Matches 4,501 to 4,550 of 5,765
# | Notes | Linked to |
4501 | In the 1940 US census, Flossie Phillips, widow, is in the householf of her father, Sherman Meeker. | Meeker, Flossie (I3205)
4502 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Lowe, George Alan (I844)
4503 | In the 1940 US census, Harold, age 15, and his brother Frankllyn, age 12, are in the household of their father's brother, Charles Allison and his family. In the same household is their mother's brother, Omer A. Dazey, age 54. | Allison, Harold Eugene (I4151)
4504 | In the 1940 US census, Harold, age 15, and his brother Franklyn, age 12, are in the household of their father's brother, Charles Allison and his family. In the same household is their mother's brother, Omer A. Dazey, age 54. | Allison, Franklin (I4152)
4505 | In the 1940 US census, Harry A. Gritton, married, is living alone at 4326 3rd Street NW. Georgia M. Gritton is shown in another record as living alone at the same address. | Gritton, Harry Aloysius (I491)
4506 | In the 1940 US census, Jess Hoshauer, widowed, is living as sole head of household. | Hoshauer, Jesse Earl (I4155)
4507 | In the 1940 US census, John H. Poulter, widowed, is in the household of his sister, Elizabeth Milliner, widow. | Poulter, John H. (I1108)
4508 | In the 1940 US census, Lola H. Blue, widow age 45, is head of household that includes her widowed father Tilman Swisher, age 80, and lodger Fred R. Baker, age 44. Fred and Lola would later marry. | Swisher, Lola (I3954)
4509 | In the 1940 US census, Margaret and daughter Peggy, age 3, are in the household of her parents. | Mansuy, Margaret Cynthia (I1580)
4510 | In the 1940 US census, Miranda H. Watson, widow, age 71, is in the the household of her daughter and son-in-law Mabel and Gurley Bullock. | Shank, Maranda Henrietta (I2184)
4511 | In the 1940 US census, Raymong Gritton, age 15, is in the household of his mother's sister, Minnie A. Stuart, age 40, and his mother's mother, Lillie M. Stuart, widow age 65. | Gritton, Ramond Allen (I4057)
4512 | In the 1940 US census, Sarah Gritton, widow, age 70, is in the household of her widowed daughter Bertha Dorset, age 55, and Bertha's daughter Lillian, age 18. | Minteer, Sarah Caroline (I2326)
4513 | In the 1940 US census, Sherman W. Rush, widower, and his three youngest children are living in the household of his parents, William and Mary Rush. | Rush, Sherman Wilmer (I4154)
4514 | In the 1940 US census, the household includes George's widowes mother-in-law, Sarah E. Brown. | Babbitt, George (I2686)
4515 | In the 1940 US census, Walter Noblit, age 60, divorced, is in the household of his daughter and son-in-law, Laura and Harry Pint. | Noblitt, Walter (I564)
4516 | In the county court Friday morning Leland Carpenter, under arrest for wife and child abandonment, was released upon promising to ay his wife and baby $25 per month, starting on Friday. His father signed the bond. The baby is six weeks old. The Urbana Daily Courier, Urbana, Illinois. Monday, 10 December 1923, page 6. | Carpenter, Leland (I1273)
4517 | In the county court Friday morning Leland Carpenter, under arrest for wife and child abandonment, was released upon promising to ay his wife and baby $25 per month, starting on Friday. His father signed the bond. The baby is six weeks old. The Urbana Daily Courier, Urbana, Illinois. Monday, 10 December 1923, page 6. | Gritton, Winnie Star (I1270)
4518 | In the Indianapolis Home for Aged Women | Monroe, Jennette M. (I2180)
4519 | In the marriage record Rebecca McKinney's parents are listed as John McKinny and Eleanore McKinny. These same parents are listed for the marriage of Mary McKinney to Thomas Overstreet on 3 September 1810. | McKinney, Rebecca (I984)
4520 | In US Civil Ware Draft Reistration Records, June 1863 Blount Township. Lloyd Grimes, age 26. White. Farmer, Married. Born in Illinois On same page as Jess Gritton and his two cousins John and Merriman Gritton. | Grimes, Lloyd H. (I963)
4521 | in various census records his occupation is listed as music promotion, newspaper dealer, magazine editor | Clipson, Edwin Fletcher (I2754)
4522 | Ina L. Potter, b.1896 of DuPage County, Illinois enlisted in 28 June 1944 for the duration of the war in the Womens Army Corps . Her marital status was widow without dependents. She had 2 years of high school education, and had stenographer and typing skills. | Unknown, Ina L. (I3268)
