hmtl5 Notes: Gritton Genealogy


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4351 Illinois Civil war muster and escriptive rolls detail report.
Name: John B Yeazel
Rank: Corporal
Company: C
Unit: 25th Illinois Infantry
Height: 5' 6
Hair: DARK
Complexion: DARK
Marital status: Single
Occupation: Farmer
Birth Date: Abt 1834
Birth Place: Champaign CO, IL
War: Civil War
War Years: 1861-1865
Service Entry Age: 27
Service Entry Date: 1 Jun 1861
Service Entry Place: Homer, IL
Joined By Whom: SUMMERS
Period: 3 YRS
Muster In Date: 4 Aug 1861
Muster In Place: St Louis, MO
Residence Place: Homer, Champaign CO, IL
Record Source: Illinois Civil War Muster and Descriptive Rolls 
Yeazel, John B. (I3497)
4352 Illinois Database of Illinois Veterans Index, 1775-1995
Name: Edward Hall
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Company: C
Unit: 25th Illinois Infantry
Height: 6' 2
Complexion: LIGHT
Marital status: Single
Occupation: Plasterer
Birth Date: Abt 1833
Birth Place: Lawrence CO, OH
War: Civil War
War Years: 1861-1865
Service Entry Age: 28
Service Entry Date: 1 Jun 1861
Service Entry Place: Homer, IL
Joined By Whom: SUMMERS
Period: 3 YRS
Muster In Date: 4 Aug 1861
Muster In Place: St Louis, MO
Remarks: PROMOTED 1LT APR 3, 1862
Residence Place: Homer, Champaign CO, IL
Record Source: Illinois Civil War Muster and Descriptive Rolls
Hall, Edward (I2960)
4353 Illinois database of Illinois Veterans Index.
Name: John H Bensel
Rank: Private
Company: A
Unit: 125th Illinois Infantry
Height: 5' 6
Eyes: BLUE
Complexion: LIGHT
Marital status: Single
Occupation: Farmer
Birth Date: Abt 1841
Birth Place: Vermilion CO, IL
War: Civil War
War Years: 1861-1865
Service Entry Age: 21
Service Entry Date: 18 Jul 1862
Service Entry Place: Danville, IL
Joined By Whom: C RALSTON
Period: 3 YRS
Muster In Date: 3 Sep 1862
Muster In Place: Danville, IL
Muster Out Date: 9 Jun 1865
Muster Out Place: Washington, DC
Muster Out By Whom: LT SCROGGS
Residence Place: Danville, Vermilion CO, IL
Record Source: Illinois Civil War Muster and Descriptive Rolls

US Civil War Pension Index:
Name of soldier: Bensyl, John H.
Name of decpendent: Father, Bensyl, Balsier
Serive: A 125 Ill Inf.
Date of filing: 29 June 1880 - Father - application No.272/971 
Bensyl, John H. (I89)
4354 Illinois deaths and still births index gives his name as Theordore Melvin Hall.
Find a Grave lists him as Theodore Wilson Hall. 
Hall, Theodore Melvin (I3719)
4355 Illinois deaths and stillbirths index
Name: August W. Herren
Birth Date: 19 May 1886
Birth Place: Abingdon, VA
Death Date: 13 Mar 1938
Death Place: Danville, Vermilion, Illinois
Burial Date: 16 Mar 1938
Burial Place: Danville, Vermilion, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Springhill
Death Age: 51
Occupation: Engineer C.& E. I. R.R.
Race: White
Marital Status: M
Gender: Male
Residence: Danville, Vermilion, Ill.
Father Name: Jesse S. Herren
Father Birth Place: Saltville, VA.
Mother Name: Rachel Collings
Mother Birth Place: Saltville, VA.
Spouse Name: Alice Herren
FHL Film Number 1818556
Herren, August White (I4441)
4356 Illinois deaths and stillbirths index give burial at Mount Emblem. I can find no entry for him on Find a Grave McMillin, Logan Gordon (I2764)
4357 Illinois Deaths and Stillbirths Index lists Ralph Greene as her spouse. She is still in her parent's household in 1930, and died before the 1940 census; I can find no confirming documentation to identify Ralph Greene. There is a Ralph Green, age 22, widowed nephew, in the 1940 US census in the home Fred and Ethel Jones in Pekin< Tazewell County, Illinois, and although it is highly likely that this is the Ralph Greene who married Mary, there is no documentation yet to support that. Johnston, Mary Byronia (I3766)
4358 Illinois deaths and stillbirths index states Spring Hill Cemetery for burial I can find not entry for him on Find a Grave. Lewis, Melvin Wesley (I3722)
4359 Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales Database
Purchaser Information
Residence" VERMILION
Social Status:
Legal Description
Aliquot Parts or Lot: W2
Section Number: 22
Township: 21N
Range: 14W
Meridian: 2
County of Purchase: VERMILION
Details of Sale
Acres: 320.00
Price per Acre: .25
Total Price: 80.00
Type of Sale: FD
Date of Purchase: 11/24/1854
Volume: 238
Page: 109
Gritten, Laben (I424)
4360 Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales Database - Illinois State Archives

