents Advisory board of the University of Nebraska, Monument Lodge No. 293 AF & AM, Rena Chapter No. 12 of Eastern Star, Jesters, Ak-Sar-Ben, Elks, Scottish Rite Masons, Nebraska Diplomats, past president of Nebraska Bankers Association, South Platte Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Arapahoe Chamber of Commerce, Board of Education, and past commander of American Legion Post in Arapahoe. He was proceeded in death by his parent and infant sister. Survivors include his wife, Grace of Arapahoe; one son, Scott Emmett of Scotia; three daughters, Kathleen and husband, Dr. Gary Ensz of Auburn, Sarah Emmett of Lincoln, and Mary, and husband, Bill Fitzke of Sun Lakes, Ariz.; and five grandchildren. Services will be Saturday at 2 p.m. at 2 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Arapahoe with the Revs. Lawrence and Ruth Jaynes officiating. Internment will follow at the Arapahoe Cemetery in Arapahoe. Viewing and visitation will be today from 12-8 p.m. at Wenburg Funeral Home in Arapahoe. Condolences and personal reflections can be left at Wenburg Funeral Home of Arapahoe is in charge of arrangements. | Emmett, Roland Edward (I501)
85 | ARAPAHOE -- Rolland George Westerbeck, 77, died Wednesday (June 22, 2005), at the Grand Island Veterans Home in Grand Island. He was born Oct. 29, 1927, in Melrose Park, Ill., to John J. and Anna Leona (McCollum) Westerbeck. He spent his early years traveling around the United States while his father was a dirt contractor. He attended many different schools, including Arapahoe Public Schools. In 1945, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy and operated heavy equipment to build bridges, roads and air strips. He served in the Philippines, Japan, China and Pearl Harbor. He was discharged in 1947. Because he entered the Navy before graduating from high school, he received his high school diploma from Arapahoe Public Schools in 2000. After being discharged from the Navy, he worked for his father at Westerbeck Construction Co. On Nov. 29, 1947, he married Emma J. Wheeler in Lincoln. He continued being a heavy equipment operator, and was involved in helping build Harlan Dam at Alma, Swanson Dam at Trenton and Bonny Dam at Hale, Colo. From 1950 until 1967, he and his brother, Glenn, owned and operated the family business. From 1967 until 1982, he served as county engineer for Kearney and Sherman counties, as general superintendent for Werner Construction in Hastings and as superintendent for Paden Construction Co. in Fremont. From February 1982 until 1995, he served as the foreman for the city street department of Fremont. His wife passed away in 1995 and he retired at that time. He was an officer with the VFW in Kearney. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Emma; and his brother, Glenn. Survivors include his daughter, Sharon Ross of Broken Arrow, Okla.; his sister, LaVerna Broughton of Holdrege; and five grandchildren. Viewing or visitation will be Saturday, June 25, from 8:30 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. at Wenburg Funeral Home in Arapahoe. Graveside services will be Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at Arapahoe Cemetery, Arapahoe, with the Rev. Kenton Birtell of Mount Calvary Lutheran Church of Holdrege officiating. Military rites will be presented by the Arapahoe and Edison American Legion. Condolences or personal reflections can be left at Memorials are suggested to the VFW Club in Kearney or the Veterans Home in Grand Island. Wenburg Funeral Home of Arapahoe is in charge of arrangements. | Westerbeck, Rolland George (I1760)
86 | Arapahoe Old Time Dies Last Night James L. Tull, long time resident of Arapahoe and father of Mrs. R.P. Disbrow of this city, died last night at his home from a heart attack. Tull had been ill for the past five weeks as a result of a fall down the basement stairs of his home. Mrs. Disbrow left this morning for Arapahoe to help make plans for the funeral. Holdrege Daily Citizen, Holdrege, Nebraska. Friday, 28 March 1941, Page 1. | Tull, James Lewis (I56)
87 | Arlowyn I. was born May 23, 1938 at Axtell, KS to Arlo and Margaret (Kooser) Nelson. She graduated from Axtell High School in 1956, after which she moved to Beatrice, NE. On October 19, 1958 Arlowyn and Paul Cody were married. They were blessed with three daughters. She remained in Beatrice except for when her husband Paul was in the Army. Arlowyn was a member of Centenary United Methodist Church and the American Legion Auxiliary, Beatrice. She enjoyed crafts, gardening, flowers, cooking, Bingo, Rummy and spending time with family and grandchildren. Arlowyn I. Cody, 78, of Beatrice died Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at the Beatrice Community Hospital. Left with memories are her daughters and sons-in-law Lori Lynne (Randy) Harouff of Holdrege, NE; Debra Joy (Brent) Undereiner of Beatrice, Connie Kay (Spencer) Jones of Beatrice; 6 grandchildren: Ryan Schultz, Dustin Kassing, Katelyn Kassing, Kayla Cody, Kaleb Cody, Emmalee Undereiner; 4 great-grandchildren: Ella, Gavin, Reed and Emmett; 3 sisters-in-law, Sharon Nelson of Olathe, KS, Annalee Nelson of Paola, KS and Shirley Nelson of Lincoln, NE. Arlowyn was preceded in death by her parents, husband, and her 3 brothers: William, Kenneth and Darrell Nelson. Funeral services will be held 1:30 PM Monday November 28, 2016 at the Centenary United Methodist Church with Pastor Mark Schutt officiating. A family prayer service will be at 1:15 PM. Burial will be in the Evergreen Home Cemetery, Beatrice, NE. Visitation at Harman-Wright Mortuary Saturday 2-8 pm and Sunday Noon-8 pm with the family greeting friends from 6-8pm. Memorials are suggested to Beatrice Community Hospital Hospice. Harman-Wright Mortuary in service to the family. from obituary courtesy of Harman-Wright Mortuary, Beatrice, Nebraska. | Nelson, Arlowyn Irene (I1264)
88 | Armour Cusac Armour N. Cusac, 82, of Frazeysburg Route 1 died at 4:45 a.m. Sunday in Muskingum County Home. He was a retired farmer and a member of First Presbyterian Church in Dresden where he had served as an elder for several terms. Born sept. 15, 1889, in Newton Township, Muskingum County, he was a son of John ans Phoebe Shook Cusac. Surviving are his widow, the former Annette Thompson with who he celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary Oct. 15; two nephews, Neill Thompson of Route 9 and Max Thompson of New Concord. A daughter, a son and a brother are deceased. Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at Dresden Chapel of Baughman and Sons Funeral Home with Rev. Ralph O. Burns officiating. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today. The Times Recorder, Zanesville, Ohio. Monday, 18 October 1971. | Cusac, Armour N. (I796)
89 | Arthur A. Glasgow Powell, Wyo. – Arthur A. Glasgow, 89, died Thursday in the Powell hospital. Memorial Services are pending. Easton Funeral Home is in charge of cremation. The Billings Gazette, Billings, Montana. Sunday, 16 February 1992. | Glasgow, Arthur Allen (I863)
90 | Arthur Ernest Tidball, 78, a resident of the Rockhaven district since 1916, died recently in Cut Knife Union hospital after a long illness. Funeral service conducted by the Rev. R.J. Barcley, Cut Knife, was held in Rockhaven United Church and burial made in Rockhave cemetery. Mr. Tidball was born in England and came to Canada in 1908. In September 1909, he married Miss Elizabeth Mulholland at New Westminster, B.C. They moved from the west coast to the Rockhaven district in 1916 and have farmed there since that time. Mrs. Tidball died in 1955. Mr. Tidball is survived by two sons, John, Victoria, B.C., and Gordon, Rockhaven; two daughters, Mary, at Victoria, and Mrs. Lewis Vyse Ingersall, Ont.; and one sister, Mrs. W. Crain, New Westminster. Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Wednesday, 15 May 1957. | Tidball, Arthur Ernest (I1806)
91 | Arthur G. Buck Hillsborough – Arthur G. Buck, 76, of Valley Road, died Tuesday (March 18, 1875) in the Tucson Medical Center, in Arizona. He was spending the winter in Tucson. Mr. Buck was born in Illinois and lived in Somerville and Hillsborough most of his life. He was a World War I veteran. He was a retired superintendent for Johns-Manville Co. Manville, having worked for the company 25 years. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Somerville and the Quarter Century Club of Johns-Manville. He is survive by his widow, Catherine; one son, Frederick of Hillsborough; one daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Babey of Branchburg; one brother, Howard of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and three grandchildren. Arrangements are by Speer Funeral Home, Somerville. The Courier-News, Bridgewater, New Jersey. Saturday, 22 March 1975. | Buck, Arthur Glasgow (I857)
92 | Arthur Moon Queen City, Mo. Arthur Glen Moon, 79, of Queen City, Mo., died of a heart ailment Tuesday at Northeast Regional Medical Center in Kirksville, Mo. Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Berean Assembly of God Church in Des Moines, with burial will be at Lowman Cemetery. Mr. Moon was born in Hayes County, Neb., and had lived in Des Moines from 1963 until moving to Missouri in 1982. He retired from Deer & Co. as a tool and die maker and was an Army Air Corps veteran of World War II. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; two daughters, Connie Boydston of Pleasant Hill and Bonnie Altes of Runnells; a son, Glenn of Chariton; a brother, Leonard of McCook, Neb.; six grandchildren; and great-grandchild. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Altoona Funeral Home. Memorial contributions may be made to Glenwood Assembly of God Church in Glenwood, Mo. The Des Moines Register, Des Moines, Iowa. Thursday, 26 August 1999. | Moon, Arthur Glen (I1731)
