hmtl5 Isaac Shields b. 20 Dec 1834 Ireland d. 20 Jun 1907 Noble County, Oklahoma: McKeown Genealogy
Isaac Shields

Isaac Shields

Male 1834 - 1907  (72 years)

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  • Name Isaac Shields 
    Born 20 Dec 1834  Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2, 3
    Gender Male 
    Residence 1860  Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Census 1870  Benton Township, Des Moines County, Iowa Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Census 1880  Eliot Township, Louisa County, Iowa Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Census 1885  Benton Township, Des Moines County, Iowa Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Census 1895  Yellow Springs Township, Des Moines County, Iowa Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Residence 17 Apr 1903  Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Died 20 Jun 1907  Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 3
    Buried McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 3
    Person ID I40  McKeown
    Last Modified 6 Mar 2023 

    Family Margaret McCollum,   b. 4 Apr 1836, County Antrim, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 9 May 1903, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 67 years) 
    Married 17 Sep 1857  Agherton, Derry, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location  [3, 5
     1. Sarah A. Shields,   b. 21 Nov 1858, County Cork, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 12 Oct 1916, Des Moines County, Iowa Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 57 years)
     2. Ellen Gay Shields,   b. Jul 1861, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 28 Jan 1935, Arapahoe, Furnas County, Nebraska Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 73 years)
     3. Jane "Jennie" Shields,   b. Abt 1863, Yellow Springs, Des Moines County, Iowa Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 21 May 1953, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 90 years)
    +4. John Shields,   b. 23 Dec 1864, Mediapolis, Des Moines County, Iowa Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 17 Apr 1925, Paola, Miami County, Kansas Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 60 years)
    +5. Margaret "Maggie" Shields,   b. 21 Mar 1867, Mediapolis, Des Moines County, Iowa Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 9 Mar 1950, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 82 years)
     6. Elizabeth "Lizzie" Shields,   b. Sep 1869, Iowa Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 18 Sep 1950, Denver, Denver County, Colorado Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 81 years)
    +7. William Scott Shields,   b. 25 Feb 1872, Kossuth, Des Moines County, Iowa Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 29 May 1956, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 84 years)
    Last Modified 4 Mar 2023 
    Family ID F16  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - 20 Dec 1834 - Ireland Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarried - 17 Sep 1857 - Agherton, Derry, Ireland Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1860 - Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1870 - Benton Township, Des Moines County, Iowa Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1880 - Eliot Township, Louisa County, Iowa Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1885 - Benton Township, Des Moines County, Iowa Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1895 - Yellow Springs Township, Des Moines County, Iowa Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 17 Apr 1903 - Oklahoma Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDied - 20 Jun 1907 - Noble County, Oklahoma Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBuried - - McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Documents
    Round Prairie Presbyterian Church session minutes 15 May 1863
    Round Prairie Presbyterian Church session minutes 15 May 1863
    Isaac and Margaret Shields transfer their church membership from Aisquith Street Presbyterian Church in Baltimore to Round Prairie Church in Kossuth, Iowa.
    Oklahoma claim of Isaac Shields 1903 STA_Patent_ok0930__.464.PDF
    Oklahoma claim of Isaac Shields 1903 STA_Patent_ok0930__.464.PDF
    South East quarter of Section eighteen in Township twenty one North of Range Two West of Indian Meridian in Oklahoma containing one hundred and sixty acres
    Shields, Isaac land claim 1901
    Shields, Isaac land claim 1901
    Obituary of Isaac Shields
    Obituary of Isaac Shields
    The Perry Republican, Friday, June 28, 1907

    Shields, Isaac and Margaret McCollum
    Shields, Isaac and Margaret McCollum
    Shields, location of Isaac and Margaret in McGuire Cemetery
    Shields, location of Isaac and Margaret in McGuire Cemetery
    Shields, McGuire Cemetery
    Shields, McGuire Cemetery

  • Notes 
    • From Yellow Spirngs and Hruon: A local history. by J. W. Merrill. Published by author in 1897. Book located at Wisconsin Historical Society Library. Page 267. Isaac Shields lived in Benton township a number of years, then moved to the James Davis place and lived there six years; while there he received a stroke of paralysis, which partially disable him for life. He lived eleven years on the Paul farm at Northfield, and moved to Oklahoma in 1895. His children are Ellen, wife of J. L. Tull, and Lizzie, wife of W. S. Woodside, Mediaplis; Maggie, wife of J. Kirkright; Sarah, wife of J. McKeown; Jennie, wife of J. Watson; John and William of Oklahoma.

    • Isaac Shields
      Naturalization record
      Dist. Des Moines County, Burlington, Iowa
      Country of birth or allegiance: Ireland
      Date of naturalization: 8 Jan 1874

    • From US Presbyterian Church Records, Round Prairie Presbyterian Church, page 32, Kossuth, Iowa, May 15th, 1863. Session met at the call of the Mod & was opened with prayer. Members present, Mod Wall & Elders McClure & Rhea. Miss Mary Herron Chapman applied for admission into the Church, which after an examination was granted. Received as members of the Church on certificate Isaac Shields & Margaret his wife from the Aisquack St. Pres. Church, Baltimore, MD. Session took a recess until tomorrow after the regular service.

