hmtl5 Notes: Gritton Genealogy


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4701 LKH note: Clues lead to these articles being about this Calvin Gritten. Except that his headstone states he died in 1908.
* * * *
LKH note: to add further confusion, there is there are two different version of when and where Calvin died.
* * * *
Calvin Gritten died Monday at the home of his brother, George Gritten, near Gerald, from consumption of the bowels. Mr. Gritten had been sick for several months, but was able to be out until about two weeks ago, when he was compelled to take to his bed. He was a member of the Collison Knights of Pythias lodge. The funeral was held Wednesday from the George Gritten home.
The Champaign Daily News, Champaign, Illinois. Thursday, 28 January 1909, page 8.
* * * *
Cal Gritten was taken to the home of his sister, Mrs. Dolie Elder, in Danville, the latter part of last week. Mr. Gritten is improving in health.
The Champaign County News, Champaign, Illinois. Saturday, 13 February 1909, page 8.
* * * *
Calvin Gritten died at the home of his sister in Danville after an illness of several months. The funeral was at Armstrong, where he was buried by the Knights of Phthias lodge of Penfield.
The Champaign daily News, Champaign, Illinois. Thursday, 25 February 1909, page 8.

Gritten, Calvin Jacob (I2464)
4702 LKH note: I can not find a record of her burial on Find a Grave. Her parents, Andrew and Rebecca McNees, and her husband, Howard H. Wilson, are buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Maxville, Randolph County, Indiana so it is highly likely that she is buried there as well. McNees, Mabel (I3070)
4703 LKH note: Mecca's name on her tombstone is written as Mecca T. Stucky. Her name in some other records is listed as America T. Stucky. Kahoe, Mecca (I135)
4704 LKH note: Only clue is that he was a pressman, but likely to be Frank Marshall Gritton.

Frank Gritton, pressman in The News office, moved his family from Danville to this city the fore part of the week.
The Champaign County News, Champaign, Illinois, Saturday, 18 June 1892, page 1.
Gritton, Frank Marshall (I462)
4705 LKH note: some records show that the family came from Kentucky to Illinois in 1829. Cline, Leusinda (I15)
4706 LKH note: The Redwood Tribune later corrects the mistake in Austin's name.

RC Mechanic Crushed to Death
Grease Rack Smashes Father of 3
Albert Austin Dies In Burlingame Tragedy
Burlingame - A hydraulic grease rack crushed to the ground at a Burlingame plant today, snuffing out the life of a 38-year-old Redwood City mechanic.
Albert Austin, of 351 Encina Ave., Redwood City, died instantly as he was crushed beneath the lift and the half-ton truck, loaded with tools, on which he was working.
The accident occurred at the Harry Lee plumbing and heating plant, where Mr. Austin was employed as a mechanic and crane operator.
No one witnessed the accident, which took place about 9:30 a.m., but several employes heard the crash and dashed to the scene. Among them were Austin's brother-in-law, F.B. Lewellyn, San Mateo, and M.O. Hatch, San Mateo.
Lewellyn said the victim didn't make a sound as the grease rack fell, apparently because of failure of the hydraulic mechanism.
A crane had to be used to raise the grease rack as that the body could be removed. There was no hydraulic pressure.
Mr. Austin, who is survived by his wife and three young children, had been working at the plumbing concern for about a year, Lewellyn said.
He had reported for work at 8 a.m. today and had been working by himself greasing various trucks, a customary Saturday procedure.
Lewellyn said that he had been working on the truck which subsequently crushed Austin for about 10 minutes before the accident.
Mr. Austin, a native of Danville, Ill, is survived by his wife, Mary; twins Jean and Dean, 7; son Ronnie, 13; his mother, Mrs. Opal Wich, San Bruno; a sister, Mrs. Louise Lewellyn, and a brother, Herman Albert Austin, San Bruno.
The body was taken to the Crosby-N. Gray Funeral Home. Funeral arrangements were incomplete.
Redwood City Tribune, Redwood City, California. Saturday, 11 September 1954.

Albert, Austin G. (I276)
4707 LKH note: uncertain if this is the same family.
There is a Louis Shepherd in the 1830 US census in Wilkes, North Carrolina
Total of 3 free white persons in household
1 free white male ages 15-19
1 free white femail ages 15-19
1 free white femail aged under 5.

Unknown if there is any family connection, however,
Next door is the household of Allen Shepherd
Total of 4 free white persons in household
1 free while male age 20-29
1 free white male under the age of 5
1 fee white female age 15-19
1 free white female under age of 5
free white persons under age 20 = 3
free white persons ages 20-49 = 1 
Shepherd, Louis (I3633)
4708 LKH Notes:

In the 1850 US census taken on 20 September, their household consists of Rufus, age 24, and Lavina, age 23. Rufus's occupation is listed as laborer. They lived next door to Rufus's parents, Ranson and Penelope Fox who still have a household of six children ranging in age from 9 to 18 years old.

When Rufus Fox died in 1859 he left Levina a widow with five children ranging in age from 10 months old to 9 years old.

