hmtl5 Notes: Gritton Genealogy


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4651 LKH note:
Clues about Alice Cline.

1927 city directory for Danville, Illinois.
Herren, A W (Alice) eng r530 E. Main

* * * *
1940 census,
1114 Maple Ave., Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California.
Alice N. Herren, age 63, b. abt 1877, Illinois
inferred residence in 1935, Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois
* * * *
California voter reigstration
Mrs. Alice N. Herren
420 S. Beaudry Ave., Los Angeles, California
Party affiliation: Declines to state
occupation: housewife

* * * *
California death index
Alice Neola Herren [Alice Neola Cline]
b. abt 1876, Illinois
d. 7 Dec 1950, Los Angeles County
mother's maiden name: Washburn
father's surname: Cline
Cline, Alice (I283)
4652 LKH note:
Different records for his middle name.

Illinois deaths and stillbirths index gives his name as Wallace Reginold Stayton.
Find a Grave and his obituary list him as Wallace Raymond Stayton.
Stayton, Wallace Raymond (I2929)
4653 LKH note:
Elizabeth first to Milton Babb in 1857. They had 4 children.

After his death in 1869 she married second to James P. Yeazel in 1872. They had three children.
Littler, Elizabeth (I3726)
4654 LKH note:
Entries on Ancestry and on Find a Grave give Adam's parents as Abraham Yeazel (29 Apr 1774-2 Jan 1832) and Mary (Curl) Yeazel (30 Oct 1776-22 Sep 1828), both buried in Asbury Cemetery, Catawba, Clark County, Ohio. Find a Grave lists 13 children.

LKH Note: In the 1850 US census Adam Yeazel, age 43, is head of household which includes his wife, Maria, age 43, and eight children ranging in age from 20 to 1 year old. All of the children are listed as being born in Illinois. Adam Yeazel's real estate is valued at $2,000. 
Yeazel, Adam (I2952)
4655 LKH note:
Everett and his brother Franklin died on the same night when the doctor who came to attend them accidently poisoned them.
Gritton, Everett M. (I469)
4656 LKH note:
Family historian, Marjorie (Fox) Block) said that family lore suggested that the brothers, Franklin and Everett, were buried in Gordon Cemetery north of Danville. So far we have found not documentation to confirm this.
Gritton, Everett M. (I469)
4657 LKH note:
Franklin and his brother Everett died on the same night when the doctor who came to attend them accidently poisoned them.

Gritton, Franklin M. (I468)
4658 LKH note:
from census records it appears that after Laura died in 1904, Frank married a second time to Effie.

In the 1910 and 1920 census, Laura and Frank's children, May, Edwin and Harmon, lived with Frank's parents, Cyrus and Mary Tennery in Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois.
Tennery, Frank Cyrus (I4378)
4659 LKH note:
from his biography
three children with Ann Sullins
two of were living at the time of the biography:
Amanda Springate, m. Richard Zumwalt of Osage County.
Marcellus Springate

Five children with Sarah Sullins
four were living at time of biography
William Springate
Ferdinand Springate
Sterling Springate
Virginia Springate
Springgate, William Perry (I4449)
4660 LKH note:
from newspaper article on 73rd birthday party for Mrs. Charles Gritton, - three sister are listed, including Mary Huffman. Did Mary marry after the death of Orsmus?
Gritton, Mary Emily (I499)
4661 LKH note:
From this news article we learn that Elmer has been a railroad conductor since 1905.
* * *
Under the column “Shop and Track. Illinois Central.
A new seniority list of conducts and brakemen made up at the end of the year 1914 was posted on Saturday evening by Yardmaster Birdzell. The list shows the following sanding of trainman: Conductors –
[there follows a list of names and years, including … ]
E.E. Gritton and J.V. Spitz, 1905.
The Champaign Daily News, Champaign, Illinois. Tuesday, 9 February 1915, page 4.
Gritton, Elmer E. (I896)
4662 LKH note:
Hattie (Farnsworth) Gritton married second to Charles Ford. According to Find a Grave, this was his third marriage. According to Washington state death index, Hattie is listed as his wife when he died in 1943.

