hmtl5 Notes: Gritton Genealogy


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Hugh was the son of Zachariah Taylor Ison and Anna Eliza Jenkins born at what was called the North House at Shakertown, Mercer County, KY. He married Emma Minerva Gritton, daughter of Thomas Ralston Gritton and Minerva Amanda Bunton, 1 Jan 1919 at Burgin, Mercer County, KY. Hugh died 20 Oct 1972 at the Haggin Memorial Hospital in Harrodsburg, Mercer County, KY. due to an apparent heart attack. He was buried at the Springhill Cemetery in Harrodsburg, Mercer County, KY. on 23 Oct 1972. Hugh died at age 80, a retired farmer, at 222 South East Street in Harrodsburg at 10:45 o'clock Friday night 20 Oct at the Haggin Memorial Hospital in Harrodsburg of an apparent heart attack. Funeral services were conducted at 10:30 o'clock Monday morning 23 Oct 1972 at the Bruner-Sims-McClellan Funeral Home by the Rev. Gilbert Shely and Elder James Stinnett. Burial was in the Springhill Cemetery, Harrodsburg, Mercer County, KY.
Ison, Hugh Fletcher (I2547)
Mary Annabelle Cosat, 86, of Westville, passed away at 9:35 p.m. Friday, Feb. 8, 2013, at Colonial Manor, Danville.
She was born Sept. 9, 1926 in Danville to Clifford E. and Anna West Kinney. She married Fred E. Cosat on Jan. 9, 1948 in Danville. He preceded her in death on May 30, 2001.
She was also preceded in death by one daughter, Cynthia; one son, Fred E. Cosat Jr.; one brother; two sisters and one grandson, Scott A. Burton.
Surviving are two sons, Michael (Chris) Cosat and Clifford (Sandy) Cosat; three daughters, Cheryl Cosat, Jean (James) Burton and Karen (Bob Snyder) Harper; one brother, Richard (Sheryl) Kinney; four sisters, Alberta (Gene) McCord, Freda Kinney, Sue Johnson and Betty (Norman) Curry; 14 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.
Mary had been a cashier at Grab-It-Here, was a core packer at GE for 38 years and had worked at Valmont for seven years. She was a member of DanGE Club in Danville. She enjoyed working in her yard and spending time with her family, especially her grandkids and great-grandkids. She loved bowling, flowers and watching her grandkids' sports.
Commercial-News (Danville, IL) - Saturday, February 9, 2013.
Kinney, Mary Annabelle (I1123)
3 son of Andrew Parker Acton and Ella Jane Swisher Acton, Chester Otis (I3104)
4 "A Homer Pioneer Called By Death - Mrs. Lucina Martin Died Monday After A Several Weeks Illness - Homer, Ill., Feb. 20.—Mrs. Lucina Martin Cessna, a pioneer resident of this vicinity, died at her home here on Monday after an illness extending over several weeks. Mrs. Cessna was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, on April 22, 1835.

She was first married to Edgel Meiser who died many years ago. She was married on Jan. 29, to William Cessna and resided until 1868 near Burbon, in Marshall county, Indiana, when they came to Champaign County, Illinois, moving to Vermilion county a year later. They retired from the farm in 1907 and Mr. Cessna died in 1908. She is survived by two step-daughters, Mrs. Wallace Yeazel and Mrs. Ellen Tibbetts of Homer, and one step son, William Cessna, of Adrian, Mich.

She is also survived by three daughters, Mrs. Martin Current, of Danville; Mrs. H. H . Price, of Homer and Mrs. J. F. Carter, of Prescott, Wash., and one son, Charles Cessna, of Bedford, Ind.

The funeral service was held at the late home on Wednesday afternoon by Rev. J. A. Biddle. The body was laid at rest at the G. A. R. cemetery." - Danville Morning Press, Special to the Press, Friday, February 21, 1919, p 7, Transcribed by the Homer Historical Society (Obituary provided by Raymond Cunningham)
Marten, Lucina (I3580)
5 "Bud D. Renfro, one of the best-known farmers and respected residents of Oakwood Township, died at the St. Elizabeth Hospital in this City yesterday morning, Oct. 24, 1919, following a long and severe illness with sarcoma of the head. Death, which occurred at 7:45 o'clock, came as a welcome relief to more than four months of intense suffering. Mr. Renfro was removed to the local hospital for treatment three weeks ago.
Bud D. Renfro was a native of Kentucky, and was born June 5, 1872. He came to this state when a young man, and for the past 11 years had resided on a farm on rural route 3, north of Oakwood. He was a successful farmer and a good citizen, and the news of his death, while not unexpected, came as a distinct shock to his many friends throughout the community in which he lived.

The deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lillian Renfro, one daughter, Mrs. Mae Davis, of Fairmount, and one son, Virgil, who resides at home. He also leaves three brothers, Joseph, Thaddeus and Charles Renfro, who resides [sic] in Kentucky.

The body was removed from the hospital to the Callahan and Callahan undertaking establishment and prepared for burial, and this afternoon will be taken to the late home, where the funeral services will be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock. The interment will be made in Springhill Cemetery, this City. Mr. Renfro was a member of the Masonic and I.O.O.F. orders, and the Oakwood lodges probably will attend the services in a body, and have charge of the services at the grave." DANVILLE PRESS, 25 Oct. 1919, p. 1. (Obituary provided by William Rasmussen)

Find a Grave note:
He has an cenotaph in Newtown Hebron Cemetery.
Renfro, Bud D. (I265)
6 "City's Oldest Resident dies at 102."
The oldest known resident in Danville and area, Andrew J. Hazelbaker, who last January celebrated his 102nd birthday, died Saturday (Oct 18, 1958) at 310 Green St., where he had resided since April of this year. Born in Scioto County, Ohio in 1856, the son of William Riley Hazelbaker, a farmer and Sarah Anne Hazelbaker, he had made his home in Fowler, Indiana prior to coming to the Danville area 56 years ago.
A retired farmer, Mr Hazelbaker was married to the former SedoraBelle J Branham of Ohio and later was married to Flora Baker who preceded him in death in 1923.
Survivors include; Four sons, Wilson Hazelbaker of Oakwood, Leslie Hazelbaker of North Liberty, Indiana, Andrew Hazelbaker of Oakwood Rte 1, and Edward Piatt of Westville. Also two daughters - Mrs Vernus Moore of Danville and Mrs Vurcie Chasteen of Hillery, two brothers - Joseph Hazelbaker of Lafayette, Indiana and Walter Hazelbaker of South Bend, Indiana, also 39 grandchildren, 100 great-grandchildren and seven great-great grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by five children, three brothers and three sisters. A member of the United Brethern Church of Oakwood, Mr Hazelbaker was a charter member of the Vermillion County Historical Society.
Hazelbaker, Andrew Jackson (I940)
7 "Mrs. Lena Niccum-Services for Mrs. Lena Ralls Niccum, 81, of 942 Kingdom Avenue, who died Wednesday (June 22, 1955) in Lake View Hospital, will be at 1:30 P.M. Saturday at the Barrick and Sons Funeral Home with Sister Jean Scott officiating. Burial will be in Oakhill Cemetery."
Eve, Magdalena Lena (I129)
8 "The death of Mrs. Mattie Grimes, wife of E. C. Grimes, a farmer living four and a half miles west of the city, on the Humboldt road, occurred yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. She has been in failing health for three years and for over a year has been bed-fast, bearing her sufferings with fortitude.
Besides her husband she is survived by five children, five sisters and one brother. Mrs. Grimes was born in Iowa April 26, 1865, and was 53 years, 3 months and 6 days of age. She has been a resident of Fort Scott and Bourbon county for 22 years.
The funeral services will be held from the home Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Campbell of the United Brethren church. Interment will be made in Oak Grove cemetery."
Fort Scott Daily Tribune and Fort Scott Daily Monitor, 03 Aug 1918, Sat, Page 1
Kirby, Harriet Anne "Hattie" (I4153)
9 "William Cessna Taken Suddenly
Well Known Landowner of Homer Victim of Pneumonia

Homer, Ill. May 25.—William Cessna died at his home here at 8:10 o'clock this morning after an illness since last Thursday from pneumonia. The end had been expected, but it came sooner than was anticipated, Mr. Cessna passing very suddenly. His illness rendered him somewhat delirious, and he refused to stay in bed. He was sitting in a chair and asked to be put in bed. He then took some medicine and died without a struggle.

