Notes |
- Son of Joseph and unknown wife.
Born ca. 1751 in Orange Cty, NC, now probably Guilford Cty NC.
1778 land grant
Died ca. 10/14/1829
Wife Abrigail Phipps
Ann m. William Mooney
Ben m Rachael Simmons
Unknown Girl m. Garland Prichard
Susanna m John Hagey/Haga/Heague
Abrigail m. Evans Prichard
Peggy Phipps m Conrad Richardson
James m. Sally Hackett
Unknown Girl m Gamble?
Grdson Edward Gamble
born 1751 Orange County, NC
died 1829 Guilford County NC
married Abigail ? in 1775 Guilford County NC
born 1750/60
died 1830/40
1 PHIPPS,Margaret Jane Phipps b 1780 Guilford Co NC
1+ Richardson, Conrade on Mar 19 1802
1 PHIPPS, James b 1785 Guilford Co NC
1+ Hacket, Sally on Jan 7 1815
1 PHIPPS, Rachel b 1787 Guilford Co NC
1 PHIPPS, Susanna b 1790 GUilford Co NC
1+ Heague, John on July 6 1811
1 PHIPPS, Abigail b 1792 Guilford Co NC
1+ Pritchard, Garland/Evans on Jun 23 1812
1 PHIPPS, Sally Anne b 1794 Guilford Co NC
1 PHIPPS, Ann b 1796 Guilford Co NC
1+ Mooney, William
1 PHIPPS, Joseph b 1798 Guilford Co NC
LAND GRANT thks tp Johnny Long
James Phipps, Land Grant
Entered: 17 Dec 1778, Entry no.: 1120
Issued: 21 Mar 1789, Book: 64 pg: 503, Grant no.: 1618
State of North Carolina
No. 1618 Know Ye that we have granted unto James Phipps Two hundred and ten acres
lying in Guilford County on both sides of Allamance Beginning at a black oak George
Ingles corner running East on his line one hundred and fifty four poles to his corner
post oak on John Philip Claps line thence South twenty three degrees West on his
Line one hundred and two poles to a hickory sapling then South fifteen nine degrees
East on his line one hundred and ninety six poles crossing the Creek to his corner black
Oak then South seventeen degrees East six poles to Widdow Glass Oak thence
South eighty six degrees West on her line one hundred and eighty four poles to a post
Oak by the Creek thence North seventy five degrees West on her line along the
Creek seventy poles to two large rocks in the North side of the Creek by John
Phips corner thence North forty four degrees East on his line sixty six poles to a stake
In a field thence North forty six degrees West on his line two hundred and forty poles
to a black jack thence North twenty poles to a post oak then East eighty five
poles to a stake in Ingles line then with his Line to the first Station to Hold
to the sd James Phips his Heirs and assigns forever Dated the day of
March 1789
J Glasgow Secretary Sam Johnston [1]