4523 | Indiana Marriages Covington, Ind., July 3. - Miss Nettie Rose and Charles O. Gritten, of this city, were married last night at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Gritten; Justice of the peace Samuel Simms performing the ceremony. The Indianapolis News, Indianapolis, Indiana. Friday, 3 July 1908. | Rose, Nettie (I559)
4524 | Indiana Marriages Covington, Ind., July 3. - Miss Nettie Rose and Charles O. Gritten, of this city, were married last night at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Gritten; Justice of the peace Samuel Simms performing the ceremony. The Indianapolis News, Indianapolis, Indiana. Friday, 3 July 1908. | Gritton, Charles Oliver (I543)
4525 | Indiana select marriages index for the marriage of Jennette M. Monroe and Henry H. Poulter, 7 Sep 1892, Marion County, Indiana giver her parents names as father: Donald Monroe mother: Helen Ross Indiana select marriages index for the marriage of Janet M. Monroe and Oscar Keith. marriage 14 Jun 1905, Marion County, Indiana gives her status as widow. her birth date: 17 Dec 1857, Scotland father: Donald Monroe mothe: Helen Ross Janet Monroe Keith's death certificate gives her matital status as widowed. birth date 19 Dec 1954, Soctland father Donal Monroe mother: Helen Ross Henry Harrison Pouler's death certificate and 1900 US census entry list his marital status as widower. Janet's second husband, Oscar Keith is in the 1910 US census in Providence, Rhode Island. He is listed as a widower, occupation is traveling salesman. He is buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Douglas, Worcester County, Massachusetts b. 1844. d.1911. | Monroe, Jennette M. (I2180)
4526 | Indiana State Soldiers' Home | Underwood, Mary Josephine (I557)
4527 | Indiana: US Civil War Soldier Database Name William Fletcher Birth Year abt 1844 Age 18 Enrollment Date 13 Aug 1862 Discharge Date 13 Feb 1863 Place Greenfield, Indiana Company B Regiment 99 Notes Died of disease. Nativity: Marion, IN.; Farmer URL | Fletcher, William S. (I4459)
4528 | Infant Daughter Dies. Centralia, Mo. May 11 - Hazel Jeanette Gallop, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel Gallop, died early yesterday morning, a few hours after she was born at the home of Mrs. Gallop's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gritton. Mrs. Gallop is the former Miss Bertha Gritton and is the sister of Ray Gritton of Moberly. Her condition is serious. Moberly Monitor. 11 May 1936. | Gallip, Hazel Jeanette (I2632)
4529 | inmate at the State Training School (for the Feeble Minded). In the 1900 US census, Cora is marked as not being able to read or write. | Wiggans, Cora M. (I612)
4530 | Inscription: WW2 | Noblitt, Wayne Marcus (I575)
4531 | Iona Gritton Iona Gritton, 82, Aledo, died Sunday at Aledo Health Care Center. Graveside services at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at Aledo Cemetery. Visitation is 9 a.m. until time of services Tuesday at Reiser-Trimble Funeral Home, Eldo. Memorial may be made to First Baptist Church, Aledo, where she was a member. The former Ida Iona McGraw was born March 13, 1908, in Wapello, Iowa. She married Elmer "Jack" Gritton Dec. 6, 1932, in Davenport. He died Sept. 16, 1981. In earlier years she had been employed at the Ben Franklin Store, the Firestone S tore, and in the laundry department of Mercer County Hospital, all in Aledo. Survivors include several nieces and nephews, including George Gritton, Aledo, Bert Gritton, Orion, Maxine Whitehall, Joy, and Ruth Bennett, Rock Island. The Dispatch, Moline, Illinois. Monday, 1 October 1990. | McGraw, Ida Iona (I2335)
4532 | Isaac N. "Ike" Gritton shares a headstone with his tather Levi Gritton and Mary E. Gritton. Block 7, Lot 4. | Gritton, Isaac N. (I3053)
4533 | Isabella's death certificate gives her date of birth as 1877, but she is in the 1870 US census with an approximate birth date of 1867. The 1867 birthdate also correlates with her marriage date in 1889. | Fox, Isabella (I3825)
4534 | It appears that in the 1920 US census John Cline is an inmate on the County Farm | Cline, John B. (I321)
4535 | It seems likely that Lily's husband's name was Bud D. Renfro. See cemetery records for Spring Hill Cemetery. Bud died in 1919. | Bonnett, Lily (I258)
4536 | Ivan E. "Pud" Roach, 65, Attica, died at 1 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 26, 2010, at his residence, following a five-week battle with cancer. He was born in Williamsport on Aug. 20, 1945 to the late Ivan Fritzgerald and Clara Elizabeth Gritten Roach. On May 5, 1968, he married Cheryl E. Bowman in Attica. She survives. Also surviving are his daughter, Heather Brinkman (husband: Mike) of Attica and four grandchildren, Lauren, Courtney, Catlin and Kaleb Brinkman. He served in the Indiana National Guard. | Roach, Ivan Eugene (I2473)
