Matches 5,051 to 5,100 of 5,765
# | Notes | Linked to |
5051 | Mrs. Anne French has returned from Danville, where she was called by the death of her brother-in-law, Leon Chappell. Journal Gazette, Mattoon, Illinois. Tuesday, 4 December 1928. | Chappell, Leon E. (I569)
5052 | Mrs. Bertha Dorsett Aledo - Funeral services for Mrs. Bertha Dorsett, 85, of Elmhurst, Ill., formerly of Joy and Eliza, will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the Reiser Chapel, Aledo. Elder Clyde McKee of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints of Rock Island will officiate. Burial will be in the Millersburg cemetery. Visitation will be held after 7 p.m. Wednesday evening at Reiser Chapel. Mr. Dorsett died Monday morning at the Americana Nursing Home at Naperville. A daughter of Edward and Sarah Minteer Gritton, she was born April 22, 1884 at Petersville, Ill. The former Bertha Gritton married James E. Dorsett April 12, 1919 at Lamoni, Iowa. She was a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; and had been a Gray Lady of the Red Cross 12 years, having been cited for her services. Survivors are one daughter, Mrs. George (Lillian) Wamsley of Elmhurst, Ill., with whom she had made her home; three brothers, Joe and Elmer Gritton of Aledo and Lewis Gritton of Muscatine; one sister, Mrs. Wesley (Earl) Norton of Joy; also three grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, one sister and two brothers. The Muscatine Journal, Muscatine, Iowa. Tuesday. 7 April 1970. | Gritton, Bertha (I2328)
5053 | Mrs. Bertha Gallop Dies Mrs. Bertha Gritton Gallop, 25, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gritton, in this city Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock after an illness of several months. Deceased was educated in this city, was married last July 13 to Mitchell Gallop, who survives. Other survivors are her parents, one sister, Mrs. Hazel Kempster, of Kansas City, and five brothers, Roy, Ralph and Earl, Jr., of the home, Ray, of Moberly, and Chester, of Chicago. Funeral and burial will take place in this city. Columbia Daily Tribune, Columbia, Missouri. Wednesday, 3 June 1936. | Gritton, Bertha Estell (I2630)
5054 | Mrs. Bess G. Nelson Harrodsburg - Mrs. Bess Gritton Nelson, 82, widow of Robert Nelson, died at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Masonic Widows and Orphans Home, Louisville, after a long illness. She was a native of Mercer County and a member of the Harrodsburg Christian Church. Survivors include six cousins, Mrs. Tom Cotton, Mrs. Alvin I. Alderson and Mrs. Joe Y. Van Arsdall, all of Harrodsburg, and Mrs. Bush Tribble and Wallace and Davis Gritton, all of Mercer County. Services were conducted at 2 p.m. today at the Bruner and Sims Funeral Home by the Rev. James N. Kelly. Burial will be in Spring Hill Cemetery. The body is at the funeral home. The Lexington Herald, Lexington, Kentucky. Friday. 28 May 1965. | Gritton, Bess (I2502)
5055 | Mrs. Charles Gritton Died Wednesday Mrs. Charles Gritton, life-long resident of this community, died Wednesday morning, July 24, at 6:40 o'clock, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Larry McBride of north of Centralia, after a few days' illness. She was 83 years of age. Mr. Gritton was born Georgie Dry in Monroe County, north of Centralia, April 21, 1846, and spent her entire life in that vicinity. She was married to Charles Gritton, who preceded her in death by several years. Surviving relatives are three sons and four daughter and they are Finn Gritton of Oklahoma, Mrs. Tom Akers of Long Beach, Calif., Earl Gritton of Centralia, Frank Gritton of Madison, Mrs. Larry McBride, Mrs. Ernest Ball, and Mrs. Homer Alexander of north of Centralia. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. I.G. Noel of Centralia and Mrs. Aaron Hulen of Slater. Mrs. Gritton was a member of the church at Tulip and was known by her many friends as a fine Christian mother. Funeral rites will be conducted Friday afternoon at 1:30 at Tulip Church by Elder Egan Herndon. Burial will be made in the city cemetery. Centralia Fireside Guard, Centralia, Missouri. Friday, 26 July 1940. | Dry, Georgia Ann (I2560)
