hmtl5 Mount Auburn Cemetery, Colchester, McDonough County, Illinois, US: McKeown Genealogy

 Mount Auburn Cemetery, Colchester, McDonough County, Illinois, US

Latitude: 40.4345591, Longitude: -90.7987569 | Click to get directions to Mount Auburn Cemetery

All Burials

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Buried   Person ID 
1. Foltz, Frederick Francis   d. 11 Jun 1965 Mount Auburn Cemetery, Colchester, McDonough County, Illinois Find all individuals with events at this location I1641
2. Haines, Alva Johannes   d. 1952 Mount Auburn Cemetery, Colchester, McDonough County, Illinois Find all individuals with events at this location I621
3. Riggs, Maxine Lenore   d. 11 Oct 2007 Mount Auburn Cemetery, Colchester, McDonough County, Illinois Find all individuals with events at this location I619
4. Riggs, Perry Francis   bur. 26 Feb 1934 Mount Auburn Cemetery, Colchester, McDonough County, Illinois Find all individuals with events at this location I620