US federal census mortality schedules, 1850-1885
Name: R M Fox
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Estimated birth year: abt 1826
Birth Place: Tennessee, USA
Age: 33
Death Date: Oct 1859
Cause of Death: Consumption
Census Year: 1860
Census Place: District 8, Cocke, Tennessee, USA
Line: 23 
Fox, Rufus Morgan (I2033)
4709 LKH Notes:

In the 1910 US census, Florence Hires, age 8, born in Oklahoma, is living Jacaica, Vermilion County, in the household of her grandparents, James and Liza Hires.

I find no records for her after her marriage to John C. Shanks. 
Hires, Florence (I204)
4710 LKH Notes:
Find a Grave's list of Labon and Lydia's children includes Jessie Clara Gritten b.1878 - d.17 Feb 1909. Buried in Partlow Cemetery, Armstrong, Vermilion County, Illinois.
And there is no other entry for their daughter, Clara Gritton.
Although the birth date matches, the other information for Clara E. (Gritton) (Myers) Thompson points to the information I have entered here.
The US Social Security Applications and Claims Index entry is for
Name: Clara E Thompson
[Clara Thompson]
[Clara E Gritten]
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 15 Apr 1879
Birth Place: Penfield, IL
Death Date: 15 Feb 1970
Claim Date: 24 Aug 1965
Father: Laben Gritten
Mother: Lydia Pyle
SSN: 334161866 
Gritten, Clara E. (I1018)
4711 LKH Notes:
Indiana death certificate for Marion Grace Bullock
b.4 Sep 1917, Chicago, Illinois
d.9 Oct 1966, Robert Long Hospital, Inadianpolis, Marion County, Indiana
father: Walter Scott
mother: Anna Rauer.
informant's name: Marion Grace Bullock>
relationship to deceased: self
burial 12 Oct 1966, Sunset Memorial, Danville, Illinois

No record of her burial in Sunset Memorial, but there is record of her burial with husband Maruice M. Bullock at Gundy Cemetery.
Record for her birth is to father Water S. McDonald and Anna Rauen.. Perhaps the initial S. stands for Scott? 
McDonald, Marion Grace (I3199)
4712 LKH Notes:
Marriage record for Jane S. Burton and Milow B. Gritton, 13 Nov 1834, Mercer County, Kentucky. Gives her father's name as John H. Burton.

1850 US selected federal census non-population schedule
District 21 [Blount Township], Vermilion County, Illinois
Lind 18
Jane Gritton
20 acres improved land
20 acres unimproved land
cash value of farm = $400
value of farm implements = $20
2 horses
2 milch cow
3 other cattle
20 sheep
6 swine
value of livestock = $186
Indian corn, bushels of = 300
oats, bushels of = 20
wools, pounds of 40
Irish potatoes, bushels of 5
value of orchard products = $20
butter, pounds of = 100
hay, tons of = 1
value of home-made manufactures = $15
value of animals slaughtered = $20

US Non-population agriculture schedule
Blount Township, Vermilion County, Illinois
21 August 1860
Jane Gritton's farm:
15 acres improved land
25 acres unimproved land
cash valueof farm = $300
value of farm implements = $15
2 horeses
3 milch cows
2 other cattle
6 sheep
7 swine
value of livestock $200
Indian corn, bushels of = 600
buckwheat, bushels of = 16
value of produce of market garden = $5
butter, pounds of = 100
molasses, gallons of = 7
value of animals slaughtered = $50 
Burton, Jane S. (I448)
4713 LKH Notes:
The Illinois deaths and stillbirths Index (1916-1947) has an entry for Wm. Franklin Yeazel born 12 May 1849 in Homer, Illinois; died 21 Aug 1923 in Hopedale, Tazewell County, Illinois.
buried 24 Aug 1923 in Orendorff Cemetery, Hopedale, Illinois
spouse: Clara Yeazel
Father: Adam Yeazel, b. Ohio. Mother, Marie Gragel, b.Ohio.

Find a Grave has an entry matching that information for William Franklin Yeazel in Orendorff Cemetery.

Find a Grave ALSO has an entry for William Franklin Yeazel born 12 May 1849 in Champaign County, Illinois, died 22 Aug 1923 in Champaign County, Illinois
buried GAR Cemetery, Homer, Champaign County, Illinois
spouse: Mary S. Yeazel 
Yeazel, William Franklin (I2954)
4714 LKH Notes:

In 1919 he was admitted to US National Homes for Disable Volunteer Soldiers, Danville, V ermilion County, Illinois. In 1920 he died in that hospital.

The Cline/Milner cemetery has a burial for Alfred Ralls b.16 January 1866, d.10 September 1870. Franklin and Harriet (Cline) Ralls are also buried there. Is this their child?

Franklin Ralls information on Illinois deaths and stillbirths index gives his father's name: Moses, and his mother as Newbro.
Ralls, Franklin (I33)
4715 LKH notes:

In the 1850 US census, Ransom Fox, age 48 is head of household which includes his wife, Pernelope, age 52, and six children ranging in age from 9 to 18 years. He is listed as a farmer and owns $400 of real estate. Next door is his oldest son, Rufus Fox, age 24, and his wife Lavina who were married in January of 1850.