5056 | Mrs. Chasteen Ill in California Former Resident of Settlement Confined to Hospital, Relatives Learn. Settlement - A telegram was received by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Globes this morning telling of the serious illness of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry Chasteen, who is in a Santa Ana, Calif., hospital. The Harry Chasteen family was former residents of the Settlement. The Muscatine Journal, Muscatine, Iowa. Friday, 18 January 1935. | Gritton, Della (I3056)
5057 | Mrs. Clarence Gritton and daughter, Miss Winnie of Penfield, are both sick with typhoid fever. The Weekly Pantagrah, Bloomington, Illinois. Friday, 13 December 1907. | Shannon, Marietta Blanch (I555)
5058 | Mrs. Clarence Gritton and daughter, Miss Winnie of Penfield, are both sick with typhoid fever. The Weekly Pantagrah, Bloomington, Illinois. Friday, 13 December 1907. | Gritton, Winnie Star (I1270)
5059 | Mrs. Clem, a widow since November 22, 1904, living near Danville, made a lucky find Sunday afternoon. While looking through some old clothes in the attic she came across an old satchel and opening it discovered that it contained $2,3400 in gold and paper money, $2,00 in United States Bonds and a certificate on a building and loan association, near $7.000 in all. Clem had hidden the money about twelve years ago when so many banks were failing. On his death bed he called his wife to him and talked a number of things but said nothing about the money. Newspaper clipping on Find a Grave. No publication information available. | Hill, Mary E. (I2140)
5060 | Mrs. Cora Hedge of Fairmount has been visiting the family of Frank Gritton on East Park street this week. The Champaign County News, Champaign, Illinois. Saturday, 27 May 1893, page 1. | Gritton, Cora Belle (I307)
5061 | Mrs. Cora Hedge of Fairmount has been visiting the family of Frank Gritton on East Park street this week. The Champaign County News, Champaign, Illinois. Saturday, 27 May 1893, page 1. | Gritton, Frank Marshall (I462)
5062 | Mrs. Delia A. Gritten Williamsport - Mrs. Delia Ann Gritten, 67, died in her home here at 7:15 p.m. Thursday after having been in failing health several years. Born at Paxton in Sullivan County, she lived in the Williamsport community 34 years and was married in 1924 to Laban Gritten who died in 1948. She was a member of the Church of Christ at Paxton. Surviving are four sons, Calvin L., Alvin C., and James, all of Williamsport, and Robert W. of Hammond; a daughter, Mrs. Ivan Roach of Williamsport; a sister, Mrs. H.A. Woodrow of Kingman, and a brother, Lester McCammon of Paxton. Journal of Courier, Lafayette, Indiana. Friday, 15 February 1963. | McCammon, Delia Ann (I1565)
5063 | Mrs. Edna M. Hickman, 77, a life resident of Vermilion County and widow of Oscar C. Hickman, died Monday in Lake View Hospital where she had been a patient two years. She resided at 582 N. Logan. The body was removed to the Edmund and Dickson Funeral Home to remain for services at 2 p.m. Wednesday. The Rev. Leslie T. Barr of the First EUB Church, of which she was a member, will officiate. Burial will be in Springhill Cemetery. Mrs. Hickman was born in Fairmount Mar. 28, 1872, a daughter of Allen and Maggie Beauchamp White. Surviving are four sons, Frank, Howard and Allen Hickman, all of Danville, and Robert, Phoenix, Ariz.; one daughter, Mrs. Frank O'Keefe, Boston, Mass.; one brother, Charles White, Danville; two sisters, Mrs. Lulu Roderick and Mrs. David Talbert, Danville; eight grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. DANVILLE COMMERCIAL-NEWS, 12 April 1949. | White, Edna M. (I2110)
