Matches 351 to 400 of 5,768
# | Notes | Linked to |
351 | daughter of George Pike and Waunita Thompson | Pike, Jenith Dean (I1785)
352 | daughter of George T. Clem and Harriet Josephine Smith | Clem, Leota (I3972)
353 | daughter of George W. Jackson and Nancy Jane | Jackson, Bessie (I4383)
354 | daughter of George W. Knight and Mary A. Graham | Knight, Amelia Caroline (I4376)
355 | daughter of George William Ellingwood and Anna Elliott | Ellingwood, Maggie (I2856)
356 | daughter of Gilbert Black and Susanna Kline | Black, Clara (I3501)
357 | daughter of Grant Ferris and Mabel Delilah Davis | Ferris, Garnet Elizabeth (I1957)
358 | daughter of Gurney Preston McCorkle and Elizabeth Jane Black | McCorkle, Bertha Lincoln (I3320)
359 | daughter of Harrison Swisher and Nancy Adams | Swisher, Josephine Belle (I3346)
360 | daughter of Harry Brown Lusk and Harriet Spurgeon | Lusk, Hazel Pauline "Polly" (I3329)
361 | daughter of Harry Franklin Trim and Jonnie Kent | Trim, Sadie Rose (I4405)
362 | daughter of Harry Guy Anderson and Josephine Thurman | Anderson, Kathleen Mae (I3301)
363 | daughter of Harry Wood and Faith Parks | Wood, Bette Jean (I3354)
364 | daughter of Henry Harmon and Emma | Harmon, Lina Belle (I418)
365 | daughter of Herman George Reibel and Flavia May Campbell | Reibel, Isabelle May (I1336)
366 | daughter of Isaac Orman Fairchild and Lurena Fitzgerald | Fairchild, Daisy Gertrude (I4395)
367 | daughter of Jacob Karl Galbreath and Anna L. Russell | Galbreath, Margaret R. (I3377)
368 | daughter of Jacob Radebaugh Sr and Laura Catherine Smith | Radebaugh, Mary (I4370)
369 | daughter of James C. Graham and Elizabeth "Lizzie" LaFollette | Graham, Flora (I561)
370 | daughter of James Francis Tweedy and Rachel Blakely | Tweedy, Assenith (I1769)
371 | daughter of James H. Abernathy and Zarilda Wakefield | Abernathy, Amy (I4097)
372 | daughter of James H. Brown and Margaret R. Linville | Brown, Sarah E. (I288)
373 | daughter of James Henry Foster and Mary Isabelle Ballard | Foster, Carrie E. (I3176)
374 | daughter of James Humble and Amanda Coberly | Humble, Arminda (I4463)
375 | daughter of James Hunt and Mary Catherine Tobin | Hunt, Mary Catherine (I2402)
376 | daughter of James Kimler and Casander Jan Clearwaters | Kilmer, Harriet Bathina (I305)
377 | daughter of James L. White and Minnie Petrowitz | White, Marion Clare (I3430)
378 | daughter of James M. Cornell and Mary Betty Fugate | Cornell, Mildred Irene (I4158)
379 | daughter of James M. Neblock and Nancy Heinline | Neblock, Elizabeth Rebecca (I2962)
380 | daughter of James Melvin Truax and Iva Cary | Truax, Clara Etta (I4110)
381 | daughter of James Ross and Lillian Swinford | Ross, Luella Agnes (I1308)
382 | daughter of James W. Edwards and Helen Cook | Edwards, Atha Marie (I3269)
383 | daughter of James White and Nancy Wiles | White, Julia Ann (I2090)
384 | daughter of Jerry Rose and Mary Ellen Kirby | Rose, Nettie (I559)
385 | daughter of Joel Acree and Elvessa Foreux | Acree, Martha J. (I3404)
386 | daughter of John Chester and Martha | Chester, Lena Leota (I892)
387 | daughter of John Elmer Lee and Grace Edna Myers | Lee, Katheryn Virginia (I700)
388 | daughter of John Henry Eutsler and Marth Alice Harshman | Eutsler, Hazel Harriet (I1289)
389 | daughter of John Isom Hyatt and Lillian Irene Neely | Hyett, Virginia Annabelle (I3452)
390 | daughter of John J. Smoot and Elizabeth M. Byerly | Smoot, Bertha June (I2948)
391 | daughter of John Johnson and Susan Goodner | Johnson, Mary Margaret (I2093)
392 | daughter of John Johnston and Stella Oakwood | Johnston, Mary Oletha (I3018)
393 | daughter of John Kochvar and Mary Gregor | Kochvar, Mary Anna (I3789)
394 | daughter of John M. Cramer and Meeka Ann Richardson | Cramer, Minerva Ellen (I2137)
395 | daughter of John Newton Black and Emma Elizabeth Mullin | Black, Bessie (I3067)
396 | daughter of John R. Gerrard and Leah Busick | Gerrard, Ellen (I894)
397 | daughter of John Richard Chapman and Etta Grey | Chapman, Billie Hope (I829)
398 | daughter of John Roberts and Elizabeth Cherry | Roberts, Cathryn Jane (I4241)
399 | daughter of John Sinn Bradley and Sarah Belle Kincaid | Bradley, Gertie (I3967)
400 | daughter of John Swannell and Ellen Elberson | Swannell, Eva Gordon (I1063)