In the 1860 US census, Ransom, age 56 and wife Pernelope, age 62, have two sons still living at home, Carter, age 20, and Robert, age 16. Ransom, Penelope, and Carter are listed as unable to read or write. Robert is listed as attending school. 
Fox, Ransom (I2043)
4716 LKH Notes:

When Rufus Fox died in 1859 he left Levina a widow with five children under the age of nine years old.

In the 1860 US census Lavina Fox, age 32, is head of household with five children age ranging from 10 months old to 9 years old.

In the 1870 US census Lavina, age 42, is head of household with six children ranging in age from 8 months to 19 years. The youngest is John Fox, age 8 months; I do not find any additional documentation for him.

IN the 1880 US census, Lavina Fox, age 51, is living alone. Occupation listed as: keeping house.

In the 1900 US census Lavina "Vina" Fox, age 72, has moved to Illinois and is in the household of her daughter Mary (Fox) Gilroy) who is herself a widow with three children ages ranging from 10 to 13.
Kelly, Levina "Vina" (I2034)
4717 LKH Notes:
The earliest record I can find for this family is the marriage record for John Cline and Catey Shumate on 3 December 1811 in Harrison County, Kentucky. John Shumate is recorded as her father.

The next record is the 1820 US census where the family resides on south side of Licking River, Harrison County, Kentucky. Household members are:
1 white male aged 26-44 (who would be John B. Cline age 34).
1 white male age 16-25 (who I cannot identify).
3 white males under age 10 (who would be Spencer age 7, Andrew J age 5 and Nathaniel age 4).
1 white female age 26-44 (who would be Catherine age 30).
2 white females under age 10 (who would be Lizean age 7 and Susannah age 1).

In the 1820 US census John Shumate is next door and is most probably Catherine (Shumate) Cline's father.

The next record is the 1830 US census where the family resides in the western division, Harrison County, Kentucky. The household members are:
1 white male age 40-49 (who would be John B. Cline age 44).
1 white male age 15-19 (who would be Spencer age 17).
2 white males age 10-14 (who would be Andrew J. age 15 and Nathaniel age 14).
1 white female age 30-30 (who would be Catherine age 40).
1 white female age 10-14 (who would be Lizean age 13).
4 white females age 5-9 (who would be Susannah, age 11, Merica, abt 10, Sarah, age 8, and Amanda age 7).
1 white female under the age of 5 who would be Mary age 5.

In the 1830 US census, the households of John Shumate and of William Shumate are nearby.

On 15 November 1830 John Cline is the original purchaser of 80 acres of federal land in Blount Township of Vermilion County, Illinois: Township 20N, Section 25, Range 12W, Section part W25W.
Nearby Christian Cline purchased 160 acres on 9 November 1830: Township 20N, Section 26, Range 12W, Section Part SE. I have found no other records of him and I do not know if or how he might be related to John B. Cline.
In 1831 three members of the Shumate family will also purchase land nearby: John Shumate, Stephen Shumate, and William Shumate. I have not yet found any records that would prove if or how they are related to Catherine (Shumate) Cline other than the probability that John Shumate was the father who signed at her marriage; and that her photo album contained a photograph of Bill Shumate, possibly her brother (?).

The year 1830 was probably the year that the family moved from Harrison County, Kentucky to Vermilion County, Illinois. It was also a tragic year for youngest children. From their Bible records we know that baby Catherine died 26 Feb 1830, only five months old; baby John Cline died 23 May 1830 at one year, six months old; and young William died 11 Aug 1830 at three years, six months old. In July of 1830 their youngest child, Leusinda, was born, but she also would die just three years later.
There are no locations given for either the deaths or the births in the Bible record, and there are no burial records that I yet have found in either Kentucky or Illinois. We also do not know if the family moved before or after John B. Cline purchased the 80 acres in Vermilion County.

The next record is the 1840 US census when the Cline family resides in Vermilion County, Illinois. Household members are:
1 white male age 50-59 (who would be John B. Cline age 54).
1 white male age 20-29 (who would be Spencer age 29).
1 white male age 15-19 (who would be Andrew J. age 25).
1 white female age 40-49 (who would be Catherine age 49).
3 white females age 15-19 (who would be: Sarah age 18, Amanda age 17, and Mary age 15).
1 white female age 10-14 (I don't know who this is).
Nearby families include William Shumate, John Shumate

Son Nathaniel had married in March 1840 at age 24.
Daughter Lizean had married in April 1837 at age 23.
Daughter Susannah had married in March 1836 at age 21.
Daugher Merica had married in May 1839 at age 20.
Spencer would marry in October 1840.
Sarah would marry in Jun 1841.
Amanda would marry in January 1842
Andrew J. would marry in Aug 1842.
Mary would marry in October 1842.