5064 | Mrs. Eliza F. Gritton died of consumption and tumor at the residence of Uncle James Carter's last Sunday morning. She was buried at the Swindell graveyard Monday evening. She died with a full assurance of a happy home with the angels around the great white throne. May she rest in peace. Centralia Fireside Guard, Centralia, Missouri. Friday, 5 April 1895. | Wooden, Eliza Frances (I4230)
5065 | Mrs. Eliza Gritton Dead Mrs. Eliza Gritton, 78, died Thursday morning January 28, 1937 at 1:30 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James McKenney of near Madison. Mrs. Gritton had been in very poor health since April 1935 when she sustained a fracture in her hip. Since that time she made her home with her children. Deceased was born in Boone County, October 6, 1858 and was the daughter of the late Ambrose Hulen and wife, pioneer settlers of Boone County. In 1876, she was united in marriage to James Gritton who preceded her in death several years ago. Mrs. Gritton is survived by two daughters, Mrs. McKenney of Madison, Mrs. George Forsythe of Jefferson City, two sisters, Mrs. Tom Gritton and Mrs. W.T. Goodnight of Moberly. She is an aunt of Earl Gritton of this city, and is well known here. Funeral rites were conducted Friday afternoon in Madison by Rev. E.M. Richmond of Moberly and Rev. M.O. Paul of Madison. Burial was made in the cemetery of that city. Centralia Fireside Guard, Centralia, Missouri. Friday, 5 February 1937. | Hulen, Eliza Adaline (I4232)
5066 | Mrs. Ella Belle Cunningham Rynerson, 83, widow of James L. Reynerson, died Monday night in Central Baptist Hospital, Lexington, after a short illness. She lived in the Van Arsdall section of Mercer County and was a member of Salvisa Methodist Church. Survivors are two sons, James Lillard Rynerson Jr., Chicago, Ill., and Dr. Earl B. Rynerson, Winchester, and a stepdaughter ... (Published in The Advocate-Messenger, Danville Ky., Wednesday, May 11, 1966) | Cunningham, Ella Bell (I2483)
5067 | Mrs. Elmer Rader (Cora Beaver) Monday 12-1-1969 Iroquois County Times Mrs. Elmer Rader age 83, Funeral services 2pm Saturday at Barker Funeral Home in Milford. Rev. Roy William, pastor of Milford Christian Church. Died 9am Wednesday in Iroquois County Hospital where she has been a patient 4 weeks. She was born March 6, 1886, in Danville, daughter of John and Dora Cosat Poulter. She married John Beaver September 20, 1903. He died in 1948. She married Elmer Rader on April 12, 1951. He died 1960. | Poulter, Cora Amanda "Mandy" (I4363)
5068 | Mrs. Emma Cooley. Mrs. Emma Cooley died at 7 Sunday evening at her home, 1013 Third avenue from cancer. She had been ill since March and was bedfast during the entire time. Emma Gritton was born January 7, 1878, in Rochester, Cedar county, Io., and there she grew to womanhood. She was married January 1, 1900, to Charles Cooley and three years later the couple removed to Muscatine. In January of this year they came to Rock Island. Beside her husband, she leaves her mother, Mrs. Mary Gritton of Muscatine, two brother, Thomas and Norman of Rochester and a sister, Mrs. Clara Lambert, of Illinois City. The remains will be taken to Rochester Wednesday morning and laid to rest in a cemetery there. The Dispatch, Moline, Illinois. Monday, 10 November 1913. | Gritton, Emma Jane (I2347)
5069 | Mrs. Emma G. Ison Harrodsburg (Spl.) - Rites for Mrs. Emma Gritton Ison, 75, of Harrodsburg Route 4, who died at 9 pm. Friday of an apparent heart attack at Haggin Memorial Hospital, were conducted this morning at McClellan Funeral Home. The Rev. Gilbert Shely and Elder James Stinnett officiated with burial in the Spring Hill Cemetery. Widow of Hugh Ison, she was born July 22, 1878 in Mercer County and was the daughter of Thomas R. and Minerva Bunton Gritton. She was a member of Harrodsburg Christian Church. Survivors include a son, James H. Ison of Mercer County, six grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. The Advocate-Messenger, Danville, Kentucky. Monday, 8 July 1974. | Gritton, Emma Minerva (I2546)