The decedent was born November 7, 1822, in Medford County, Pennsylvania. His father was Evan Cessna. On May 18, 1850, the son married Sarah Jane Hawkins in Stark County, O. This union brought five children, one of whom, Mrs. Abe Smith, died in Ohio about twenty years ago. The surviving children are: John W. Cessna of Chanute, Kas., Sarah Amelia, wife of Adam Yeazel of north of Homer; Martha Ellen, wife of Marion Tibbetts of this place and William L. D. Cessna of Adrian, Mich.

For several years after his marriage the decedent followed his trade as a brick and stone mason in Mahoning County, O. In 1856 he moved to Marshall County, Ind., and in 1875 he came to Vermilion County and purchased land. He resided in that country until three years ago, when he divided all except 240 acres of his land among his children and moved to Homer, where he purchased the late home on Coffeen and Southeast Street. His land at that time amounted to 1,016 acres.

Mrs. Cessna died in 1864 and Mr. Coffeen married Mrs. Lucina Melser on January 29, 1865. The second wife and three children survive, as follows: Rosa I., wife of H. H. Price; Charles M. Cessna, and Mary M., wife of Mortimer Current of Danville.

The decedent had never been a member of any church or fraternal organization except the I. O. O. F., and his membership in that order was dropped a number of years ago.
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from the home, Rev. W. D. Fairchilds, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, preaching. Interment will be at the G.A.R. cemetery." - The Champaign County News, Wednesday, May 27, 1908, page 2 (Transcribed by the Homer Historical Society)
Cessna, William (I3579)
10 $1,600 Is Missing.
Mary Sivey Had That Amount Before She Died.
Sewed Up In Mattress.
Was There Thirteen Days Before She Passed Away – Heirs are Investigating the Case.
There is something of a mystery surrounding the disappearance of $1,633 from the estate of the late Mrs. Mary Sivey, the aged woman who died at her home on the north side on the 12th day of last month.
It is claimed that the money was taken from the mattress upon which she died sometimes shortly before she died or directly thereafter. At any rate the money was there several days previous to her death and it is claimed that afterwards it suddenly disappeared. The original amount was $1,783, so the story goes, and when it was looked for after her death there was but $150 left. The case is being investigated and there may be some arrests or civil proceedings instituted by the administrator when one is appointed.
It was not generally known that Mrs. Sivey was possessed of much of the world’s good, but J.R. Sivey, one of the heirs to the estate, who is up from Pittsburg investigating the matter gives out the statement that his mother had a large amount of money. According to his story she had $1,783 secreted in the mattress of her bed and that it was sewed up securely so that it would have been impossible for any common burglar to have stolen it. He is authority for the statement that the money was there thirteen days before his aged mother died and that afterwards it suddenly disappeared. That was the last he and other member of the family saw of the roll of greenbacks, the money all being in bills of small denominations, the largest said to be $20. He also says that he and three of his brothers, C.M., R.C. and Scott Sivey saw the money in the mattress when they realized that their mother could not live, and that it was replaced in the same position that it was when found. On the same day of the funeral he says, they went to look after the personal effects and the money and discovered to their surprise that all by $150 of the money had been taken. He says he has his suspicions but in the absence of any proof he cannot make any direct charges. The pocket book in which the money was secreted was found in the loft of the house where she died.
The deceased had nine children and all of them will come in for a share of the estate when it is divided they were up in Judge Cheney’s office last evening preparing the proofs of claims and making ready to apply for the appointment of an administrator of the small estate, and the matter of the missing money will be investigated.
Fort Scott Daily Tribune and Fort Scott Daily Monitor, Fort Scott, Kansas. Tuesday, 1 April 1902, page 4.
Gritton, Mary Elizabeth (I456)
11 10 October 1919.. Will Records Book M, 1991-1922. Vermilion County, Illinois. Page 66.
Last Will and Testament of Bud Renfro.
I, Bud Renfro, being of sound and disposing mind and memory do hereby make, publish and declare this to be my last will and testament, viz:-
First: I will and direct that all my just debts be paid.
Second: I hereby give, devise and bequeath unto my wife Tillie Renfro the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, the same to be in full of her claims of all kind _ against my estate.
Third: I hereby give, devise and bequeath unto Susie May Davis, my daughter, and Oren V. Renfro my son all of my estate of every kind and character (except said Two Hundred Dollars to my said wife) share and share alike, among my said children equally.
Fourth: I hereby nominate Z. S. Saylor of Oakwood executor of this my will and I do hereby expressly revoke and declare void all former wills by me made.
Fifth: I hereby appoint John Saylor legal guardian for my son Oren V. Renfro.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal to this my last will this 10th day of October 1919.
Bud Renfro (SELA)
The foregoing will consisting of one page was subscribed, sealed, published and declared by Bud Renfro as and for his last will and testament in our presence and in the presence of each other, hereunto subscribed our names as attesting witnesses hereto each of us believing said testator at said time of signing said will to be of sound mind acting freely and of his own accord.
Charles Knox.
Robert P. Meade.
State of Illinois, Vermilion County, |SS.
In the probate court of said county.
In probate, November term, A.D. 1919.
Personally appeared in open Court Charles Knox and Robert P. Meade subscribing witnesses to the annexed Instrument in Writing, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Bud Renfro late of the said County, deceased, who, being duly sworn according to law, do depose and say each for himself, that they were present and saw the said Bud Renfro sign the said Instrument in Writing in their presence, and that they believed the said Testator to be of sound Mind and Memory, of lawful age, and acting voluntarily at the time of signing the same, and that they then and there at the request of said Testator and in his presence attested and signed the said Instrument in Writing as attesting witnesses thereto.
Robert P. Meade.
Charles Knox.
Subscribed and sworn to in Open Court, this 19th day of November A.D. 1919, before me
Thos. J. Dale
Clerk of the Probate Court
Will filed October 16, 1919.
Admitted to probate November 19, 1919.
Renfro, Bud D. (I265)
12 1830 census,
Name: Milon Gritton
Home in 1830 (City, County, State):Shaker, Mercer, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 6
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 8