      From US Presbyterian Church Records, Round Prairie Presbyterian Church, page 43-44. Round Prairie Church, Sep. 5th, 1867. Mr. Isaac Shields having brought charges of Slander against Mr. Isaac Guy & Mrs. Guy, & the Session having taken cognizance of the matter, Mr. Isaac Guy was cited to appear to answer to the charges. The time appointed having arrived, Mr. Guy appeared, but stated that he was unprepared, at present, to defend himself, having failed to procure the witnesses whom he expected to testify in his favor. The Session therefore appointed a subsequent day, one which the parties with their witnesses were to present themselves, in order that the truth of the charges might be investigated. The time having arrived (the 5th of Sep.) the members of the Session all present, also the two parties with their witnesses, the Session proceeded to business. The meeting was opened with prayer. The witnesses were sworn in a body. Opportunity was given to ascertain the competency of the witnesses. Mr. Guy objected to two of the witnesses brought by Mr. Shields on account of near relationship to the prosecutor. The objection of Mr. Guy was sustained by the Session, & the names of the witnesses were stricken off the list. The charges were read & the witnesses called to bear testimony to substantiate them. The testimony of the witnesses of Mr. Shields, against Mr. & Mrs. Guy having been taken, & questions asked by Mr. Guy, of the same witnesses, for his defence, the Session decided that the testimony was not sufficient to sustain the charges. Mr. Guy expressed his willingness, in case the Session should acquit him, to refrain from taking further testimony from his witnesses (only one of them having been heard). & permit the matter to rest; providing the Session should deal with Mr. Shields according to his deserts, for bringing charges against him, & thus trying to do him an injury. The Session having decided that the charges of slander (a copy of which is retained by the Clerk, & which for particular reasons are not made part of this record,) brought against Mr. & Mrs. Guy were not sustained, the witnesses were dismissed, & the meeting was closed with prayer. Mr. C. Rhea, Clerk, Kossuth, Iowa, Sep 5th, 1867.

      Page 45. Round Prairie Church, Sep. 21st, 1867/ The Session met, & the meeting was opened with prayer. The members present were Rev. H. A. Barclay Mod. & Elders Graham, Vannice & Rhea. Mrs. Margaret McMillan was received on certificate from the U. P. Church. Father Bergen & Mr. Bannice having visited Mr. Isaac Shields for the purposed of trying to induce him to make some acknowledgements in regart to his having brought charges against Mr. Guy, found him stubborn. (LKH Note: the word stubborn is underlined] After nature delibration he was suspended from Church privileges until he evince a better spirit. Mr. Baay preached Friday & Saturday. Communion on Sabbath. Closed with prayer. John C. Rhea, Clerk. Kossuth, Iowa.

      US Presbyterian Church Records. First Presbyterian Church, Kossuth, Iowa. Page 220 Isaac Shields is listed among the members of the Church as restored..

      US Presbyterian Church Records. First Presbyterian Church, Kossuth, Iowa
      Page 1. 13 April 1870.
      The following is a true copy of the minutes of the Presbytery of Iowa, in Session at Ft. Madison, Iowa, April 13, 1870, in relation to the ________ of Yellow Spring Church (N.S.) and its consolidation with Round Prairie Church (O.S.).
      Mer. Frederick Weizer, an elder of the Yellow Spring Church, in the Presbytery of Keokuk, N.S. presented a petition to this Presbytery, asking of us in as much as their own Presbytery were unable to obtain a quorum at this time, to dismiss said church to our Presbytery; that their church should be received under the care of this Presbytery, and that then said church should be consolidated with the Round Prairie Church under the name of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Kossuth.
      The request of the Petitioners was granted. The Yellow Spring Church was received under our care, and then the two churches at Kossuth were united under the above name.

      Page 6, 30 Sept. 1870
      Mr. Isaac Shields, through the moderator presented a paper stating that he (Shields) while a member of Round Prairie Presbyterian Church, was suspended from its privileges of the Church by the Session of said Church, on account of failure to sustain certain charges that he preferred against one Isaac Guy, also a member of the same Church, he also states further in said paper that he cherishes no ill will toward said Guy and humbly asks to be restored to the privileges of the Church, the further ________ of the paper were defied with next meeting of the Session.