Purchaser: CLINE JOHN
Residence: VERMILION
Social Status -
Legal Description
Aliquot Parts or Lot: W2SW
Section Number: 25
Township: 20N
Range: 12W
Meridian: 2
County of Purchase: VERMILION
Details of Sale
Acres: 80.00
Price per Acre: 1.25
Total Price: 100.00
Type of Sale: FD
Date of Purchase: 11/15/1830
Volume: 291
Page: 048

Cline, John B. (I1)
4361 Illinois Public Land Purchase Recrods
Name: Samuel Swinford
Section: E2NE
Price per Acre: 1.25
Total Price: 100.00
Date: 9 Oct 1826
Volume: 291
Page: 013
Type: FD
Sect: 32
Township: 21N
Range: 11W
Meridian: 2
Acres: 80.00
Corr-Tag: 0
ID: 133317
Reside: 092 
Swinford, Samuel (I3909)
4362 Illinois Veterans Index
Name: Johnson F Knight
Rank: Private
Military Age: 17
Service Entry Age: 18
Muster In Age: 18
Muster Out Age: 21
Birth Date: abt 1844
Birth Place: Butler Co, Pennsylvania
Height: 5' 7
Hair: Light
Eyes: Blue
Complexion: Light
War Years: 1861-1865
War: Civil War
Company: A
Unit: 125th Illinois Infantry
Period: 3 Yrs
Service Entry Date: 18 Jul 1862
Service Entry Place: Danville, Illinois
Joined By Whom: C Ralston
Muster In Date: 3 Sep 1862
Muster In Place: Danville, Illinois
Muster Out Date: 9 Jun 1865
Muster Out Place: Washington, District of Columbia
Muster Out By Whom: Lt Scroggs
Residence Place: Danville, Vermilion Co, Illinois
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Farmer
Record Source: Illinois Civil War Muster and Descriptive Rolls
Knight, Johnson F. (I4373)
4363 Illinois, databases of Illinois Veterans Index, 1775-1995
Name: Isaac N Shumate
Rank: Private
Company: C
Unit: 12th Illinois Infantry
Height: 5' 7
Eyes: GRAY
Complexion: FAIR
Marital status: Single
Occupation: Farmer
Birth Date: Abt 1843
Birth Place: Vermilion CO, IL
War: Civil War
War Years: 1861-1865
Service Entry Age: 18
Service Entry Date: 1 Sep 1861
Period: 3 YRS
Residence Place: Danville, Vermilion CO, IL
Record Source: Illinois Civil War Muster and Descriptive Rolls 
Shumate, Isaac Newton (I3882)
4364 Illinois, Deaths and stillbirths index, 1916-1947 record for Martha Ellen Irving, b. 17 October 1867, Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois, died 30 october 1926 in Oackwood Township, Vermilion County, Illinois. Father John Bonnet. Mother: Mary Cline. This record gives her husband's name as John W. Irving. I can find no other record of John Irving.

The Oakwood Cemetery records her as Martha Ellen Bonnett Wolfe. 
Bonnett, Martha Ellen (I255)
4365 In 1789 he was awarded a Kentucky Land Grant for 500 acres in Nelson County along the Salt River.

Virginia Grants, page 56.
Gritton, John 500 acres, book 16, page 162, date survey 7-7-1789, Nelson County, Salt River watercourse.

He later resided in Mercer County. 
Gritton, John (I975)
4366 In 1910 George Cochran, widower, is a hired hand on the farm of Joseph and Margaret Lenord. His four children at in the household of his parents, also in Caldwell Township. Cochran, George B. (I4221)
4367 In 1910 US census Annie's occupation is listed as seamstree. James, Annie Lee (I2501)
4368 In almost all records Lee's surname is spelled as Dobbins. However, his two children's surnames are spelled as Dobbons. Dobbins, Lee Harry (I1772)
4369 In an altercation at Danville, between David Clem and Miles Gritton, the former cut Gritton's throat from ear to ear with a bowie knife, causing immediate death. During the struggle Clem was stabbed in the bowels and will surely die.
The Illinois State Journal, Springfield, Illinois. Wednesday, 25 September 1878, page 4.
Gritton, Milo B. (I427)
4370 In Catalogue of Students for the year 1869-70 attending Illinois Industrial University in Urbana, Champaign County, Illinois.