Gritton, Milo B. (I435)
13 1830 US census, Vermilion County, Illinois
Free white male under age 5 = 1
free white male age 10-14 = 1
free white male age 20-29 = 1
free white male age 60-69 = 1
free white female age 15-19 = 2
free white female age 50-59 = 1
total seven persons 
Bensyl, John W. (I3920)
14 1840 census
Name: Milow B Gritton
Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Vermilion, Illinois
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 2
Free White Persons - Under 20: 8
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 10 
Gritton, Milo B. (I435)
15 1850 US agricultural census Mercer County, Kentucky, enumerated 10 August 1850.
line 11
Jesse Gritton
improved acres – 60
cash value of farm – $1200
value of farming implements - $50
horses - 4
milch cows – 3
sheep – 50
swine – 20
value of livestock - $300
Wheat, bushels of – 50
Indian corn, bushels of – 300
wool, pounds of – 110
peas & beans, bushels of - 6
Irish potatoes, bushels of - 10
sweet potatoes, bushels of – 4
Value of orchard products - $10
butter, pounds of – 100
hay, tons of – 1
value of animals slaughtered $30
Gritton, Jesse (I431)
16 1850 US census
John B. Cline, age 64, potter
Catherine, age 50
Catherine Cline, age 8 (orphaned daughter of Andrew Jackson Cline and Eliza Milliner).
They live next door to the household of their sons Spencer Cline and Nathaniel Cline, both farmers.
Next door to Stephen Cline is the household of John G. Gritton which includes his son Jesse, age 14, who will later marry Catherine.
Cline, John B. (I1)
17 1850 US census, Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois. Nathaniel Cline age 25 (farmer); Cynthia age 25; Amanda age 9; Mary age 6; Martha age 5; and Benjamin age 2. Real estate value is listed as $300. Neighbors to Nathnial are the households of his father, John B. Cline, and his brother, Spencer Cline.

1860 US census, Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois. Nathaniel Cline age 40 (laborer); Scynthia age 38; Amanda age 19; Martha age 15; Benjamin age 12; Emily age 7; Luketta age 6; and John age 1.