Charles Ford married his first wife, Lizzie Cavin (1872-1905) in 1888 in Vermilion County, Illinois. Find a Grave notes that he married next to Annie McNeil and third to Hattie Farnsworth. By the 1920 census, he was married to Hattie and they lived in Elma, Grays Harbor County, Washington.

From Find a Grave:
This Charles Ford is the son of Charles Ford (1825-1916) and Elizabeth (Baldwin) Ford(1832-1902). He married first: Lizzie Cavin (1872-1905) on 21 Nov 1888, Danville, Illinois. He married second: Annie McNeil He married third: Hattie Farnsworth.
Farnsworth, Hattie (I560)
4663 LKH note:
Hattie was first married to John Donbier and had a lease one son, Joseph Donbier, who is listed in Charles Gritton's obituary.
Burch, Sarah Hattie (I2018)
4664 LKH note:
In 1835 Joseph Oder purchased 40 acres near John B. Cline.

Need to research if there is a family connection with Joseph and Sarah Oder.

Illinois Public Domain Land Sales - Illinois State Archives.

Search Criteria: Section No: 25
Purchaser Information
Social Status

Legal Description
Aliquot Parts or LotNWSE
Section Number25
County of PurchaseVERMILION

Details of Sale
Price per Acre1.25
Total Price50.00
Type of SaleFD
Date of Purchase06/23/1835
Oder, Sarah (I4318)
4665 LKH note:
In his father Ford E. Clark's obituary, Richard E. Clark is listed living in Harvey, Louisiana.
Clark, Richard Eugene (I3397)
4666 LKH note:
In Mabel's marriage record her parents are given as Olive Trent and Richard Broderick (Olive's second husband). However, her birth date of 1891 is prior to Olive and Richard's marriage, but matches the time that Olive and John B. Cline were married.

She is also listed as Mabel Broderick on her son, William A. Sheen's, death certificate.

Her obituary states her parents were John and Olive Cline.

Cline, Mabel (I322)
4667 LKH note:
In newspaper article about her marriage and in her obituary Bertha's surname is spelled as Gallop. Her headstone spells her surname as Gallip.
Gritton, Bertha Estell (I2630)
4668 LKH note:
Marriage Bond
The Commonwealth of Kentucky
Be it known, that we, Sandusky Moore, as principal, and W.H. Moore, as surety, are jointly and severally bound to the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the sum of One Hundred Dollars.
The Condition Of This Bond Is As Follow:
That, whereas, Marriage is intended to be solemnized between the above bount Sandusky Moore and Miss Laura B. Gritton.
Now, if there is no lawful cause to obstruct said Marriage, this Bond shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect.
Dated at Lawrenceburg, Anderson County, Kentucky, this 3 of February 1899.
Sandusky [his x mark] Moore and W.H. Moore
H.S. Wire, clerk Anderson County Count.

1. Date of marriage: 5 Feb 1899
2. Name of Groom: Sandusky Moore
3. Residence of Groom, Mercer Co. Ky.
4. Age of Groom: 48
5. Number of Marriage of Groom: First
6. Occupation: carpenter
7. Birthplace of Groom: Anderson Co, Ky
8. Birthplace of Groom's father: "
9. Birthplace of Groom's mother: Mercer " "

10. Name of Bride: Miss Laura B. Gritton
11. Residence of Bride: Mercer Co, Ky
12. Age of Bride: 26
13. Number of Marriage of Bride: Frist
14. Birthplace of Bride: Mercer Co., Ky
15. Birthplace of Bride's father: ---
16. Birthplace of Bride's mother: ___
17. Remarks: [blank]
To be married at Taylor
on the 5 day of February 1899.
I Certify that the above is correct to the best of my knowledges and belief.
Witness my hand, this 3 day of February, 1899
Sandusky [his X mark) Moore
Attest: H.S. Wire.

