hmtl5 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma, US: McKeown Genealogy

 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma, US

Latitude: 36.28000, Longitude: -97.42560 | Click to get directions to McGuire Cemetery


 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Oklahoma
McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Oklahoma
Located  1. Latitude: 36.2799547, Longitude: -97.42630559999998  McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma
Shields, Isaac and Margaret McCollum
Shields, Isaac and Margaret McCollum
Located  2. Latitude: 36.2799547, Longitude: -97.42630559999998  McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma
Margaret McCollum (d. 9 May 1903)
Isaac Shields (d. 20 Jun 1907)
Shields, location of Isaac and Margaret in McGuire Cemetery
Shields, location of Isaac and Margaret in McGuire Cemetery
Located  3. Latitude: 36.2799547, Longitude: -97.42630559999998  McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma
Margaret McCollum (d. 9 May 1903)
Isaac Shields (d. 20 Jun 1907)
Shields, McGuire Cemetery
Shields, McGuire Cemetery
Located  4. Latitude: 36.2799547, Longitude: -97.42630559999998  McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma
Margaret McCollum (d. 9 May 1903)
Isaac Shields (d. 20 Jun 1907)
Shields, William Scott
Shields, William Scott
Located  5. Latitude: 36.2799547, Longitude: -97.42630559999998  McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma
William Scott Shields (d. 29 May 1956)
Shields, William Scott
Shields, William Scott
Located  6. Latitude: 36.2799547, Longitude: -97.42630559999998  McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma
William Scott Shields (d. 29 May 1956)

All Burials

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Buried   Person ID 
1. Benham, Eva   d. 8 Apr 1950 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I286
2. Benham, John   d. 21 Apr 1907 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I288
3. Chadwell, Thomas   d. 29 Aug 1941 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I287
4. Davis, Mabel Alice   d. 7 Apr 1991 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I1649
5. Kirkhart, Jacob L.   d. 25 Nov 1950 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I196
6. Kirkhart, John Shields   d. 21 Oct 1968 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I199
7. McCollum, Margaret   d. 9 May 1903 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I41
8. Shields, Isaac   d. 20 Jun 1907 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I40
9. Shields, Jane "Jennie"   d. 21 May 1953 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I61
10. Shields, Margaret "Maggie"   d. 9 Mar 1950 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I59
11. Shields, William Scott   d. 29 May 1956 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I64
12. Unknown, Marietta   d. 20 Jan 1908 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I289
13. Watson, James J.   d. 14 Jan 1950 McGuire Cemetery, Lucien, Noble County, Oklahoma Find all individuals with events at this location I509