Cline, Nathaniel (I5)
18 1850 US census, Census District No.21, Vermilion County, Illinois, enumerated 19 December 1850.
John R. Gritton, age 42, farmer, real estate $1200
Nancy, age 42
Laban, age 19, attended school
Jesse, age 14, attended school
Sarah, age 12, attended school
Rachel, age 10, attended school
Milo, age 8, attended school
Elizth, age 3
Neighbors are Spencer Cline, Jane Gritten, John B. Cline, Nathaniel Cline.
Value of neighbors' properties
Spencer Cline, $600
Jane Gritton, $400
John B. Cline, blank
Nathaniel Cline, $300
Gritton, John R. (I422)
19 1850 US census, District 1, Mercer County, Kentucky, enumerated 7 August 1850
Jesse Gritton, Farmer, age 67, real estate $1600
Nancy, age 55
Gritton, Jesse (I431)
20 1850 US census, District 21, Vermilion County, Illinois. Bolser Bensil age 22 (farmer); Sarah age 26; John H. age 9; Luna age 3; Hellen age 1; and Mary Bensil age 72 (born in Pennsylvania).

1860 US census, Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois. Balser Bensil age 41 (farmer); Sarah age 38; John age 17; Luna age 13; Helen age 11; Lewis age 9; Isaac age 7; George age 5; Charles age 3; and Charolotte A. age 5 months.

1880 US census, Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois. Balser Bensyl, age 52; Sarah A. Bensyl, age 42; Jose J. Skees, age 55 (nephew); Olive A. Trent, age 7 (granddaughter); and Henry Clay, age 24. 
Bensyl, Balser (I30)
21 1850 US census, District 21, Vermilion County, Illinois. H. G. McMillen, age 57; Amanda McMillen, age 24; George L. McMillen, age 5; Hugh H. McMillen, age 5; and Susanah McMillen, age 1.

1870 US census. Hymah McMillin is in the household of Harvey McMillin (age 23) and family. And next door to William McMillen (age 48) and family.

McMillin, Hyman Green (I31)
22 1850 US census, enumerated 19 December 1950
Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois
Spencer Cline, age 62, farmer
Rachel, age 50
Sarah, age 9
Harriet, age 4
Margaret, age 2
value of real estate - $600
Neighbors are the households of his father, John B. Cline, and his brother, Nathaniel Cline.
Cline, Spencer (I3)
23 1850 US census, Vermilion County, Illinois, Census District No.21, enumerated 11 Dec 1850.
The household includes William Thorourman, age 34, born in Kentucky, occupation, cooper; Eliza, age 32, born in Kentucky, and their children: Elizabeth, age 12, Andrew age 10, and Alonzo age 2. All the children were born in Illinois.
Thoroughman, William (I27)
24 1850 US selected federal census non-population schedule - agriculture
District 21 [Blount Township], Vermilion County, Illinois
Line 20
Spencer Cline
60 acres improved land
60 acres unimproved land
cash value of farm = $600
value of farm implements = $75
3 horses
68 swine
value of livestock = $250
wheat, bushels of = 30
Indian corn, bushels of = 400
Irish potatoes, bushels of = 6
value of animals slaughtered = $40
Cline, Spencer (I3)
25 1860 census, Jerseyville, Jersey County, Illinois
Lydia McClure, age 40
James McClure, age 16
Margaret Jane McClure, age 14
Mildred A. McClure, age 12
Robert R. McClure, age 7
Springgate, Lydia (I4442)
26 1860 US agricultural census, enumerated 21 August 1860
Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois
Spencer Cline
40 improved acres
40 unimproved acres
Cash value of farm = $1000
value of farming implements = $50
2 horses
20 swine
value of livestock = $200
Indian corn, bushels of = 600
Irish potatoes, bushels of = 10
buckwheat, bushels of = 15
value of produce market garden = $15
butter, pounds of = 150
hay, tons of 30
value of animals, slaughtered $100
Cline, Spencer (I3)
27 1860 US census lists George Yeazell's real estate at $20,000 and personal estate value at $3,000. Yeazel, George (I3671)
28 1860 US census, Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois. Enumerated 10 July 1860.
John R. Gritton, age 53, real estate $1600, personal estate $500
Nancy, age 52
Milo, age 18, attended school
Nancy E., age 14, attended school
Gritton, John R. (I422)
29 1860 US census, Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois. John L. Bennet, age 21; Mary Bennet, age 18; and Matilda Bennet, age 59 (mother of John).

1870 US census, Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois. John Bonnett, age 32, Mary Bonnett, age 28; William Bonnett, age 9; Albert Bonnett, age 8; Charles Bonnett, age 4; Martha Bonnett, age 3; and John Bonnett, age 1.