4537 | J. P. Parliament Expires At 73 The Homer Enterprise. June 5, 1971. Funeral services for Jesse P. Parliament, 73, longtime resident of Homer, were held June 4 in Homer with Rev. Harold Flessner officiating. Interment was in GAR Cemetery. Mr. Parliament died at 2 a.m. June 2 in Mercy Hospital. Born May 2, 1898, in Broadlands, he was a son of Charles and Eva Evans Parliament. He was married May 31, 1923, at Homer to Elsie E. Johnson, who survives. Other survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Austin (Imogene) Chewning of Cross City, Fla.; a son, Clyde L. of Homer; 5 brothers, Frank and Archie, both of Detroit, Mich., Max of Danville, Oscar of Covington, Ind., and Russell of Sidell; 2 sisters, Mrs. Doris Moreman of Crawfordsville, Ind., and Mrs. Glen (Opal) White of Indianapolis, Ind., and 6 grandchildren. Mr. Parliament was a member of the Mouth of Jordan Church at Center Point. He was operator of the J & E Café at Homer for 30 years. Memorial contributions may be made to GAR Cemetery. (transcribed by Homer Historical Society) | Parliament, Jesse Pleasant (I4279)
4538 | J.F. Gritton pioneer dies at age of 84. Farmer and Danville merchange dies in South Danville home. John Franklin Gritton, retired farmer and former owner of feed yards, and who would have been 84 years old had he lived five days more, died at his home, 11 North Jefferson street, South Danville at 1:40 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mr. Gritton was a lifelong resident of Vermilion county and since coming to Danville a quarter of a century ago has made his home in South Town. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the residence. Mr. Gritton was born in Blount township, July 6, 1842, the son of pioneer stock and one of three children, a brother M.L. Gritton, who formerly lived in South Danville, and a sister, Mrs. Belle Hensley, preceding him in death. During Mr. Gritton's life he resided near Fairmount on a farm and 25 years ago moved to Danville where he owned feed yards, first on walnut street and later on Hazel street, part of the time, operating both places. He retired 15 years ago. He was married to Miss Sarah K. Cline on Aug. 9, 1869, and to this union five children were born, two of whom, Mrs. George Hedges of Fairmount and Lewis A. Gritton, a motorman on the Ridgefarm-Georgetown line, survive. Two sons, Franklin M. and Everett M. Gritton died when they were 7 and 5 years old, when they were given an overdose of medicine by mistake. The two brothers were buried in the same casket. A daughter, Grace May, died in infancy. Besides the son and daughter, Mr. Gritton is survived by the widow, Mrs. Sarah Gritton. Newspaper clipping from Cora (Gritton) Hedges. No publishing information available. | Gritton, John Franklin (I287)
4539 | J.R. Gritton Dies Jewell R. Gritton, 64, Danville, a brother of A.D. Gritton, 1713 E. William St., died yesterday in Danville, according to word received here. He was an employe of the American Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Decatur. He lived here for several months recently. The body is in the Paper Funeral Home, Danville. Arrangements are incomplete. Herald and Review, Decatur, Illinois. Thursday, 9 October 1952. | Gritton, Jewell Rock (I545)
4540 | Jack D. Edwards, 83, of Danville, passed away at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013, at Provena United Samaritans Medical Center in Danville. He was born March 19, 1929 in Danville to Leslie and Helen Justice Edwards. He was preceded in death by his parents and a son, Michael G. Edwards. He married Louella M. Brown on Dec. 26, 1946 in Kentucky. She survives. Also surviving are two children, Nancy (Clay) Hicks and Gregory (Terri) Edwards; daughter-in-law, Linda Edwards; grandchildren, Tony (Rita) Hicks, Sherrie (Steve) Edwards, Joshua (Trisha) Edwards, Jessica (Scott) Gillespie and Jodi (Danny) Ralston; step-grandson, Shawn Hillard; 12 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; brothers, Robert (Mary Ellen) Edwards and Donald (Rosie) Edwards and sister, June (Paul) Ziebart. | Edwards, Jack Dale (I2199)