In the 1850 US census John B. Cline, age 64, household includes, his wife Catherine, age 50, and their orphaned granddaughter Catherine Cline, age 8 (daughter of Andrew Jackson Cline and Eliza Milliner). His occupation is listed as potter. They live next door to Spencer Cline and to Nathaniel Cline, both farmers. Next door to Stephen Cline is the household of John G. Gritton which includes his son Jesse, age 14, who will later marry Catherine.

Cline, John B. (I1)
4718 LKH notes: In the 1925 Iowa state census, Cora gives her mother's name as Eilzabeth Bonnett (not Ellen Baker). Check records. Newbrough, Cora Bessie (I215)
4719 LKH Notes: Margaret's death certificate states that she is married to Pete Durcho. On Find a Grave she is buried under the name of Margaret Hershman (surname of her first husband). On marriage certificate in 2000 for her daughter Cheryl Christine (Hershman) Stoles, she is listed a mother and Kenneth Melvin Hershman is listed as father.

notes from Find a Grave
Funeral Home Records
name: Hershman, Margaret "Peggy"
birth: 1 May 1932 Jasper County
death: 9 Jul 1989 Lake County
spouse: Kenneth Hershman (1951)
Ted Russell (1974 Wheeler) d. 1978
Pete Durcho (1982 Jasper County)
father: Wm. Nuss
mother: Sophonia Leggett
children: Ronald, Dennis, Cheryl Stokes
siblings: Sarah Schultz, Ruth Berrier, Alma Adams, Helen Schultz, Mary Elea
burial: Wheatfield Cemetery 
Nuss, Margaret (I1906)
4720 Lois Alberta Stephens, 92, of Twin Falls, passed away on Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2010, at the Twin Falls Care Center.
She was born to Charles Bert Monahan and Clara Lousia May Snook on July 19, 1918 in Elm Creek, Nebraska. On Jan. 5, 1938 she married Leo Stephens in Elko, Nevada. He preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by a daughter, Barbara Williams; a son-in-law, Wes McCord; a grandson, Jeff Lemke; two great-great-grandbabies; her parents; two brothers and five sisters.
Surviving are two daughters, Dorothy (Sylven) Bailey of Wendell and Helen McCord of Kimberly; one brother, Dale Monahan of Prescott, Arizona; one sister, Elsie Forslin of Green River, Wyoming; 11 grandchildren; 31 great-grandchildren and 10 great-great-grandchildren.
Monahan, Lois Alberta (I2249)
4721 Lola H. Blue is listed in the Danville city direcoty in 1922 as widow of Everett. She is a nurse living at 608 Changler.
Lola H. Blue is listed in the Danville city directory in 1923 as widow of Everett. She is a nurse living at 608 Chandler St..
Lola H. Blue is listed in the Danville city directory in 1925 as widow of Everet, living at 608 Chandler.

Charles Everette Blue's draft registration card, 5 June 1917, gives 608 Changler St., Danville, Ill. as address. 
Swisher, Lola (I3954)
4722 Long-Time Resident Dies
Albert A. Austin, 61, of 527 Highland drive, died Saturday at Methodist hospital. Mr. Austin was born in Jeffersonville, but had resided in Indianapolis most of his life. He was a member of the old East Washington Presbyterian church.
Surviving him are the widow, a son by a former marriage, Thomas T. Austin, Los Angeles; a sister, Mrs. Pierce J. Landers, Indianapolis, and two brothers, J. Thomas Austin, New York, and Edward M. Austin, Petersboro, Canada.
Funeral services will be at the Flanner & Buchanan mortuary, 25 West Fall Creek parkway, this afternoon at 3:30. Burial will be in Crown Hill cemetery.
The Indianapolis Times, Indianapolis, Indiana. Monday, 30 October 1933.
Austin, Albert Ames (I4475)
4723 Lot 169, Block 21.

Dorathy does not appear in a search on Find a Grave. However, the photo on Find a Grave shows that she shares a headstone with her husband Lloyd. 
Gochenour, Dorathy Elmira (I377)
4724 Lottie A. Nuss, 102, a lifelong Paxton area resident, died at 7:40 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 17, 2010, at the Illinois Knights Templar Home in Paxton.
She was born Sept. 15, 1908 in rural Rankin, the daughter of Robert E. and Etta S. Shattuck Patton. She married Ralph G. Nuss on Feb. 20, 1929 in Paxton. He preceded her in death June 13, 1970. She was also preceded in death by her parents; one son, Stuart G. Nuss, in 1946; two brothers and two sisters.
She is survived by two sons, Les (Jan) Nuss of Champaign and Jerry R. Nuss of Rossville; one daughter, Vicki (Charlie) Harris of Paxton; six grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren and one great-great-granddaughter.
Patton, Lottie A. (I1524)
4725 Louella Schonians, 92, of Danville died at 10:05 p.m. Wednesday (May 13, 2015) at Presence United Samaritans Medical Center, Danville.
Louella was born April 10, 1923 in Sidell to James and Lillian (Swinford) Ross. Louella married Edmund Gritton Sr. in 1943 and from this union came three children, Edmund Gritton Jr., Donald Gritton and Wanda Gritton Miller. She later married Gaston Schonians and he preceded her in death in 1983.
Louella leaves behind her loving son, Edmund (Marsha) Gritton Jr.; two grandchildren; a great-grandson, with another great-grandchild on the way; a stepson, Pete Schonians; a stepdaughter, Kay Blackwood and numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her son, Donald Gritton; her daughter, Wanda Miller; a stepson, Dick Schonians and three sisters, Ada Mills, Myrtle Douglas and Jennie Sheets.
She attended Catlin Grade School and went on to work at St. Elizabeth's Hospital for 26 years. Louella worked in the surgery department and later transferred to housekeeping, before retiring in 1981.
Published in the Champaign, Illinois News-Gazette. May 17, 2015.
Ross, Luella Agnes (I1308)
4726 Louis Cline died near birthplace
Well known farmer and resident of Blount Township all his life passed away last night.
Louis Cline, a prominent farmer residing about eight miles north of Danville, and near the old Blount post office, died last evening, Jan. 30, 1917, at his home. His death occurring at 7 o'clock following an illness of several months duration from complication of diseases.

