hmtl5 Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky: Robinson Genealogy

Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky


Latitude: 37.4484208, Longitude: -83.7871418


Matches 1 to 4 of 4

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Marcum, Nettie  25 Jun 1882Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky I742
2 Tackett, Beulah Beatrice  26 Sep 1916Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky I1165
3 Tackett, James Green  11 Jul 1936Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky I1172
4 Whicker, Coda Belle  24 Jan 1915Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky I1157


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Census    Person ID 
1 Bowman, Henry  1870Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky I2326
2 Gabbard, Edward "Ned"  1870Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky I2494
3 Gabbard, Jacob B. "Jake"  1870Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky I2323
4 Isaacs, Elijah  1870Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky I2510
5 Phillips, Mahulda  1870Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky I2325
6 Richardson, Elkanah  1870Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky I2609
7 Strong, John  1870Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky I2431
8 Wilson, John Gap  1870Travellers Rest, Owsley County, Kentucky I2511