4541 | Jack Haddock son of Ennis Haddock and Martha Ann Hundley Funeral services set for Sunday Services for Jack Haddock, 81, Ridgehill Drive, will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at First Christian Church, with the Rev. James O. Hazelrigg officiating. Burial will follow in Riverside Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 tonight at Hughart and Beard Funeral Home, Hopkinsville. He died at 9:35 a.m. Friday, Jan. 31, 2003, at Jennie Stuart Medical Center. A native of Hopkinsville, he was born July 30, 1921. He was the son of the late Ennis and Martha Ann Hundley Haddock. He was an elder, a member and a former trustee at First Christian Church, a director with the former First Federal Savings Bank (now US Bank), past president of the Hopkinsville Christian County Chamber of Commerce and past president of the Rotary Club. Additionally, he served on the Zoning and Adjustments Board and was treasurer for the Kentucky Circuit Clerk's Association. Haddock was an Easter Seal chairman for three years, and a former trustee of the Elizabeth Stone Educational Fund. Survivors include his wife, Doris Haddock; a son, Gary J. Haddock, Hopkinsville; three sisters, Virginia Clark and Grace Almeda Hill, both of Hopkinsville, and Elizabeth Ann Lollar, Jackson, Tenn.; three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Expressions of sympathy may take the form of donations to the First Christian Church Memorial Fund. | Haddock, Jasper Jackson (I2535)
4542 | Jack Kenneth Goodner, 75, of Danville, passed away at 12:15 p.m. Friday, March 27, 2009, at the Veterans Affairs Illiana Health Care System, Danville. He was born in Danville on Aug. 14, 1933, the son of Kenneth E. and Hazel E. (Swisher) Goodner. Jack married JoAnn Taylor on Jan. 30, 1959 in Georgetown. She survives. Other survivors include his two children, Todd (Lisa) Goodner and Lu Ann (Jack) Picklap; grandchildren, Travis and Mason Goodner and Jeff and Kristen Picklap; one sister, Mary (Harry) Shepherd; one brother, Melvin Goodner; one sister-in-law, Mary (Gene) Morrow and very special nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; one brother, Eugene Goodner and one infant sister, Marie. Jack was a graduate of Danville High School. He was a veteran of the United States Navy during the Korean War and served as a submariner. He previously owned his own real estate office, Land Office Realty, and retired from the Operations Department at the University of Illinois in 1998. Jack was a member of the American Legion Post 210 and a member of the Danville Barbershop Chorus for many years. He previously served on the Vermilion County War Museum Board and served as a golf ranger at Harrison Park Golf Course. Jack loved to play golf and ride his motorcycle. The essence of Jack's life was showing love to his family and friends through random acts of humor, wit, words, and song. It was not uncommon to find an old treasured family photo in the mail from him or a small gift tucked beside our dinner plate at one of our many family gatherings. Commercial-News (Danville, IL) - Saturday, March 28, 2009 | Goodner, Jack Kenneth (I3357)
4543 | Jackie was married at least twice. Her name on her social security application is given an Jackie Darlene Carothers, with a previous surname as Williams. | Hensley, Jackie Darlene (I2157)
4544 | James Decatur - Helen Irene James, 81, of Decatur died 8:10 p.m. Friday (Feb. 8. 2002) in Fair Havens Christian Home. Memorial services will be 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 23, in Prairie Avenue Christian Church. Graveside services will be 2 p.m. Saturday, April 20 in West Lebanon, Ind. She will be buried with her sister and brothers who died in a terrible storm, in which Mrs. James survived. Brintlinger and Earl Funeral Homes is in charge of arrangements. In lieu of flowers, memorials to Prairie Avenue Christian Church or Owen Scott Chapter 111 Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. James was born Dec. 18, 1920, in Maple Township, Neb., the daughter of Anthony and Bessie Heck Gritton. She was a member of Prairie Avenue Christian Church. She was past worthy matron of Owen Scott Chapter 111 Order of the Eastern Star and had belonged to the Leighton Court of the Amaranth. She had worked for Miller-Oneil, Carson, Pirie Scott & Co. and First National Bank. Mrs. James was a drapery maker and had made all of the draperies in Prairie Avenue Christian Church. She married James Roach and later married Glenn James. Both husbands preceded her in death. Surviving are her sons, Donald E. Roach and wife Betty Jean and James H. Roach and wife Billie, all of Decatur; grandchildren, Michael Roach, Donna Spiker, Timothy Roach, Danny Roach, Jammie Cassidy and Phebe Bell; sisters, Esther Carrier and husband Jac of Forsyth; Leora Birch and husband Fed of Decatur; eight great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, three brothers and two sisters. Herald and Review, Decatur, Illinois. Sunday, 10 February 2002. | Gritton, Helen Irene (I1320)
