Notes |
- Sons of the American Revolution Membership Application
Name Margaret McCown
Birth Place Augusta, Virginia
Death Place Grayson, Virginia
SAR Membership 80293
Role Ancestor
Application Date 2 Aug 1956
Spouse : David Cox
Children: Andrew Cox
- note on Find a Grave:
Daughter of Margaret Patterson and *Francis McGowen of Ireand. They immigrated to Botetourt Count, Virginia prior to locating at Augusta County, Virginia.
*Franis McGowen born in Antrim,,Donegal, Ireland 1710-1716 to Alexander McCoun and Elizabeth. died 18 Nov 1761 • Rockbridge, Augusta, Virginia.
s/o James McCoun III 1660–1735 & Mary aka Molly Campbell 1675–
Francis McCown married Margaret Patterson and had 8 children. He passed away on 1776 in Virginia, USA.
*Margaret Patterson Born in Tyrone, Ireland on 1710 to John Patterson and Agnes Moffett. Margaret Patterson married Francis McCown and had 8 children. She passed away on 1761 in Virginia, USA.
Margaret Ann, "Peggy", married Lieut. David Cox about 1764 at Grayson County, Virginia and was mother to his twelve children. Her last son was born when she was in her late 40's.
Her first son, Joshua McGowen Cox, who helped with his father's large landholdings, is buried, along with his wife, Ruth Osbourne, in this family graveyard. The Cox family referred to this as "the family cemetery at Bridle Creek" or "the family cemetery at New River".
David, with his wife (Margaret McGowen), Joshua, with his wife, (Ruth Osborne) and Joshua's granddaughter (Ruth Cox Calloway), along with several other family members are memorialized on two family cenotaph monuments in Row 2 & Row 3 at the Bridle Creek Methodist Church Cemetery (aka Bridle Creek Cemetery) west of Independence, Grayson, Virginia.
One of these monuments reads: "Their graves are located on ridge at foot of mountain 3/4 mile N 19 W from this point." which describes what is now known as this Lt. David Cox Cemetery.
- Virginia Land, Marriage, and Probate Records:
Name Margaret McCown
[Margaret Isabella McCowan]
Date 9 Oct 1761
Location Augusta Co., VA
Notes This probate record was originally published in "Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, 1745-1800. Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County" by Lyman Chalkley.
Remarks Francis McCown's will, farmer - wife, Margaret; sons, George and Francis; son, Malcolm, the plantation formerly belonging to Mathew Young; son, James, the plantation in the Forks; daughters, Margaret, Nancy, Katrine; son, James, the plantation Samuel
Description Decedent's Daughter
Book WB3-94
Prove date 18 Nov 1761
- Family of David Cox
First Generation
David (1) Cox, - emigrated from Scotland in 1740; settle on New River, in Grayson County, where he died and was buried; married ____ McGowan.
Children: i. Joshua, ii. John, iii. David, iv. Samuel, v. Richard, vi. Rankin, vii Andrew, viii. Andrew, ix. Margaret, x. Mary, xi. Katharine, xii. Annie.
The Cox Family in America, page 53.