5070 | Mrs. Erastus Fairchild Funeral services were held from the Christian church at Miller last Friday for Mrs. Erastus Fairchild, 67, who died at her home after a four year's illness. She leaves surviving her husband, three daughters, Mrs. Clarence H. Pearson, Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Tee Abbott, Grand Island, Mrs. Lawrence Coll, North Platte, and a son, Harold E. Fairchild, of Miller. The Kearney, Neb., Daily News, Kearney, Nebraska. Friday, 13 May 1938. | Churchill, Thurza Pearl (I528)
5071 | Mrs. Flora Gritton Allin, wife of Mr. Jack Allin, of this place, died at Norton Infirmary, Louisville, about 8:30 o'clock Sunday night, May 12, 1935. She had not been well for some time, but her condition was not considered serious until a few weeks ago when she was taken to Louisville to a specialist and passed through a critical operation. A native of Mercer County, Mrs. Allin was the daughter of Thomas Gritton and the late Minerva Bunton Gritton and would have been 55 years old in June. She has been to her family a devoted Christian wife and mother in the deepest and truest sense. Surviving are her husband, Mr. Jack Allin, and five sons, Bushrod W. Allin, Washington, D. C.; Jack Allin, Jr., and Fred Allin, of Madison, Wis.; Tom Allin, of Harrodsburg and Dr. Robin Allin, of Kansas City, Mo.; her father, Mr. Thomas Gritton, and four sisters, Mrs. Hugh Ison, Mrs. Holman Hogue, all of Mercer County; Mrs. Bertha Royce and Mrs. Huntley Ransdell, of Boyle County. Mrs. Allin's funeral was at the Harrodsburg Christian Church Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. T. Hassell Bowen. The burial was in Spring Hill cemetery. The casket bearers were her five devoted sons, and a brother-in-law, Tom Allin, of Louisville. Among relatives from other places here to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDowell and Allin McDowell, of Jessamine County; Mrs. Jennie Allin Osborne, of Versailles; Mrs. Robert Terhune, Winchester; Ed Allin, of Lexington and Tom Allin, of Louisville, and members of her family from Boyle County. (Harrodsburg Herald Fri May 17, 1935) | Gritton, Flora Belle (I2519)
5072 | Mrs. Frances Gritton, 81, long ill, dies. Mrs. Frances E. Gritton, 81, of 978 E. Eldorado St., died at 9:10 a.m. today in St. Mary's Hospital after an illness of several years. Mrs. Gritton was born in Decatur April 9, 1878, a daughter of John W. and Lydia Rogers Bell and was married in Decatur Aug. 15, 1903 to Robert Edward Gritton, who survives. She was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church. Besides her husband, Mrs. Gritton leaves a sister, Mrs. C. A. Kughler, Fort Wayne, Ind. The body is at the J.J. Moran & Sons Funeral Home where friends may call after 10 a.m. Monday and where Rosary will be recited at 8:00 p.m. Monday by members of St. Patrick's Altar and Rosary Society. Services will be at 9 a.m. Tuesday in St. Patrick's Church with burial in Spangler Cemetery. | Bell, Frances E. (I1582)
5073 | Mrs. Gritton Dies Special To The Courier-Journal Harrodsburg, Ky., Aug. 11 - Mrs. Pearl Herndon Gritton, 72, widow of Orion L. Gritton, died unexpectedly yesterday at her home in Hazard. The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky. Thursday, 12 August 1954. | Herndon, Ollie Pearl (I2304)
5074 | Mrs. Hazel Gritton Griffith - Mrs. Hazel Gritton, 49, of 904 Highway 330, Griffith, died Tuesday at St. Margaret Hospital following a short illness. Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Scott Nicoson of Crawfordsville, Ind.; a sister, Mrs. Ruth Cadwallader of Lafayette, Ind., and five grandchildren. Services will be held Friday at 10 a.m. at Griffith Baptist Church, 826 N. Harvey St., Griffith, The Rev. Dewey Moore will officiate. Burial will be in Linden Cemetery, Linden, Ind. Friends may call at Johnston 7 Royce Funeral Home 242 N. Griffith, Blvd., Griffith, after 5 p.m. Thursday. Mrs. Gritton was a member of the Griffith Baptist Church and was a resident of Griffith for 20 years. The Times, Munster, Indiana. Wednesday, 2 April 1958. | Eutsler, Hazel Harriet (I1289)