93 | Arthur N. Glasgow Arthur Neal Glasgow, 70, of Valley son of Adam and Ann Myers Glasgow was born Sept. 10, 1885 at Superior, Nebraska and passed away at an Omaha hospital October 26, 1955 after a prolonged illness. He was married to Edith Loper in 1911 at Red Cloud, Nebraska. They moved to Albion, Nebraska where they were engaged in business and later came to Valley where they were in the restaurant business for many years. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. His loved ones will long remember his kindness and how often he used to read the Bible to them. Besides his wife he is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Eva Emart of Escalon, Calif., Mrs. Mary Reed of Waterloo and Mrs. Florence Rhoades of Valley; a sister, Miss Gertrude Glasgow of Fr. Collins, Colo., and five grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted from the Swanson Funeral Home in Valley on Sunday, Oct. 30th with Rev. Dale Kanrath in charge. Frank Warren of Elkhorn sang “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere” and “In the Garden” with Mrs. Dora Ritner accompanying him at the organ. Pallbearers were Henry Whitehead, Gus Sumnick Jr. and Clarence McArdle, all of Waterloo; Harlan Merryweather of Valley, Russell Reed of Omaha and Frank McArcle of Elkhorn. Interment was in Prospect Hill Cemetery. Swanson Funeral Home of Valley was in charge of arrangements. The Douglas County Gazette, Waterloo, Nebraska. Friday, 4 November 1955. | Glasgow, Arthur Neal (I746)
94 | Ashes Buried May 18, 2008 Gordon Edward TEGNELL DURHAM - Gordon Edward Tegnell, 88, of Durham, N.C., died Thursday, April 10, 2008, at Croasdaile Village in Durham. He was a U.S. Veteran and he was a Teacher. He is survived by his wife, Evelyn Tegnell; two sons, David Tegnell and Michael Tegnell; and one brother, John Carl Tegnell, Jr. Memorial service is on Sunday, April 13, in the Chapel at 2 p.m. at Croasdaile Village in Durham. April 13, 2008 | Tegnell, Gordon Edward (I1313)
95 | Asks $20,000 in Alienation Suite O’Neill, Neb., Aug. 14 – Mrs. Rose Bausch, by her attorney M.F. Harrington, has filed in the office of the clerk of the district court a petition asking for $20,000 damages from Mary A. Chase, of Page, Nebraska for alleged alienation of affections of her husband, Charles Bausch. The Orchard News, Orchard, Nebraska. Friday, 17 August 1928. | Bausch, Charles (I532)
96 | Asks $20,000 in Alienation Suite O’Neill, Neb., Aug. 14 – Mrs. Rose Bausch, by her attorney M.F. Harrington, has filed in the office of the clerk of the district court a petition asking for $20,000 damages from Mary A. Chase, of Page, Nebraska for alleged alienation of affections of her husband, Charles Bausch. The Orchard News, Orchard, Nebraska. Friday, 17 August 1928. | McKeown, Rose Ann (I353)
97 | At the Age of 92. Abel F. Molloy, one of this country’s oldest and most respected citizens, died last night at his home in Jackson township, aged 92 years, 7 months and 14 days. The Bulletin, Linneus, Missouri. Wednesday, 30 September 1903. | Molloy, Abel Ferrio (I1107)
98 | at the Covenanter Church | Family F556
99 | Attend Funeral of Child Dr. and Mrs. L.A. King have returned from Sturgis, where they attended funeral services Sunday for five-year-old John Jacob Weaver, a son of Mrs. King’s niece, Mrs. Earl Weaver. The Herald Press, Saint Joseph, Michigan. Tuesday, 5 July 1932. | Weaver, John Jacob (I1745)
100 | Audience Disappointed When Case Is Dismissed A court room filled with an attentive crowd apparently eager to hear morsels of scandal, became an audience disappointed when the 25 thousand dollar alienation of affection suit of Mrs. Rose Bausch against Mrs. Mary A. Chase was dismissed by Judge Dickson in district court Tuesday, after counsel for the plaintiff withdrew from the case. Mrs. Bausch sued Mrs. Chase for damages sustained, she alleged, bu the alienation of her husband’s affections by the defendant. The plaintiff took the stand and testified to her relationship with her husband prior to the time she alleged he became acquainted and infatuated with Mrs. Chase. On cross examination she admitted writing a lengthy letter to a brother of her husband. This letter was then turned over to her lawyer for approval or objection. Upon reading the letter, counsel for Mrs. Bausch withdrew from the case, claiming that his client had not told him the truth about the matter. The plaintiff thereupon requested the court to dismiss the case without prejudice to a future action. This was complied with and the jury discharged from further service in the case. M.F. Harrington was attorney for the plaintiff and J.D. Cronin for defendant. The Atkinson Graphic, Atkinson, Nebraska. Friday, 22 March 1929, page 1. | Bausch, Charles (I532)