Notes |
- Early Oregonian Search
Edwards, Elizabeth
Person Profile
Gender Female
Date of Birth 24 Dec 1821
Place of Birth Grayson Co., VA
Alt. Date of Birth 1822
Date of Death 03 Jan 1908
Place of Death Rochester, Thurston Co., WA
Alt. Date of Death
Place of Burial Grand Mound Cemetery, Rochester, Thurston Co., WA
Date of Arrival 18 Oct 1852
Marriage Information
Spouse Hash, Allen
Date 28 Jul 1839
Location Ashe Co., NC
Associated Records
Event Document Type Date Location Number Source
Land Claim Donation Benton Co., OR OC 2841
Please contact the Reference Desk if you would like to purchase copies of records.
Associated Persons
Name Gender Birthdate Relation
Hash, Allen Male Mar 1817 Spouse
Census Events
Year Census Type State Location Household No. Age Vol Pg No.
1850 Federal MO Ray Co. 814 28yrs
1860 Federal OR Benton Co. 271 36yrs
1870 Federal OR Linn Co.
ODLC; NCMR (fs); findagrave
- "The Centralia News-Examiner", January 10, 1908
Mrs. Elizabeth Hash, nee Elizabeth Edwards, died January 3rd, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. S. J. Huston, at Rochester, this state. Death resulted from burns received on Saturday, December 28th, while deceased was eating her breakfast. Miss Elizabeth Edwards was born in Gracen county, Virginia, December 24th, 1821. In 1838 she married Mr. Allen Hash. To this union were born nine children, five daughters and four sons, of whom three survive their mother, namely, Mrs. S. J. Huston, of Rochester, Mrs. John Evans, of Mitchal, Oregon, and Mrs. Martha Cricket, of California. The parents of the deceased died during her infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Hash separated twenty-eight years ago; the husband survives his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Hash and family crossed the plains in the year 1852 in an ox team, there being 52 teams in the train. Several times the train was attacked by Indians, and many times, at night, while cooking for the next day's journey, Mrs. Hash would guard what she was cooking from the wolves by throwing chunks of fire at them. Mr. and Mrs. Hash first located in Portland, then a very small village, and from there they moved to Corvallis, Benton county., in 1854. From Benton county they moved to Peoria, Linn county, and from there to Wasco county. There deceased lived until she came to Washington, settling at Rochester October 19th, 1905 Through her long life of trials and hardships Mrs. Hash was ever ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. In her earlier days she had been an excellent nurse. For years prior to her death she was an invalid, but was patient and faithful to the end. The funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. S. J. Huston at Rochester. No minister was present but there was a song service and prayer was offered up by Mr. H. A. Robertson. The remains were laid to rest in the Grand Mound cemetery.
Elizabeth's obituary comes from the entry for Allen Hash on Find a Grave: [2, 3]