4545 | James "Calvin" Brown, 79, of Danville, passed away February 18, 2014. He was born August 10, 1934 in Danville, the son of Robert and Ethel Meeker Brown. He was preceded in death by his parents; his son, James and his brothers, Verlan, Leland, and Darrell. He is survived by his son, Robert (Vicky) Brown; his sisters, Corabelle Todd and Louellyn Edwards; his daughter-in-law Becky; three grandchildren; five great-grandchildren and his many nieces and nephews. He started Brown Trucking and Excavating in 1968. Published in the Danville, Illinois Commercial News Feb. 21, 2014 | Brown, James Calvin (I3222)
4546 | James "Don" Brandon, 90, of Hot Springs Village died on Wednesday January 15, 2014 at Good Samaritan Nursing Home. Don was born September 26, 1923 to the late Howard and Mattie Gritton Brandon in Augusta, Kansas. Don served in both the United States Navy and Coast Guard. He was a master pilot flying jets, helicopters, seaplanes and even gliders, both private and commercial. His flying skills have allowed many unforgettable adventures for him and his family. Don was preceded in death by his parents and two brothers; Howard T. Jr and Robert Brandon. He is survived by his loving wife of Sixty-Three years; one son and daughter-in-law of Tulsa, OK; two daughters and sons-in-law of OK; and four grandchildren. Funeral Services were held at Good Samaritan Chapel on Saturday, Jan 18, 2014, Pastor Jim Burns officiated, Burial followed at CedarVale Cemetery. In Lieu of flowers, you may make donations in his honor to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research at Grand Central Station, P.O. Box 4777, New York, New York, 10163-4777. Arrangements were entrusted to CedarVale Funeral Home. | Brandon, James Donald (I3360)
4547 | James :Hezzy" White, peacefully passed away August 6, 2015 at his home. James was born June 6, 1926 in Blount Township to Cecil Laden White and Berniece Turner White Neubert. He married Lorraine Roberts Nov. 6, 1948. She died March 14, 1982. He married Norma (Golden) Steinbaugh April 2, 1983. They lived in Danville Twp. until 1987 then moved to Newell Twp. in Bismarck. He was a stepfather to James, Matthew, Mark and Timothy Steinbaugh and Julie Steinbaugh Boersma; a grandfather to 13 grandchildren and great-grandfather to 10 great-grandchildren; a brother to Melvin, Roy Lee, Joan Huls and Shirley Culver and an uncle to many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; his first and second wife; stepson, Jeffrey; a brother, Donald and two infant siblings. Jim attended Gravat grade school and Henning High School, then enlisting in the U.S. Navy during World War II, from Nov. 6, 1943, until April 13, 1947. He attended Utilities Engineering Institute in Chicago in 1949. He was employed in commercial refrigeration and air conditioning service, retiring in 1987. Jim received his honorary high school diploma from Bismarck High School in 2010. Published in the Danville, Illinois Commercial News Aug 8, 2015 | White, James W. (I1204)
4548 | James Brown's death certificate states he was buried 21 January 1961 at Washington Park Cemetery, Indianpolis, Indiana. I cannot find any entry for him on Find a Grave. | Brown, James Edgar (I1183)
4549 | James E. Dorsett James E. Dorsett, 40, 6218 Gilmore avenue, a Union Pacific shop man, died Wednesday at a local hospital after an illness of eight weeks. Surviving are his widow and a daughter, Lillian, of South Omaha. The body is at the Heafey & Heafey Funeral home. Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska. Friday, 11 December 1925. | Dorsett, James Everett (I2329)
4550 | JAMES L. KOLB August 16, 1963 Blue Lake Husband of Edith M. Kolb also of Blue Lake. Father of Dorothy Sloan of Redding, Mrs. Francis L. Curtis and Michael M. Kolb both of Blue Lake, and Mrs. June E. Woods of Happy Camp. Brother of William M. Kolb of Jancinto and Mrs. Amy P. Cook of Eureka. He is also survived by six grandchildren. A native of Felipe Ranch, San Diego, California. Age 55. Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Monday, August 19, at Paul's Funeral Chapel. Interment at Ocean View Cemetery, Eureka. Published in the Eureka Humboldt Standard on August 17, 1963. | Kolb, James L. (I4435)