Mr. Cline was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Cline, pioneer residents of this county and was born in Blount township 62 years ago. All of his life was spent in the neighborhood in which he was born, and his death occurred within a few rods of the old homestead where he first saw the light of day. The decedent was one of the most widely known and respected residents of the community in which he lived so long. He is survived by the widow and seven children, five sons and two daughters. One child preceded him in death. He is also survived by one brother and a sister.

Funeral services for Mr. Cline will be conducted from the Cedar Grove church Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Clay F. Gaumer of Alvin will officiate and the burial will be in the Cline cemetery, which was dedicated by the township by the decedent's father, and named for him.

Newspaper clipping from Cora (Gritton) Hedges. No publishing information available.
Cline, Lewis (I23)
4727 Louis P. Butler. K and D, 2 Ill L. A. Pension application No.1085661 for invalid, filed in Missouri. Pension appliction No.12166893 for widow Lena L. Butler, filed in Illinois. Butler, Louis P. (I2002)
4728 Louis Wendell Cox, Sr., 74, of Jacksonville died Thursday, Oct. 9, 2003, at his home. He was born June 25, 1929, in Rossville, the son of John Franklin and Rhoda Mae Stephenson Cox. He married Lena Mae Hancock in 1949 in Covington, Ind. Mr. Cox was a 1949 graduate of Danville High School. He worked for Cox Heating and Air Conditioning in Danville before working at a Clark service station in Danville. He moved to Jacksonville in 1964 to open his own Clark station, retiring in 1979. He then worked for Walker Motor Co. for 11 years and worked for Bob Ridings until retiring in July. He was a member of the Pioneer Point Campers Club for the past 23 years. Survivors: wife, Lena; two sons, Dennis Wayne (wife, Beverly) of Knoxville, Tenn., and Louis W. Jr. (wife, Diana) of Nashville, Tenn.; three daughters, Elizabeth A. Humber of Fort Worth, Texas, Brenda J. (husband, Billie Joe) Lawson of Winchester and Cindy S. (husband, Randy) Suiter of Jacksonville; seven grandchildren; and a sister; Ruth (husband, Ronald) Mauk of Danville. Services: 10:30 a.m. Monday, First Christian Church. Burial: Diamond Grove Cemetery. Cody and Son Memorial Home is in charge of arrangements.
Cox, Louis Wendell (I3365)
4729 Louise J. Potter, 93, of Danville, passed away at 7:44 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012, at her home.
She was born Sept. 30, 1918 in Danville to Ross and Mabel Swisher Johnson. She married Edwin J. Potter on Sept. 8, 1937 in Lafayette, Indiana. He preceded her in death on Feb. 20, 1998. She was also preceded in death by her parents; a son-in-law, Dave Clendenen and all of her brothers and sisters.
She is survived by her two daughters, Gretta Clendenen and Ann (Steve) Young; six grandchildren, Dave, Bruce, Louise Clendenen, Daniel Young, Stephanie (Chad) Green and Cheryl (Tom) Wright; three great-grandchildren, Karen, Michelle (Steven) and Nathan and three great-great-grandchildren, Brogan, Ali and Marissa.
Johnson, Louise J. (I2894)
4730 Loveta May Parker, 85, of Lee's Summit, MO, passed away April 12, 2009. Visitation 10 to 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 15, Park Lawn Funeral Home, 8251 Hillcrest Rd. Graveside services 2:00 p.m. Evergreen Cemetery, Ft. Scott, KS. (Arrangements: Park Lawn Funeral Home, (816) 523-1234).