5075 | Mrs. Holman Hogue Harrodsburg, Ky., Nov. 2 - Funeral services for Mrs. Ella Thomas Gritton Hogue, 68, wife of Holman Hogue, who died Sunday, will be conducted at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Harrodsburg Christian church by Dr. T. Hassell Bowen. Burial will be in Spring Hill cemetery. The Lexington Herald, Lexington, Kentucky. Tuesday, 4 November 1952. | Gritton, Ella Thomas (I2528)
5076 | Mrs. J.T. Ownby dies at Madison; funeral Sunday. Madison, Mo., Feb. 15 - Mrs. Adelia Alice Ownby died at her home in Madison early this morning after a lingering illness. Mrs. Ownby had been seriously ill the past 12 days and in ill health for several years. Born near Madison January 20, 1870, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gritton, she had lived in this vicinity all her life. She was a member of the Christian Church. She is survived by her husband, John T. Ownby, and a brother, Thomas E. Gritton of Moberly, and several nephews and nieces. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Madison Christian Church, conducted by the Rev. J.W. Pearson, Christian minister of Princeton. Burial will be in the Madison Cemetery. Moberly Monitor-Index (newspaper), Moberly, Missouri. 15 Feb 1941. | Gritton, Odelia (I4228)
5077 | Mrs. Jacob Grimes Mrs. Jacob Grimes, a life long resident of Blount township, and one of the most widely known women in the community in which she had resided for so many years, passed away at her home, about tow miles northwest of Ames Corners, yesterday morning, June 6, 1916, at 5;15 o'clock. Mrs. Grimes, who was affectionately known as "Grandma" Grimes among her hosts of friends, had been in ill health for a long time and her demise did not come unexpectedly. Mrs. Grimes was born in Blount township and with the exception of the first year of her married life, had always resided in the neighborhood of her birth. She was one of ten children born to Mr. and Mrs. John Shumate. Mrs. Grimes was united in marriage to Jacob Grimes in Ford County in 1860 and for one year resided in that county. Following her husband's enlistment in the Union army for service in the Civil war she returned to this county and had since resided here. Eight children were born to the decedent and six of them preceded their mother in death. The surviving children are: W.S. Grimes, the well know grocer of Danville; Mrs. Drusilla Rush, of Georgetown, and Mrs. Thomas Rambo, widow of the late police officer, who passed away about three weeks ago. The surviving brother is Spencer Shumate, of Lexington, Ky. Funeral services for Mrs. Grimes will be conducted from the late home Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. The burial will be in the Cline cemetery. * * * * Mrs. Jacob Grimes Funeral services for Mrs. Jacob Grimes, the pioneer resident of Blount township who died Tuesday morning at her home, two miles northwest of Ames corners, will be conducted from the late residence this morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. J.J. Cozatt will have charge of the services and the interment will be in the Gordon cemetery. Newspaper clipping from Cora (Gritton) Hedges. No publishing information available. | Shumate, Mariah Josephine (I3880)
5078 | Mrs. John Gritton has entirely recovered. South Danville, Ill. March 31 - The many friends of Mrs. John Gritton will be pleased to learn that she has fully recovered from her recent serious illness and left yesterday for Rossville to make an extended visit with relatives and friends. Newspaper clipping from Cora (Gritton) Hedges. No publishing information available. | Cline, Sarah Catherine (I25)
