Notes |
- McKeown Family Bible record: Births.
John L. Wed. Dec 29th 1858 5:30 AM.
- McKeown Family Bible record: Deaths.
John L died at Agra Okla May 1944. Buried May 10 in Kossuth.
- Morning Sun News, Morning Sun, Iowa, 22 January 1891, page 4: John L. McKeown has returned from Pipestone, Minn., where he purchased a farm.
Morning Sun News, Morning Sun, Iowa, 25 November 1886, page 8: John L. McKeown has purchased the Talbott lots on the west side of the railroad.
Burlington Hawk Eye, Burlington, Iowa, 23 January 1915, page 3. John McKeown and son Chester of Agra, Oklahoma, are here for the summer. They both have accepted positions on farms in this vicinity.
AT McKEOWN HOME. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gibb and son William of Biggsville spent Sunday at the John McKeown home on Hageman avenue, the occasion being the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Gibb and the twentieth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Mc Keown. Mr. and Mrs. William Gibb and son Dale called on the couples Sunday evening. Daily Hawk Eye Gazette. Burlington, Iowa. 27 September 1933.
Correct dates for John L. and Norah McKeown's 12th anniversary.
Ralph McKeown and Mrs. Conrad Casten and son, Herman, visited with relatives, Albert McKeown of St. Joseph, Mo., John McKeown of Agra, Okla., and his daughter, Mrs. Avis Daniels of Perry, Okla., who are visiting at the home of the Misses McKeown at Mediapolis. Burlington Hawk Eye, Burlington, Iowa. 6 December 1929.
- Mr. and Mrs. John McKeown who live a mile north of Agra, started up highway 18 Sunday about 1 o’clock, to visit a sick child who lived a mile and a half north of the McKeown home. As Mr. McKeown made the turn into the home of Verdie Scheonhorse, their destination, their car was struck by a pick-up driven by Mr. Isenberg, sexton at the Cushing cemetery. Both cars were considerably damaged. With the exception of scratches to his face and a slightly sprained wrist of the Cushing man who was riding with Mr. Isenberg, no one was hurt. The sick girl whom the McKeowns set out to visit was very ill with her second attack of the measles. Mrs. Scheonhorse is a niece of Mrs. McKeown.
The Chandler News Publicist. Thursday, 26 May 1942
- John L. McKeown dies in Oklahoma.
Special to the Hawk-Eye Gazette.
Mediapolis , Ia. – Chester McKeown, with his brother, Stanley McKeown, of Washington, left Saturday for Agra, Okla., having been called by the death of their father, John L. McKeown, 85, who died that morning. He is survived by his wife, 2 sons and a daughter, Mrs. Daniel Percy, of Weleetka, Okla.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Mediapolis Methodist church with Rev. O.B. Rogers in charge. Burial will be in Kossuth cemetery.
Hawk-Eye Gazette, Burlington, Iowa. May 1944
- McKeown Rites Are Held in Agra This Afternoon
Funeral arrangements have been completed for John L. McKeown, 86 year old farmer who died Saturday morning at his home one mile north of Agra.
The rites will be conducted this afternoon at 4:00 o'clock in the Agra Methodist church of which he was a member.
The body will be forwarded tonight by the Fairley Mortuary to Mediapolis, Iowa where burial will be held.
The Cushing Daily Citizen, Cushing, Oklahoma. Monday, 8 May 1944.
[4, 7]
- McKeown Rites Are Held Monday
Body of Pioneer Farmer Sent To Iowa For Burial; Service in Agra.
Last rites for John L. McKeown, 85 years old pioneer farmer, were held Monday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock in the Agra Methodist church with Rev. Eugene Cooprider, past of the Chandler Methodist church, in charge.
A quartet composed of Mrs. E.M. Bogue, Mrs. Ben Hickman, W.A. Heuston and S.S. Sayers sang "Old Rugged Cross", "Abide With Me' and "It is Well With My Soul." They were accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Roy Hardesty. Pall bearers were W.L. Hamilton, Joe Skinner, James Lowe, A.A. Carpenter, Ben Hickman and J.M. Hamilton.
McKeown, born in Iowa, came to Oklahoma in 1894 and to Lincoln county in 1913 moving to the present farm home in 1922. He became a member of the Methodist church in early life.
Survivors are his wife, two sons, two sisters, six grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and other relatives and friends. The body was forwarded by the Failey Mortuary to Iowa for burial.
The Cushing Daily Citizen, Cushing, Oklahoma. Tuesday, 9 May 1944.
