hmtl5 Simerwell Cemetery, Shawnee County, Kansas, US: McKeown Genealogy

 Simerwell Cemetery, Shawnee County, Kansas, US

Latitude: 38.9182796, Longitude: -95.7496484 | Click to get directions to Simerwell Cemetery


Also known as Simerell Cemetery, Simervell Cemetery, Six Mile Cemetery

All Burials

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Buried   Person ID 
1. Carter, Gordon Judson   d. 27 Dec 1973 Simerwell Cemetery, Shawnee County, Kansas Find all individuals with events at this location I1394
2. Carter, Jack Richard   d. 5 Dec 1967 Simerwell Cemetery, Shawnee County, Kansas Find all individuals with events at this location I1818
3. Padden, Marie Pauline   d. 4 Dec 1943 Simerwell Cemetery, Shawnee County, Kansas Find all individuals with events at this location I1521