1880 US census, Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois. John Bonnett, age 43; Mary Bonnett, age 37; William Bonnett, age 19; Albert Bonnett, age 18; Charles Bonnett, age 14; Mattie Bonnett, age 13; John Bonnett , age 11; Frank Bonnett, age 9; Lilly Bonnett, age 6; Lucatta Bonnett, age 4; and Stella Bonnett, age 2.

1900 US census, Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois. John Bonnett, age 64; Mary Bonnett, age 51; Charley Bonnett, age 24; John Bonnett, age 31; Frank Bonnett, age 27; Lillie Bonnett, age 25; and Gracie Bonnett, age 10.

Bonnett, John (I46)
30 1860 US census, enumerated 9 July 1960
Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois
Spencer Cline, age 46, farmer
Rachel, age 40
Harriet, age 14, attended school
Margaret, age 12, attended school
David age, 6, attended school
Lewis, age 4
Nathaniel, age 2
Mary, age 6 months
Catharine, age 70 [Spencer's widowed mother]
S. C., age 18 [Sarah Catherine Cline, daughter of Andrew Jackson Cline and Eliza Millinder Cline]
value of real estate - $1200
value of personal estate - $300
Neighbors to Abel Newbrough and family.
Cline, Spencer (I3)
31 1860 US census, Kelly, Carter County, Missouri. George Cliver, age 26; and Sarah Cliver, age 19.

1880 US census, Precinct 3, Red River County, Texas. G. W. Cliver, age 46; Sarah Cliver, age 39; John Cliver, age 10; Ann Cliver, age 8; and Edward Cliver, age 4.

Cliver, George W. (I327)
32 1860 US census, William Yeazel's real estate is valued at $40,200, and his personal estate at $15,200. Yeazel, William (I3672)
33 1870 US agricultural census:
John F. Gritton
Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois
Improved land - 10 acres
Unimproved land - 200 acres
Horses - 2
Milch cows - 1
Other cattle - 1
Swine - 2
Value of livestock #335
Winter wheat - 33 bushels
Indian corn - 150 bushels
Estimated value of all farm production - $108
Gritton, John Franklin (I287)
34 1870 US census, Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois, enumerated 16 August 1870.
John R. Gritton,age 62, farmer, real estate $4800, personal estate $650.
Nancy, age 62
John, age 8, grandson, attended school
Charles, age 6, grandson, attended school

Nearby is the household of John F. Gritton, Sarah, and Catherine Cline. No real estate value, person estate of $335. Sarah is the mother of John and Charles.
Gritton, John R. (I422)
35 1870 US census, enumerated 11 August 1870
Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois
Spencer Cline, age 56, farmer
Rachel age, 52
David age, 17, attended school
Lewis, age 15, attended school
Nathaniel, age 13, attended school
Mary, age 11, attended school
value of real estate, $2800
value of personal estate, $400
Cline, Spencer (I3)
36 1870 US census, enumerated 16 August 1870
Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois
John F. Gritton, age 28, farm laborer
Sarah Gritton, age 27, keeping house
Catharine Cline, ag 78, at home
Not far away are the households of William Gritton, age 44, and of John R. Gritton, age 62. John R. Gritton was the father of the late Jesse Gritton, Sarah's first husband, and in his household are Jesse and Sarah's two sons, John age 8 and Charles age 6.
Gritton, John Franklin (I287)
37 1880 census, Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois
Jacob Grimes, 40
Mariah Grimes, 39
Elizabeth, 18
William, 13
George, 12
Druzilla, 8
Olive, 6
Bertha, 8
Julia, 2
Mabel, 2 months
Grimes, Jacob (I3881)
38 1880 census, Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois
Jacob Grimes, 40
Mariah Grimes, 39
Elizabeth, 18
William, 13
George, 12
Druzilla, 8
Olive, 6
Bertha, 8
Julia, 2
Mabel, 2 months
Shumate, Mariah Josephine (I3880)
39 1880 US census, Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois. Salts, Lafayette Salts (age 29, farmer); Lewetty Salts (age 25); Lily Salts (age 8); James Salts (age 2) and Charley Salts (age 7)

1900 US census, Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois. Lafayette Salts (age 45), Lewkettie Salts (age 410, and Lillie Salts 9age 16).

1920 US census, Danville, Ward 1, Vermilion County, Illinois. Lafayette Salts, age 68; Lewhittie Salts, age 63: and Amos Gallinger, age 69, cousin.