Marriage Certificate.
This is to certify, That on the 5 day of February 1899 the Rites Of Matrimony were legally solemnized by me betwee Sanduasky Moore and Laura B. Gritton at Bondville in the County of Mercer in the presence of J.M. Staten, A.S. Nelson
Signed T.J. Bacher, Presbey [can't read the rest of his signature]
Filed and recorded May 18, 1899.
Gritton, Laura B. (I3036)
4669 LKH note:
Marriage Bond
The Commonwealth of Kentucky
Be it known, that we, Sandusky Moore, as principal, and W.H. Moore, as surety, are jointly and severally bound to the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the sum of One Hundred Dollars.
The Condition Of This Bond Is As Follow:
That, whereas, Marriage is intended to be solemnized between the above bount Sandusky Moore and Miss Laura B. Gritton.
Now, if there is no lawful cause to obstruct said Marriage, this Bond shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect.
Dated at Lawrenceburg, Anderson County, Kentucky, this 3 of February 1899.
Sandusky [his x mark] Moore and W.H. Moore
H.S. Wire, clerk Anderson County Count.

1. Date of marriage: 5 Feb 1899
2. Name of Groom: Sandusky Moore
3. Residence of Groom, Mercer Co. Ky.
4. Age of Groom: 48
5. Number of Marriage of Groom: First
6. Occupation: carpenter
7. Birthplace of Groom: Anderson Co, Ky
8. Birthplace of Groom's father: "
9. Birthplace of Groom's mother: Mercer " "

10. Name of Bride: Miss Laura B. Gritton
11. Residence of Bride: Mercer Co, Ky
12. Age of Bride: 26
13. Number of Marriage of Bride: Frist
14. Birthplace of Bride: Mercer Co., Ky
15. Birthplace of Bride's father: ---
16. Birthplace of Bride's mother: ___
17. Remarks: [blank]
To be married at Taylor
on the 5 day of February 1899.
I Certify that the above is correct to the best of my knowledges and belief.
Witness my hand, this 3 day of February, 1899
Sandusky [his X mark) Moore
Attest: H.S. Wire.

Marriage Certificate.
This is to certify, That on the 5 day of February 1899 the Rites Of Matrimony were legally solemnized by me betwee Sanduasky Moore and Laura B. Gritton at Bondville in the County of Mercer in the presence of J.M. Staten, A.S. Nelson
Signed T.J. Bacher, Presbey [can't read the rest of his signature]
Filed and recorded May 18, 1899.
Moore, Sandusky (I4439)
4670 LKH note:
married John McGrew 
Fletcher, Katherine (I4479)
4671 LKH note:
Mary married second in 1899 to John Riley Huffman (1869-1926).

She is buried under the name of Gritton.

Gritton, Mary Emily (I499)
4672 LKH note:
Members of the Anthony Gritton family were victims when two tornadoes struck Indiana on 17 April 1922. Their tragic loss was highlighted in several newspaper articles which covered not only the event but also followed through with articles about the family's recovery and return to Indiana.
Gritton, Anthony Dingler (I547)
4673 LKH note:
need more information to confirm, but this is very likely Francis' obituary.

Francis Stucky of Mahomet died suddenly Thursday morning at his home from heart failure. He arose and went to the kitchen to start the fire when he fell to the floor and expired immediately. He was a brother of Mrs. Rachel Harland of this place and well known here, having worked in this vicinity for a number of years.
Farmer City Journal, Farmer City, Illinois. Friday, 26 march 1920, page 3.

LKH note:
In the 1880 census, Frances (age 11) and a sister Rachel (age 3, who later married William O. Harland) are among the five children in the household of their parents, John and Margaret Stuckey in Newcomb, Champaign County, Illinois

LKH note:
In the 1920 census, Francis M. Stuckk, age 50, married, is in the household of his widowed mother Margaret Stucky, age 72, in Mahomet, Champaign County, Illinois.