Also listed in the school's publication in 1916 with this entry:
* Yeazel, Abraham (ag 1869-70) d. March 3 1997 Homer Ill.
Yeazel, Abraham (I3731)
4371 In his book History of the Shumate family, Kentucky pioneers, author Robert S. Riley estimates John Shumates's birth year as 1793 in Fauquier County, Virginia before his parents, John and Sarah (Preston) Shumate moved to Kentucky.  Shumate, John (I3870)
4372 In History of the Shumate family, Kentucky pioneers, author Robert S. Riley estimates William Shumate's birth as about 1793 and the place as Fauquier County, Virginia since he believed William was probably born before his parents, John and Sarah (Preston) Shumate moved to Kentucky. However, I believe that his birth date is closer to the 1800 date given in the census records which also enters his place of birth as Kentucky. I base this on the fact that he bought land close to John B. and Catherine (Shumate) Cline in Vermilion County, Illinois and moved there from Kentucky around the same time that they did. Shumate, William (I3871)
4373 In Marriage License Abstracts, Vermilion County, Illinois: 1853-1874. Page 129. Spencer Shumate's witnesses are John Shumate and Levin T. Palmer. Malinda Sowders' witnesses are William Sowders, father, and James Whitcomb. Family F1640
4374 In some records Ethel's maiden name is stated as Felmley. Charles Felmley was her step father. Gates, Ethel (I2912)
4375 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Lowe, George Alan (I844)
4376 In the 1820 US census, Mercer County, Kentucky, 7 August 1820. William Gritten's household had 10 persons, 8 of which were under the age of 16, and two of which were over the age of 25.
4 free white males under age 10. 2 free white fremailes under age 10. 2 free white females aged 10-15. Only one person engaged in agriculture. 
Gritton, William (I981)
4377 In the 1830 US census, Shaker, Mercer County, Kentucky.Jane Gritton is listed as head of household with a total of 7 persons. 1 female aged 40-49 with 6 persons under the age of 20.
1 free white male under age 5. 1 free white male age 10-14. 1 free white male age 15-19. 2 free white females age 5-9. 1 free white female age 10-14.

This would appear to be the family of William and Jenny Jane (Lipsey) Gritton. William died in 1823 leaving Jenny with a large family of young children. 
Lipsey, Jenny Jane (I982)
4378 In the 1840 US census Mary Bensyl is head of household that consists of two people: 1 white male age 15-19 and 1 white female age 50-59. Unknown, Mary (I3921)
4379 In the 1850 census, Elizabeth Durdin is 16 years old and on a farm not too farm from where I believe her parent lived. I believe she is the daughter of Alexander and Jerusha Durbin, and the younger sister of Lucy Ann Durbin, Levi's first wife. Durdin, Elizabeth R. (I2321)
4380 In the 1850 US census enumerated 19 Dec 1850.
Jane (age 38), Balingze (age 16), Merriman (age 13), and John (age 8). All children are attending school.
Real estate is valued as $400.  
Burton, Jane S. (I448)
4381 In the 1850 US census Maylon Cunningham is in the household of Ezerah Hoskins. So is Clrinda Gritton and her two young sons. Cunningham, Mahlon (I2355)
4382 In the 1850 US census, Joseph Shepherd is in the household of his parents, Louis and Sealy Shepherd. Shepherd, Joseph (I4111)
4383 In the 1850 US census, Mary Bensyl is in the household of Balser Bensyl. Unknown, Mary (I3921)
4384 In the 1850 US census, Mathias Sivey, age 76, born in Virginia, is in the householf of his son, Absolom Sivey in Vermilion County, Illinois. Census was taken on 31 December 1850. Sivey, Mathias (I588)
4385 In the 1860 US census Andrew's household included his second wife, Angeline (Spencer) (Yeazel), Angelines mother, Abigail Spaencer, age 68, and the two children from Angeline's marriage to Isaac Yeazel, Elizabeth, age 13, and William age 11. As well as Andrew's six children from his first marriage, Nichelson, Andrew (I3792)
4386 In the 1860 US census Catharine Cline, age 70, and her granddaughter S. C. Cline, age 18, are in the household of Catherine's oldest son, Spencer Cline. Shumate, Catherine (I2)
4387 In the 1860 US census, Amos, age 14, and his brother Ezanah, age 12, are in the household of their mother Clarinda and her second husband Mahlon Cunningham. Gritton, Amos (I2356)
4388 In the 1860 US census, Amos, age 14, and his brother Ezanah, age 12, are in the household of their mother Clarinda and her second husband Mahlon Cunningham. Gritten, Azeriah Frances (I2357)
4389 In the 1860 US census, Elizabeth Yeazel, age 13, and her broth Willoiam Yeazel, age 11, are in the household of her mother Angeline and her mother's second husband, Andrew Nicholson. Also in the household ia Angeline's mother, Abigail Spencer, age 68. Yeazel, Elizabeth (I3793)
4390 In the 1860 US census, enumerated 9 July 1860.
Jane Gritton, age 44, farmer, Melinzerbell, age 23; Merriman, age 21, and John, age 16.
Real estate valued at $400, personal estate valued at $300. 
Burton, Jane S. (I448)
4391 In the 1860 US census, John Gower, age 8, and an orphan, is in the household of his grandparents, George and Elizabeth Yeazel in Moorefield, Clark County, Ohio. He is listed as attending school.

