hmtl5 Sources: Robinson Genealogy


Matches 1 to 35 of 35

 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
1 S1 1900 US census
2 S24 birth certificate
3 S27 California birth index
4 S15 California death index
5 S11 census record
6 S4 death certificate
7 S18 Descendants of James Sr. Moore
David G. Moore 
8 S30 family lore
9 S3 Find a Grave
10 S12 Florida Death Index
11 S33 Georgia death index
12 S8 Kentucky, birth records
13 S5 Kentucky, county marriage records
14 S9 Kentucky, death index
15 S35 LKH note
16 S23 Marriage record
17 S16 Michigan death index
18 S25 Michigan death records
19 S31 newspaper article
20 S32 newspaper clipping
21 S21 Obituary
22 S34 obituary abstract
23 S13 Ohio births and christenings index
24 S19 Ohio county marriage records
25 S10 Ohio death records
26 S22 Oregon death index
27 S14 Social Security death index
28 S29 Sons of the American Revolution membership application
29 S26 Texas birth index
30 S20 US Dept. of Veterans Affairs BIRLS death files
31 S2 US Social Security Applications and Claims Index
32 S17 US World War I draft registration card
33 S7 US World War II draft registration card
34 S6 US, Headstone applications for military veterans, 1925-1963
35 S28 Washington death index