hmtl5 Geary Cemetery, Geary, Blaine County, Oklahoma, US: McKeown Genealogy

 Geary Cemetery, Geary, Blaine County, Oklahoma, US

Latitude: 35.6230971, Longitude: -98.3324583 | Click to get directions to Geary Cemetery


on border of Canadian County
Geary, Blaine County, Oklahoma

Directions: at junction of Highway 281/8 and Highway 270 East (also known as South St.), turn west and go .7 mile to cemetery.

All Burials

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Buried   Person ID 
1. McKeown, Jack W.   d. 19 Sep 2015 Geary Cemetery, Geary, Blaine County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I635