hmtl5 Notes: Gritton Genealogy


Matches 351 to 400 of 5,768

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351 daughter of George Pike and Waunita Thompson Pike, Jenith Dean (I1785)
352 daughter of George T. Clem and Harriet Josephine Smith Clem, Leota (I3972)
353 daughter of George W. Jackson and Nancy Jane Jackson, Bessie (I4383)
354 daughter of George W. Knight and Mary A. Graham Knight, Amelia Caroline (I4376)
355 daughter of George William Ellingwood and Anna Elliott Ellingwood, Maggie (I2856)
356 daughter of Gilbert Black and Susanna Kline Black, Clara (I3501)
357 daughter of Grant Ferris and Mabel Delilah Davis Ferris, Garnet Elizabeth (I1957)
358 daughter of Gurney Preston McCorkle and Elizabeth Jane Black McCorkle, Bertha Lincoln (I3320)
359 daughter of Harrison Swisher and Nancy Adams Swisher, Josephine Belle (I3346)
360 daughter of Harry Brown Lusk and Harriet Spurgeon Lusk, Hazel Pauline "Polly" (I3329)
361 daughter of Harry Franklin Trim and Jonnie Kent Trim, Sadie Rose (I4405)
362 daughter of Harry Guy Anderson and Josephine Thurman Anderson, Kathleen Mae (I3301)
363 daughter of Harry Wood and Faith Parks Wood, Bette Jean (I3354)
364 daughter of Henry Harmon and Emma Harmon, Lina Belle (I418)
365 daughter of Herman George Reibel and Flavia May Campbell Reibel, Isabelle May (I1336)
366 daughter of Isaac Orman Fairchild and Lurena Fitzgerald Fairchild, Daisy Gertrude (I4395)
367 daughter of Jacob Karl Galbreath and Anna L. Russell Galbreath, Margaret R. (I3377)
368 daughter of Jacob Radebaugh Sr and Laura Catherine Smith Radebaugh, Mary (I4370)
369 daughter of James C. Graham and Elizabeth "Lizzie" LaFollette Graham, Flora (I561)
370 daughter of James Francis Tweedy and Rachel Blakely Tweedy, Assenith (I1769)
371 daughter of James H. Abernathy and Zarilda Wakefield Abernathy, Amy (I4097)
372 daughter of James H. Brown and Margaret R. Linville Brown, Sarah E. (I288)
373 daughter of James Henry Foster and Mary Isabelle Ballard Foster, Carrie E. (I3176)
374 daughter of James Humble and Amanda Coberly Humble, Arminda (I4463)
375 daughter of James Hunt and Mary Catherine Tobin Hunt, Mary Catherine (I2402)
376 daughter of James Kimler and Casander Jan Clearwaters Kilmer, Harriet Bathina (I305)
377 daughter of James L. White and Minnie Petrowitz White, Marion Clare (I3430)
378 daughter of James M. Cornell and Mary Betty Fugate Cornell, Mildred Irene (I4158)
379 daughter of James M. Neblock and Nancy Heinline Neblock, Elizabeth Rebecca (I2962)
380 daughter of James Melvin Truax and Iva Cary Truax, Clara Etta (I4110)
381 daughter of James Ross and Lillian Swinford Ross, Luella Agnes (I1308)
382 daughter of James W. Edwards and Helen Cook Edwards, Atha Marie (I3269)
383 daughter of James White and Nancy Wiles White, Julia Ann (I2090)
384 daughter of Jerry Rose and Mary Ellen Kirby Rose, Nettie (I559)
385 daughter of Joel Acree and Elvessa Foreux Acree, Martha J. (I3404)
386 daughter of John Chester and Martha Chester, Lena Leota (I892)
387 daughter of John Elmer Lee and Grace Edna Myers Lee, Katheryn Virginia (I700)
388 daughter of John Henry Eutsler and Marth Alice Harshman Eutsler, Hazel Harriet (I1289)
389 daughter of John Isom Hyatt and Lillian Irene Neely Hyett, Virginia Annabelle (I3452)
390 daughter of John J. Smoot and Elizabeth M. Byerly Smoot, Bertha June (I2948)
391 daughter of John Johnson and Susan Goodner Johnson, Mary Margaret (I2093)
392 daughter of John Johnston and Stella Oakwood Johnston, Mary Oletha (I3018)
393 daughter of John Kochvar and Mary Gregor Kochvar, Mary Anna (I3789)
394 daughter of John M. Cramer and Meeka Ann Richardson Cramer, Minerva Ellen (I2137)
395 daughter of John Newton Black and Emma Elizabeth Mullin Black, Bessie (I3067)
396 daughter of John R. Gerrard and Leah Busick Gerrard, Ellen (I894)
397 daughter of John Richard Chapman and Etta Grey Chapman, Billie Hope (I829)
398 daughter of John Roberts and Elizabeth Cherry Roberts, Cathryn Jane (I4241)
399 daughter of John Sinn Bradley and Sarah Belle Kincaid Bradley, Gertie (I3967)
400 daughter of John Swannell and Ellen Elberson Swannell, Eva Gordon (I1063)

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