Published by Kansas City Star on Apr. 14, 2009.
Nichell, Loveta May (I3936)
4731 Loveta May Parker, 85, of Lee's Summit, Mo. passed away April 12, 2009. Loveta was born February 15, 1924 in Arcadia, Kan. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harold Parker. She leaves her children, Terry Parker of Lee's Summit, Mo. and Rita Lahti (Tom) of Sunrise Beach, Mo.; brother, Doyle Nickell (Retha) of Neodesha, Kan.; four grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
Nichell, Loveta May (I3936)
4732 Lovica (Swisher) Swisher died in March 1880. In the 1880 US census taken on 7 June 1880, Walter and his children are in the household of his late wife Lovica's parents. The children are Charles F, age 14, Sarah E., age 13, Martha C., age 10; Nora A., age 2, and Purly C., age 7 months. Walter himself died in 1897 leaving the children without parents.

Illinois Civil War Muster and Descriptive Rolls Detail Report:
Name: Walter Swisher
Rank: Private
Company: A
Unit: 71st Illinois Infantry
Height: 5' 8 1/2
Hair: DARK
Complexion: FAIR
Marital status: Single
Occupation: Farmer
Birth Date: Abt 1844
Birth Place: Vermilion CO, IL
War: Civil War
War Years: 1861-1865
Service Entry Age: 18
Service Entry Date: 7 Jul 1862
Service Entry Place: Danville, IL
Joined By Whom: O GILBERT
Period: 3 MO
Muster In Date: 26 Jul 1862
Muster In Place: Chicago, IL
Muster Out Date: 29 Oct 1862
Residence Place: Vermilion CO, IL
Record Source: Illinois Civil War Muster and Descriptive Rolls 
Swisher, Walter (I667)
4733 Lovica (Swisher) Swisher died in March 1880. In the 1880 US census taken on 7 June 1880, Walter and his children are in the household of his late wife Lovica's parents. Their children are Charles F., age 14; Sarah E., age 13; Martha C., age 10, Nora A. age 2, and Purly C., age 7 months. Swisher, Walter (I667)
4734 Lowell "Red" Shank, 82, of Covington, Indiana and formerly of Danville, passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 15, 2010, at The Waters of Covington in Indiana.
He was born on March 19, 1928 to Elmer and Edna Shank in Danville. He married Frances Joanne Mitz on January 19, 1951. She preceded him in death on May 15, 1993.
Surviving are two sons, Mark (Karen) Shank and Jeff Shank; three grandchildren, Scott (Julie) Shank, Matt (Amie) Shank and Neil (Brittany) Shank; four great-grandchildren, Daniel, William, Haylee and Hannah; one brother, Cloyd Shank and one sister, Elma Ruth Chilton. He was also preceded in death by his parents; an infant son, Randy and three brothers, Ronald, Dale and Bartie Shank.
He served in the U.S. Navy.
Shank, Lowell Eugene (I3392)
4735 Lucille T. Clark
Edwardsburg - Lucille Thelma Clark, 58, of 66017 Conrad Rd., Howard Township, Edwardsburg, was pronounced dead upon arrival at Pawating Hospital in Niles at 7:58 p.m. Sunday following an apparent heart attack at home.
She had been a machine operator at Whitehall Lab in Elkhart. She was born Oct. 8, 1922 in Danville, Ill. and had spent most of her life in this area.
She was married On June 7, 1941 in South Bend to Charles R. Clark, who survives.
Also surviving are tow sons, Charles of Bristol, Ind. and Dennis of Edwardsburg; three daughters, Mrs. Kay Darlene Morris and Ms. Jonne Clark, both of Edwardsburg, and Mrs. Diane Horvath of Niles; and 12 grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday in the Paul E. Mayhew Funeral Home in Edwardsburg. The Rev. Irvin Bame of the Edwardsburg Church of God will officiate.
Burial will be in Mission Hills Memorial Gardens, Niles.
Friends may call at the Mayhew Funeral Home from 2 to 9 p.m. Tuesday.
The Daily Star, Niles, Michigan. Tuesday, 12 May 1981.
Gritton, Lucille Thelma (I297)
4736 Lucinda's death certificate names Rice Milner and Sarah Odar as her parents.

She is listed as a widow of Richard Fletcher.

It also specifies her place of death: 1141 Rosevelt Ave, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Milliner, Lucinda (I4455)
4737 Luella Tribble Dies In Mercer
Harrodsburg (Spl.) - Mrs. Luella G. Tribble, 75, Bondville, died at 7:40 p.m. Sunday at the James B. Haggin Hospital following a short illness.
A native of Mercer County, she was born Sept. 23, 1896, and was a retired school teacher and a member of the Salvisa Methodist Church.
Surviving are one daughter, Miss Sara Allison Tribble, Bondville; one son, Bush Tribble Jr., Salvisa; four grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Sara Anderson, Harrodsburg.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Alexander and Roylaty Funeral Home. Burial will be in Spring Hill Cemetery. The Rev. Charles T. Pinkston will officiate.
Friends may call at the funeral home.
The Advocate-Messenger, Danville, Kentucky. Monday, 14 February 1972.
Gritton, Luella (I2507)
Retired Farmer Had Spent Entire Life In Homer Community
The Homer Enterprise
Thursday, August 31, 1939