[4, 7]
- John L. McKeown rites yesterday. Funeral services for John L. McKeown, 85, former resident of this community who died at Agra, Oklahoma, Saturday, May 5, were held Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock at Mediapolis Methodist church, Rev. O. B. Rogers officiating. Rev. Rogers and Inez Ferril, accompanied by Mrs. Paul Thayer at the piano, sang. Burial was at Kossuth cemetery. He was born 1 1/2 miles north of Mediapolis, Dec. 29, 1858, the son of John and Margaret Ann McKeown. He grew to manhood in this vicinity and was married to Sarah A. Shields, March 21, 1888, to which union were born three children, all surviving. Mr. and Mrs. McKeown lived at Mediapolis two years after their marriage, then moving to Oklahoma where they spent 18 years. They moved back to Mediapolis, where Mrs. McKeown died in 1916. On returning to Oklahoma, Mr. McKeown married Miss Nora Stanley, July 21, 1921, after which he made his home in Oklahoma until his death. He is survived by his wife, two sons, Stanley of Washington and Chester of Mediapolis; one daughter, Mrs. Perry Daniels of Weleetka, Okla.; two brothers, Parker McKeown of Letts and Albert McKeown of St. Joseph, Mo., and two sisters, Miss Samantha McKeown and Mrs. Emma Brewster of Mediapolis. Six grandchildren and two great grandchildren also survive.
[4, 6]
- Pioneer Farmer Dies Saturday
John L. McKeown Dies Suddenly; Funeral Rites Pending Word From Relatives
John L. McKeown, 85 year old pioneer farmer, died suddenly at 7:15 o'clock Saturday morning at his home one mile north of Agra. He had been in failing health for the past two years.
Funeral arrangements are incomplete pending arrival of relatives. The Fairley Mortuary is in charge of arrangements.
McKeown, born Dec. 29, 1858 in Mediapolis, Iowa, came to Oklahoma about 1894 moving to Lincoln county in 1913 and to the present farm in 1922. He was president of the Farmers Union in Lincoln county for a number of years and became a member of the Methodist church in early life.
Survivors are: his wife, Mrs. Norah McKeown of the home; one daughter, Mrs. Percy Daniels of Weleetka; two sons, Stanley of Washington, Iowa and Chester of Mediapolis, Iowa, two sisters, Miss Samantha McKeown and Mrs. Emma Brewster of Mediapolis, Iowa; two brothers, Albert of Saint Joseph, Missouri and M.P. McKeown of Mediapolis, Iowa; six grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and other relatives and friends.
The Cushing Daily Citizen, Cushing, Oklahoma. Sunday, 7 May 1944.
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- US General Land Office Records
Name: John L McKeown
Issue Date: 17 Apr 1903
Place: Noble, Oklahoma, USA
Meridian: Indian
Township: 020n
Range: 002W
Aliquots: Lot/Trct 1
Section: 5
Accession Number: OK0930__.463
Document Number: 4022
Total acres - 155.12
Township 020N - Range 002W - Lot/Trct 1 - Section 5
Township 020N - Range 002W - Lot/Trct 2 - Section 5
Township 020N - Range 002W - S½NE¼ - Section 5
- Notice for Publication
Land office at Perry, Ok., Jan. 17, 1901. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver, U.S. land office, at Perry Okla., on July 26, 1901, viz:
John L. McKeown,
for the lots 1 and 2 s 1/2 ne 1/4 sec 5 twp 20 range 2 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz:
Isaac Shields, of Perry, O.T.; James K. Lippencott, Charles Baltimore and John Huntzenger, of Antrim, O.T.
Alfred H. Boles, Register.
The Perry Republican, Perry, Oklahoma. Friday, 21 June 1901, page 3.
- 1900 US census, enumerated 18 June 1900
Lowe Township, Noble County, Oklahoma
John L. McKeown, age 41, farmer, owned farm from of mortgage
Sarah, age 41
Avis, age 10
Stanley, age 3
Chester, age 1
- 1910 US census, enumerated 2 May 1910
Lowe Township, Noble County, Oklahoma
John McKeown, age 51, farmer, owned farm
Sarah, age 51
Stanley age 13
Chester, age 11
- 1920 US census, enumerated 11-12 February 1920
Osage Township, Lincoln County, Oklahoma
Stanley McKeown, age 23, owned home
Reva, age 20
John L. McKeown, age 61, father, widower
- 1930 US census, enumerated 11 April 1930
Osage Township, Lincoln County, Oklahoma.
John L. McKeown, age 72, farmer, owned farm
Nora, age 53