      Page 8. Oct. 1st 1870
      The Session met at 1 o'clock _______. Present Rev. Alex Scott Mod., with Elders Braden, Bergen, Vannice, F. Weizer, N. Weizer, ______. Absent Blair & Bandy. Opened with prayer by the moderator. The paper of Isaac Shields was taken up, and after some discussion on motion of brother Vannice, Mr. Schileds was restored to the privileges of the Church.
    • First published 6-21
      Notice for Publication.
      Land office at Perry, Okla., Jan. 17, 1901.
      Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before register and receiver U.S. land office at Perry Okla., on July 26, 1901 viz:
      Isaac Shields,
      For the se 1/4 of sec 18 twp 21 range 2 west.
      He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
      John L. McKeown of Antrim, O.T.; Frank Macey, Christain H. Rice and Calvin Myers, of Perry, O.T.

      Alfred H. Boles, Register.

      The Perry Republican. Perry, Oklahoma. Friday 9 August 1901.
    • Obituary
      Isaac Shields was born in Ireland December 20th 1833. He departed his life near Lucien, Okla. June the 20th, 1907.
      He was united in marriage to Miss Margaret McCollum September 17th 1857. His beloved and devoted wife, passed to her reward May 9th 1903. This union of more than 45 years was a very happy one, and to them were born two sons and five daughters. All these together with thirty grandchildren, survive him.

      Mr. Shields came to the United States in 1860, and settled in Baltimore, Md. In 1862 he removed to Des Moines Co., Iowa, and became a member of the Kossuth Presbyterian church. In about 1896 he came to Noble Co. Oklahoma, where he was living when he was called home.

      Mr. Shields when a young man gave his heart to God, and identified himself with the Presbyterian church. He was a happy christian; he carried his religion with him in every day life and impressed all with the beauty of true living. He had a kind word for each one he would meet; young people delighted to associate with him, and children loved him. He was thoughtful concerning others, he forgot himself, had words of comfort and cheer for the discouraged, was helpful to his pastor, and in his religion he seemed not to grow old.

      He was a faithful member of the First Presbyterian church of Perry for a number of years, and will be greatly missed by the entire congregation. The funeral services were held the 21st of June, 1907, from the M.E. church of Lucien, Okla.; were conducted by his pastor, Rev. S.H. Parvin, assisted by Rev. Blackwell of the M.E. church; was attended by a large concourse of sympathizing friends, and he was laid to rest by the side of his beloved wife, in the McGuire cemetery.

      “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.”

      The Perry Republican, Perry, Oklahoma. Friday, 28 June 1907
      [3, 8]
    • 1870 US census,
      Benton Township, Des Moines County, Iowa
      Isaac Shields, age 35, farmer, real estate 550, personal estate 800
      Margarite, age 34
      Sarah, age 11
      Ellen, age 9
      Jane, age 7
      John, age 5
      Margarite, age 3
      Elizabeth, age 9 months
    • 1880 US census,
      Elliot Township, Louisa County, Iowa
      Isaac Shields, age 47, farmer
      Margaret, age 43
      Sarah, age 20
      Ellen G., age 17
      Jennie, age 16
      John, age 15
      Maggie, age 13
      Lizzie, age 10
      Willie S., age 8
    • 1880 US agricultural census, enumerated 2 & 3 June, 1880.
      Elliot Township, Louisa County, Iowa
      Line 5
      Isaac Shields
      tilled – 120 acres
      permanent non-tilled - 8 acres
      woodland – 32 acres
      value of farm: land & buildings - $6000
      value of farming implements - $100
      value of livestock - $900
      cost of buildings/repairs in 1879 - $20
      value of farm production in 1879 - $600
      Mown acres - 18
      hay – 10
      milch cows – 5
      other cattle – 25
      calves – 3
      cattle purchased – 13
      butter, lbs – 400
      swine – 53
      poultry - 75
      Potatoes, Irish, acres - 1
      Potatoes, Irish, bushels - 100
      apples, acres - 4
      apples, bearing trees - 200
      apples, bushels - 100
      Value of orchard produce - $75
      wood, cut, cords - 31
      value of wood products - $61

    • 1885 Iowa state census, Des Moines County, Iowa.
      Isaac is listed as 51, with wife and 5 children at home (Sarah, John, Margaret, Elizabeth, and William)
      1895 Iowa state census, Eddyville, Wapello County, Iowa. Isaac is age 75.
    • 1896 Iowa state census
      Isaac Shields, age 60
      Yellow Springs Township, Des Moines County, Iowa

  • Sources 
    1. [S8] Find a Grave.

    2. [S36] census record.

    3. [S3] Obituary.

    4. [S56] US General Land Office Records, (US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management).

    5. [S55] Ireland, select marriages.
      Name Margaret Mccollum
      Gender Female
      Marital Status Single
      Marriage Date 17 Sep 1857
      Marriage Place Agherton, Derry, Ireland
      Father John Mccollum
      Spouse Isaac Schoales
      FHL Film Number 101385
      Reference ID 176

    6. [S53] Yellow Springs and Huron: a local history, James Warren Merrill, (James Warren Merrill. Mediapolis, Iowa, 1897),

    7. [S46] Presbyterian Church records.

    8. [S57] Newspaper article,