Matthew L. Yeazel, a life-long and esteemed resident of Homer community, died at his home on West First street at 6:30 p. m. Sunday, Aug. 27. His illness and death resulted from complications due to his advanced age of 81 years. For many months he had been forced to be in bed for several days at a time, but rallied from each attack enough to care for his home and to take an occasional trip to town.
The body lay in state at the Presbyterian church Wednesday morning and until the hour for the funeral services, which were conducted from the church by the pastor, Rev. W. I. Toussaint. Interment, with a short graveside service by the Odd Fellows lodge, was in G. A. R. cemetery. Scott funeral service was in charge of arrangements.
Serving as pall bearers were his nephews: J. T. and Charles A. Yeazel, William H. and Ralph O’Neil and J. C. Robert and Roy Hall.
Flowers were carried by Mrs. H. V. Lacey, Mrs. Roy Lee, Mrs. Arthur Ford, Mrs. Clarence Ellis, Mrs. J. E. Miles, Mrs. Walter Wood, Mrs. H. P. Morrison, Mrs. George Porter and Miss Lillian Conkey. Funeral hymns were sung by Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Howard Hess.
Mr. Yeazel was born June 12, 1858, in a log house one mile west of here and about one-fourth mile north of the farm residence where the Irvin Wakefield family now lives. He was the son of James and Maria Spencer Yeazel. In 1879 he was married to Julia Smith (one line not readable) death in March, 1925. He later married Della Agnew, who survives him.
Mr. Yeazel was engaged in farming most of his life, retiring and coming to Homer about 18 years ago. He was a member of Homer Presbyterian church and of the local I. O. O. F. lodge, and for years was a member of the K. of P. order. He was a charter member of a social organization of friends who were young people in the 1870’s who called themselves “Boys and Girls of the 70’s”. He served as treasurer of the group since its organization and derived much pleasure from the meetings of the group of old friends.
Surviving besides his wife are three daughters by his first marriage: Mrs. Nell Davis, Sheridan, Wyo.; Mrs. Lelia Johnston, Valparaiso, Ind., and Mrs. Estella Havard, Homer. Also surviving are seven grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, and a half-brother, Milton J. Yeazel, Danville. Ralph O’Neil, Homer, is a nephew.
Transcribed by the Homer Historical Society
Contributor: Raymond Cunningham (49950856)
Yeazel, Matthew Lincoln (I3733)
4739 Mabel Etta Eakins (nee Fairchild) was born 18 Jan 1893 in Flagstaff, Arizona and died 26 July 1989 in Bethany, Oklahoma. She was the daughter of John Fletcher Fairchild (1851-1899) and Mary Catherine Hunt (1874-1949).
She married Thomas James Eakins on 21 November 1910 in Flagstaff, Arizona. She was survived by three daughters, Ramona Eakins, San Francisco, Iris Engel, Fairfield, California, and Ran Sutherlin, Oklahoma City; five sons, Fred of Meade, Kansas, Tom, Belleville, Illinois, Ralph, Vietnam, Jack, Oklahoma City, and James, Midwest City; 14 grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Courtesy of Kartomb, FAG # 47038437).
Fairchild, Mabel Etta (I2409)
4740 Mabel, the seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Gritton, North Walnut street, has the measles.
Champaign County News, Champaign, Illinois. Wednesday, 10 March 1897, page 5.
Gritton, Mabel E. (I489)
4741 Mable Stayton
December 1982 Champaign News Gazette

OGDEN – Mable Ellen Stayton, 95, of Ogden died Sunday evening (Dec. 19, 1982) at Americana Health Care Center, Normal.
Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Freese Funeral Home, St. Joseph, the Rev. Dennis Divan officiating. Burial will be in G.A.R. cemetery, Homer.
There will be no visitation.
Mrs. Stayton was born Feb. 11, 1887, near Homer, a daughter of Adam Wallace and Sarah Cessna Yeazel. She married James Stayton of Ogden, Oct. 18, 1905. He died Jan. 29, 1954.
She is survived by a son, Ralph Stayton of Ogden; a daughter Pauline Esworth, of Normal; a granddaughter; a great-granddaughter; and a sister Bertha Hartley of Decatur. One son, three sisters and three brothers preceded her in death.
Mrs. Stayton was a member of the Ogden First United Methodist Church.
Memorials can be made to a charity of the donor’s choice.

transcribed by the Homer Historical Society
Yeazel, Mable Ellen (I2921)
4742 MACON - Charles Arthur Wells, 84, of Macon died 3:35 p.m. Sunday, January 23, 2005 in his home. Burial and services will be 11 a.m. Saturday, January 29, 2005 at Mt. Gilead Cemetery with the Rev. Gardiner officiating. Following the service there will be a luncheon at the Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church, Mt. Zion. Memorials may be made to Decatur Memorial Hospital Hospice or the Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church. Dawson & Wikoff West Wood Street Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Mr. Wells was born September 4, 1920 in Macon County the son of George and Dora Wells. He was a retired farmer who loved going to farm sales. He was a member and trustee of the Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church and a member of the Odd Fellows. Charles loved his son, daughter, and grandchildren. He married Edna Lucille Gritton on December 7, 1944. She preceded him in death on September 15, 1996. Surviving are his daughter, Sandra Wells of Macon, son Philip Charles Wells and wife Patricia of Orlando, Florida, granddaughters Pamela Wells, of Decatur, Brandi Wells of Decatur, and Molly Rapuano of Orlando, Florida, grandsons John and Tony Wells of Deltona, Florida, and three great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, wife, and three brothers. Charlie will be greatly missed by his family, friends, and all of those who knew and loved him. A special thanks to Cris Jenkins for caring for Charles in his time of need. Obituary written by family members