No sign of where wife Mary is.
Stucky, Francis M. (I111)
4674 LKH note:
no record of Silas or Mary after the 1860 census
Springgate, Silas Russell (I4447)
4675 LKH note:
no record of Silas or Mary after the 1860 census
Driskell, Mary "Polly" (I4448)
4676 LKH note:
Note from Family Search.
Orsmus Vandorn Gritton and his wife, Mary Josephine Underwood, abandoned their three boys when the couple separated. At the time the youngest, Joseph Vandorn Gritton, was age five. The boys grew up in Brightside Orphanage in Plymouth, Indiana. The orphanage put them out one by one as they reached the age of sixteen. Their mother kept their sister, Millie.
Underwood, Mary Josephine (I557)
4677 LKH note:
Note from Family Search.
Orsmus Vandorn Gritton and his wife, Mary Josephine Underwood, abandoned their three boys when the couple separated. At the time the youngest, Joseph Vandorn Gritton, was age five. The boys grew up in Brightside Orphanage in Plymouth, Indiana. The orphanage put them out one by one as they reached the age of sixteen. Their mother kept their sister, Millie.
Gritton, Orsmus Vandorn (I541)
4678 LKH note:
Photo of headstone on Find a Grave state death date as 1939.
Illinois dearth and still births index gives date of death as 4 Feb 1940 with burial on 6 Feb 1940 
Jackson, Vance C. (I1179)
4679 LKH note:
Ruth married William Earl Mathews, b. 28 Nov 1915 in Goldsboro, North Carolina.

In the 1940 census they are in Norfolk, Virginia.

In the 1950 census they are Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California. Hattie's mother Gertrude Gritton, 64, widow, lives with them.
Gritton, Ruth Beatrice (I905)
4680 LKH note:
Sarah Catherine's father (Andrew Jackson Cline) died seven months before she was born and her mother (Eliza Ann Miliner Cline) died a month after she was born. She was raised by her grandparents, John B. and Catherine (Shumate) Cline. After John B. Cline died in 1856, she and her grandmother appear in the 1860 census in the household of John B. and Catherine's oldest son, Spencer Cline.
Cline, Sarah Catherine (I25)
4681 LKH note:
Sarah died on 20 May 1818, age 41, three days after the birth of her eighth child, Merriman.
Brumfield, Sarah (I432)
4682 LKH note:
The birth year of 1872 would match the birth year of Laura B. Gritton, daughter of John V. and Mary F. Gritton in the 1880 US census.
Gritton, Laura B. (I3036)
4683 LKH note:
There are two children buried in the Cline/Milner Cemetery that have a high probability of being two children of Mary and John Bonnett.

Currently they are labeled with the surname of Bonned, but the photo of the headstone could be read as Bonnett instead.

However, their dates of death and ages at death are too close together and therefore problematic for being the children of the same parents.

Alvin Bonned [Bonnett]
d. 28 Mar 1873
inscription: son of J & M; aged 2m 19d
Huldah Bonned [Bonnett]
d. 1 Apr 1873
inscription: aged 7m 22d; daughter of J & M
Bonnett, John (I46)
4684 LKH note:
There are two children buried in the Cline/Milner Cemetery that have a high probability of being two children of Mary and John G. Bonnett.

Currently they are labeled with the surname of Bonned, but the photo of the headstone could be read as Bonnett instead.

However, their dates of death and ages at death are too close together and therefore problematic for being the children of the same parents.

Alvin Bonned [Bonnett]
d. 28 Mar 1873
inscription: son of J & M; aged 2m 19d
Huldah Bonned [Bonnett]
d. 1 Apr 1873
inscription: aged 7m 22d; daughter of J & M
Cline, Mary (I45)
4685 LKH Note:
there is a conflict in sources for Lewis Cline's death and burial. This matches the record of the 1920 US census that shows Eliza (DeMoss) Cline as a widow with four children living in Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois.

