hmtl5 Sources: Gritton Genealogy


Matches 1 to 50 of 86

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
1 S5 Headstone
2 S13 WorldConnect Project
WorldConnect Project 
3 S6 1900 US census
4 S34 Alabama Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974
5 S98 Ancestry family tree
6 S77 Arizona birth records
7 S107 Biographies of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford and Gasconade Counties, Missouri. Ramfre Press, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, 1958 
8 S84 Brown Family History
Orr, Paul R. 
9 S41 California Birth Index
10 S29 California Death Index, 1940-1997
11 S4 Cemeteries of Vermilion County, Illinois: Blount and Newell Townships, v.1
12 S89 census records
13 S18 Civil War Pension Index
14 S22 Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles
15 S1 Cline Family Bible
16 S71 Cook County, Illinois, births
17 S43 Cook County, Illinois, deaths Index,
18 S19 Death certificate
19 S95 family records
20 S2 Find a Grave
21 S25 Florida Death Index 1877-1998
22 S85 History of the Shumate family, Kentucky pioneers
Robert S. Riley 
23 S20 History of Vermilion County
H.W. Beckwith 
24 S93 History of Vermilion County, Illinois
Jones, Lottie E. 
25 S105 Homer Historical Society, Homer, Illinois
26 S100 Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales Datebase
27 S8 Illinois Statewide Death Index: 1916-1950
28 S101 Illinois, Databases of Illinois Veterans Index, 1775-1995
29 S7 Illinois, Deaths and stillbirths index, 1916-1947
30 S40 Indiana birth certificates, 1907-1940
31 S42 Indiana births, 1880-1920
32 S21 Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920
33 S27 Iowa births and christenings index, 1857-1947
34 S69 Iowa deaths and burials
35 S76 Iowa delayed birth records
36 S37 J. Linck
37 S39 Jasper County, Indiana dearths 1921-1977
38 S90 Kankakee County, Illinois death index
39 S78 Kentucky birth records
40 S74 Kentucky death records
41 S87 LKH note
Linda Kay Hedges 
42 S48 Marriage Abstracts, Vermilion County, Illinois: 1853-1874
43 S49 Marriage license abstract, Vermilion County, Illinois: 1882 thru 1891
44 S45 Marriage license abstracts, Vermilion County, Illinois: 1826-1852
45 S52 Marriage License Abstracts, Vermilion County, Illinois: 1875-1877
46 S51 Marriage license abstracts, Vermilion County, Illinois: 1878-1881
47 S50 Marriage License Abstracts, Vermilion County, Illinois: 1892-1899
48 S104 marriage record
49 S82 Michigan Death Records
50 S30 Michigan Deaths and Burials Index, 1867-1995

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