Published by Decatur Herald & Review on Jan. 26, 2005.
Wells, Charles Arthur (I1325)
4743 Made, the little daughter of Frank Gritton, press foreman of The News, is on the sick list and threatened with typhoid fever.
Champaign County News, Champaign, Illinois. Wednesday, 12 February 1895, page 4.
Gritton, Madge M. (I490)
4744 Maden - Jacob, 68, of 6235 65th St. N. Court, Pinellas Park, passed away Tuesday (Feb. 4, 1969). Born in Somerset, Ky., he came here 12 years ago from Danville, Ill. Retired manager and used car salesman. He is survived by his wife, Jessie; 2 sons, Marion Maden, Danville, Ill.; Walter Maden, Potomac, Ill.; a daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Ashwood, Gary, Ind.; a stepdaughter, Mrs. darlene Mullican, St. Petersburg; a brother, Marion Maden, Danville; a sister, Miss Della Loving, Danville and 7 grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted Friday Feb. 7, 10:30 a.m. from the chapel of E.D. Prevatt Funeral Home, 6100 Park Blvd., the Rev. Kirk Hess officiating. Interment Memorial Park Cemetery. Active pallbearers will be Bob Chase, Richard Chase, Johnny Cronin, and Robert Allison. Friends may pay their respects on Wednesday and Thursday from 2-5 and 7-9 p.m.
Tampa Bay Times, St. Petersburg, Florida. Wednesday, 5 February 1969.
Maden, Jacob (I1053)
4745 Madison - Mrs. Ola Belle LeGrand, 72, of Holliday died Friday morning at her home.
Surviving are one nephew, Robert Eugene Buffington of Champaign, Illinois; two nieces Mrs. Virginia Parrott of Holliday area, and Mrs. Ruth Ann Dryden of Garden City, Mo.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Octy Hryan LeGrand in 1954.
The body is at Thompson-Mackler Funeral Home in Madison. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in either the funeral home or the Holliday Baptist Church. Burial will be in Bethel Cemetery.
Moberly Monitor-Index and Moberly Evening Democrat, Moberly, Missouri. Saturday, 6 Feb 1971, page 2.

Pierce, Ola Belle (I3485)
4746 Madison, Mo. Nov. 28, 1944
Christopher Columbus Garnett, 69, lifelong resident of this community, died at his home in Madison, Mo., Monday evening about 9 o'clock. Mr. Garnett had been in bad health for some time, and had been confined to his home for the past ten weeks.
He was the last surviving member of the family of Anthony and America Riley Garnett and was born Feb. 18, 1875 in Monroe County.
He was married to Miss Lillie Crosswhite, who with one son, Harry Garnett, of Madison, survives. He also leaves 7 grandchildren, two nieces, and four nephews.
Funeral services held in the Madison Christian Church.
Garnett, Christopher Columbus (I3046)
4747 Madison.
John P. Ownby purchased Emmett S. Enley's modern house here Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Ownby will move into town from their home south of Madison.
Moberly Monitor-Index (newspaper), Moberly, Missouri, 25 Nov 1939.

John P. Ownby hurt in fall at Madison.
Madison - John P. Ownby, 87-year-old Madison man, fell Monday afternoon on the concrete floor of his garage and cut a gash over his eye that required three stitches to close. Mr. Ownsby's face and hand were also bruised and skinned.
He was treated at his home by a local physician and the taken to McCornick Hospital where he remains a patient.
Moberly Monitor-Index, Moberly, Missouri, 28 Feb 1957.
Ownby, John P. (I4229)
4748 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Notes, Notes (I4314)
4749 Making beer for picnic, plea: Gets only $100 fine.
Milwaukee - (UP) - Because he told a straight forward story of how he was "making a little beer for a picnic" when federal officers raided his home, Lawrence Gritton, Waukesha, escaped with a $100 fine when he appeared before Federal Judge F.A. Guiger here Tuesday.
Wisconsin State Journal. Madison, Wisconsin, 14 November 1928.
Gritton, Lawrence Orville (I302)
4750 Marcia M. Duncan, 68, of Danville died at 4:20 p.m. Sunday (Feb. 26, 2006) at Hawthorne Inn, Danville.
She was born May 3, 1937 in Danville, a daughter of Frank and Ruth Fox Moss. She was preceded in death her parents and a daughter.
She married Walter Duncan on Jan. 8, 1982 in Danville. He survives. Survivors also include a daughter, Lynn Moore of Danville and three grandchildren.
Moss, Marcia Marlene (I887)

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