From 20th century hisotry of Springfield, and Clark County, Ohio, and representative citizens. Chicago, Illinois, Biographical Publishing Co., 1908.
Page 690.
John H. Gower, a general farmer who owns fifty acres in Harmony and Springfield Townships, belongs to a family that was established in Clark County in 1850. Mr. Gower was born in Pleasant Township, Clark County, Ohio, May 23, 1852, and is a son of James Z. and Eliza C. (Yeazel) Gower.
James Z. Gower was born in Maryland and was a son of George Gower. In 1850 he came to Clark County and taught school and studied medicine, remaining until after the birth of his son, when he moved to Michigan, where he lived one year, and from there to Indiana, where he continued to practice medicine until his death, October 9, 1875, at the age of forty-five years. He married Eliza C. Yeazel, who was born in Moorefield Township, Clark County, April 24, 1834. They had two children: John H. and Elizabeth. The latter died in infancy.
John H. Gower has lived in Clark County almost all his life, and has followed agricultural pursuits. In 1878 he purchased his present farm, on which he has continued to make excellent improvements. He carries on general farming and handles thorough-bred stock. For about twenty years he dealt in imported stallions. On February 16, 1871, he was married in Clark County, to Mary E. McClellan, and they had the following children: Maurice H., Lottie A., Orrie L., Richard, Stuart M., Mary A., and James L. Maurice H., born October 26, 1873, married (first Lillian E. Poffenberger, and they had three children: John M., Isabel and Harriet. He married (second) Ella Eaton and they reside at Springfield. Lottie A., born October 11, 1875, married John L. Tuttle, and they have two children, John H. and Helen, and they live at Mansfield, Ohio. Richard, born April 1, 1883, died December 6, 1888. Orrie was born May 5, 1877. Stuart M., born December 12, 1884, married Emma Burkhardt, and they have one child, John Ernest, and they reside on the homestead. Mary A., born April 4, 1887, married Harry Nicklen, and they live at Springfield. James L., born October 17, 1889, is a student in the High School at Plattsburg, class of 1908.
Mrs. Gower is a member, on the maternal side, of the prominent Tuttle family. Her father, Jacob McClellan, was born May 4, 1830, and died in 1892. He married Rachel Tuttle, who still survives. She was born September 29, 1832. Mr. and Mrs. McClellan had five children, namely: Isabel, Mary E., Emma, Alice and William L.
Mr. Gower and family belong to the Universalist Church at Springfield. 
Gower, John H. (I3707)
4392 In the 1860 US census, Martin Mahan is a farm laborer in the household of George and Elizabeth Yeazel. Mahar, Martin (I3702)
4393 In the 1860 US census, they are living next door to the household of Edmond Riley, age 21, who in turn is living next door to the household of his father Balis Riley, age 57. Garnett, Anthony (I2738)
4394 In the 1865 Illinois state census taken on 3 Jul 1865, James Hensley is on the same page as Stephen Shumaker [Shumate], William Milliner, Spencer Cline, Frances Watson, John Bonnet, Cynthia Cline, William Shumake, John Gritton.
His household includes:
1 female under age 10
1 male age 10-20
1 female over age 30
1 male over age 30 
Hensley, James F. (I3887)
4395 In the 1870 US census James Yeazel's real estate is valued at $23,600, and his personal estate property at $5,200. Yeazel, James (I3680)
4396 In the 1870 US census the household of James Ellis, age 35 and second wife Mary (Henry) (Snook) includesfive children with the surname of Ellis and three children with the surname of Snook from Mary's first marriage. Ellis, James William (I2572)
4397 In the 1870 US census there are only Lloyd and Sarah Grimes in their household. In the 1880 US census there are Lloyd and Sarah plus Samuel (age 18), John (age 16), Anna (age 14), Howard (age 9), Elisha (age 7, and Luella (age 2). I have not found the three older children anywhere in the 1870 census yet. Grimes, Lloyd H. (I963)
4398 In the 1870 US census William and wife Elizabeth Brown are in the household of their son William Brown. Brown, William C. (I2554)
4399 In the 1870 US census, Catherine Cline, age 78, is in the household of her granddaughter, Sarah and Sarah's second husband John F. Gritton. Shumate, Catherine (I2)
4400 In the 1870 US census, Delilah is wife of Joseph Griffey. Also in his household are Prudence and Elizabeth Griffey from his previous marriage. Gritton, Delilah (I1552)

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