Illinois deaths and still births index gives the following information
Name: Louis Cline
Birth Date: 12 Sep 1853
Birth Place: Illinois
Death Date: 30 Jan 1917
Death Place: Blount, Vermilion, Illinois
Burial Date: 1 Feb 1917
Cemetery Name: Cline Cemetery
Death Age: 62
Occupation: Farmer
Race: White
Marital status: M
Gender: Male
Father Name: Spencer Cline
FHL Film Number: 1543819

Find a Grave
gives is birth as Sep 1855, Blount Township, Vermilino County, Illinois
death:: 3 May 1939, Vermilion County, Illinois
burial: Sunset Memorial Park, Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois and links with his wife, Eliza Ann Demoss and three of their children: Elmer, Russell, and Sadie.
Cline, Lewis (I23)
4686 LKH note:
William married a second time about 1820 to a woman named Elizabeth. They had two children, Arthur (b. 1823) and Mary Catharine (b. 1825)
Springgate, William (I987)
4687 LKH note:

Eli Gritton and Edna Ford are married on 14 March 1900.

In the 1900 census enumerated on 5 & 6 June 1900, Edna Gritton, age 18, widow, is listed in her parent's household.

I can find no further records for Eli after his marriage record.
Gritton, Eli Lewis (I2349)
4688 LKH note:

Eli Gritton and Edna Ford are married on 14 March 1900.

In the 1900 census enumerated on 5 & 6 June 1900, Edna Gritton, age 18, widow, is listed in her parent's household.

I can find no further records for Eli after his marriage record.
Ford, Edna Larene (I2350)
4689 LKH note:
Frances was first married in 1896 to Herbert J. Boslet, who died in 1901.

Bell, Frances E. (I1582)
4690 LKH note:
His name is Isaac Wesley Eddy on his death certificate. Find a Grave lists him as Isaac Western Eddy.
Eddy, Isaac Wesley (I3468)
4691 LKH Note:
Obituary from Find a Grave states that John H. W. Trent was a physician. In the 1870 and 1880 US census, he is listed as a farmer. However, the information about his two wives and the names of some of his children from those census records match.
Trent, John H. (I314)
4692 LKH Note:
second marriage to Leotis / Leloads Pettyjohn
Underwood, Mary Josephine (I557)
4693 LKH Note: Wiggans, Benjamin Valentine (I643)
4694 LKH note: Ethel Grimes Turner's death certificate names her father, Samuel Grimes, but the mother's name is written as unknown. Her birthdate in 1884 and her entry in the 1900 US census in Samuel Grimes household would indicate that her mother was May (Cline) Grimes. Grimes, Ethel (I2885)
4695 LKH Note: First name also spelled as Richardson and Ritchison if different records. White, Ritchison Trott (I2365)
4696 LKH Note: Greenlawn Cemetery is now known as Greenlawn Memorial Park. I can not find an entry for her on Find a Grave. Brown, Kittie B. (I1139)
4697 LKH note: Luketta's first name is spelled in various ways in different records. In her marriage record it is spelled as Lewcetty.
Cline, Luketta (I51)
4698 LKH note: Photograph of headstone on Find a Grave reads: Daughter Jessie Houck 1872-1878. It is in a line of stones with a large marker for HOUCK. Houck, Jessie (I2829)
4699 LKH Note: Birth certificate gives her name are Marjorie Mar Wolfe b.15 Nov 1925; parents Homer Wolfe and Anna Christina Madsen. All other records show her as Mary Ellen Wolfe Floyd.
Wolfe, Mary Ellen (I2098)
4700 LKH note: Can't confirm, but Thomas Gritton lives in this area at the right time for this article.

Finds Skeleton Under Stone.
Possible Evidence of Crime Comes to Light Near Point Where Gilbert Gates Was Murdered.
Paris, Mo., Sept. 8. - Tom Gritton, while removing a large rock, discovered a skeleton of a man which had evidently been hidden for a number of years. The find was made near the place where Alexander Jester camped the night before young Gilbert Gates was murdered in Monroe county thirty years ago.
Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois. Saturday, 9 September 1899, page 7.
Gritton, Thomas E. (I4227)

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