1930 US census, Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois. Henry M. Walton (age 53), Annabelle Walton (age 48), Roy Walton (age 27), Ralph Walton (age 23), and Lafayette Salts (age 78, widowed, father of Annabelle).
Salts, Marquis de Lafayette (I52)
40 1880 US census, enumerated 15 June 1880
Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois.
Spencer Cline age 67, farmer
Rachel, age 60, keeping house
David, age 27, farm laborer
Nathaniel, age 23, farm laborer
Cline, Spencer (I3)
41 1880 US census, enumerated 20 June 1880
Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois
John F. Gritton, age 36, farmer
Catharine, age 35, keeping house
Cora B., age 10, at home
Lewis A., age 10 months, at home
Benjamin Milliner, age 22, boarder, farm laborer.
Cora is listed as can not read or write.
Gritton, John Franklin (I287)
42 1880 US census. Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois, enumerated 15 June 1880.
J.R. Gritton, age 71, farmer
Nancy, age 71, keeping house
John, age 19, grandson, farm laborer, attended school
Charles, age 16, grandson, farm laborer, attended school
Gritton, John R. (I422)
43 1890 US Census Veterans Schedule
Name: Adam Smith [Aden Smith]
Gender Male
Rank: Private
Enlistment Date 28 Mar 1863
Discharge Date 30 Jun 1865
Death Date; Bef 1890
Regiment or vessel: 8th Tennessee Inf
Company D
Length of Service: 2 Yrs 3 Mos 2 Days
Smith, Adon (I4413)
44 1900 census
Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois
911 N. Gilbert Street
John Huffman, 33, b. Aug 1867, IL
Mary E. Huffman, 42, b, Nov 1858
Jesse Gritton, 11, b. Apr 1889, nephew

1910 census
Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois
1219 Gilbert Street
Mary E. Gritton, 52, divorced
Jesse R. Gritton, 31, nephew

LKH note: Jesse R. Gritton was son of Edward A. Gritton who was a brother of Mary's first husband, Orsmas Gritton.
Gritton, Mary Emily (I499)
45 1900 US census, Household members: George F. Hedges, age 33, farmer; Cora D. age 29; Sophia C.. age 7, Ralph J. age 6, Grace G age 4, and farm laborer Lewis O. Cox age 22. Farm is rented.

1910 US census. Household members: George Hedges age 43, farmer; Cora age 38, Sophia age 17, Ralph age 15, and Grace age 14. Farm is rented.

1920 US census, Household members: George F. Hedges, age 53, farmer; Cora B. age 49, and Grace G. age 24. Farm is rented.

1930 US census. Household members: George F. Hedges age 63, farmer. and Cora B. age 59. Farm is owned.

1940 US census. Household members: George Hedges, age 73, farmer, and Cora, age 69. Farm is owned. Value of home $2,500. 
Hedges, George Fielden (I313)
46 1910 US census, enumerated 18 April 1910
Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois
112 North Washington Street
John F. Gritton, age 66, laborer in grain mill
Sarah, age 65
Next door is the household of their son, Lewis A. Gritton, age 30.
Gritton, John Franklin (I287)
47 1910 US census, enumerated 18 April 1910
Danville, War 2, Vermilion County, Illinois
11 North Washington Street
Lewis A. Gritton, age 30, motorman on street railway
Ethel, age 26
Hester, age 5
His parents, John and Sarah Gritton, live upstairs
Gritton, Lewis Adolphus (I308)
48 1920 US census shows that the Harper family immigrated in 1912. Harper, James (I1806)
49 1920 US census, enumerated 5 January 1920
Danville, Ward 2, Vermilion County, Illinois
1920 N. Jefferson Street
John F. Gritton, age 77
Sarah K., age 76
They live next door to the household of their son Lewis Gritton who is a motorman for the street car.
Gritton, John Franklin (I287)
50 1920 US census, enumerated 5 January 1920
Danville, Ward 2, Vermilion County, Illinois
9 North Jefferson Street
Lewis Gritton, age 40, motorman on street car
Ethel, age 38
Hester, ag 14, attended school
Edith, age 9, attended school
Helen, age 6, attended school
next door to his parents, John and Sarah Gritton
Gritton, Lewis Adolphus (I308)

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