5079 | Mrs. Josephine Gritton has filed a petition in the superior court asking a divorce from Orsmus Gritton. They were married June 22, 1903, and separated March 24, 1920. She alleges cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide. They have three children and she asks their custody. Russell K. Bedgood and L.J. Ledman are attorneys for the plaintiff. Journal and Courier, Lafayette, Indiana. Friday, 8 October 1920, page 1. | Gritton, Orsmus Vandorn (I541)
5080 | Mrs. Josephine Gritton has filed a petition in the superior court asking a divorce from Orsmus Gritton. They were married June 22, 1903, and separated March 24, 1920. She alleges cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide. They have three children and she asks their custody. Russell K. Bedgood and L.J. Ledman are attorneys for the plaintiff. Journal and Courier, Lafayette, Indiana. Friday, 8 October 1920, page 1. | Underwood, Mary Josephine (I557)
5081 | Mrs. Katherine McGrew Mrs. Katherine McGrew, 91, of 745 Main St., East Hartford, widow of John McGrew, died Feb 15 at a local convalescent home. Born in Indiana, she lived most of her life in Stamford, moving to Eat Harford five years ago. There are no surviving relatives. The funeral: was Tuesday. Arrangements: Glastonbury Funeral Home, 450 New London Turnpike, Glastonbury. Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut. Wednesday, 25 February 1976. | Fletcher, Katherine (I4479)
5082 | Mrs. L.C. Test Dies at San Benito (Special to the Herald) San Benito. May 26. – Mrs. Lueva Cox Test, 75, pioneer resident of San Benito, succumbed Tuesday at 2:43 p.m. after a three weeks illness. Mrs. Cox moved to the Valley eighteen years ago from Willamet, Illinois. She was born at Dublin, Indiana, August 18, 1852. Services were to be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Markham Thompson chapel and burial was to be in the Buena Vista cemetery in Brownsville. She is survived by her husband, Dr. F.D. Test; her father, W.E. Johnson, rector of the San Benito Episcopal church; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Sweeney; and a grand-daughter, Mary Lou Sweeney. Pallbearers will be: E.H. Downs, Frank Ludden, J.L. Bates, R.A. Bowie, Charles Barber, J.D. Ballenger; James E. Ward and George Toolan. The Brownsville Herald, Brownsville, Texas. Wednesday, 26 May 1937, page 6. | Cox, Lu Eva (I3757)
5083 | Mrs. Lawrence Breese Kentland - Mrs. Millie E. Brees, 70, died at 8:30 p.m. Sunday at the home of Mrs. Katherine Martin here, where she had resided since coming from Schererville in 1971. Born in Danville, Ill., she lived most of her life in Lafayette. She was married in 1945 to Lawrence Breese, who survives. Surviving with the husband are the father, ormus Gritton of Danville, Ill., and two brothers, Edward Gritton of Sullivan and Doran Gritton of Schererville. Journal and Courier, Lafayette, Indiana. Monday, 24 September 1973. | Gritton, Millie Elzora (I1286)
5084 | Mrs. Leland Carpenter is the proud mother of a baby boy, born Sunday evening at the Elizabeth hospital at Danville. The Urbana Daily Courier, Urbana, Illinois. Wednesday, 10 October 1912, page 10. | Carpenter, Lowell Claire (I1274)
5085 | Mrs. Lillard Found Dead (Special to Daily Messenger) Harrodsburg, Ky., March 6. - Mrs. James M. Lillard, 50 years old, wife of a wealthy farmer, was found dead, hanging to a rafter in her home on the Shakertown and Burgin pike. The Advocate-Messenger, Danville, Kentucky. Friday, 5 March 1920. | Gritton, Nancy E. (I2257)
5086 | Mrs. M.L. Gritton of Danville visited her son Frank of this city over Sunday. The Champaign County News, Champaign, Illinois. Saturday, 13 May 1893, page 1. | Gritton, Frank Marshall (I462)
5087 | Mrs. M.L. Gritton of Danville visited her son Frank of this city over Sunday. The Champaign County News, Champaign, Illinois. Saturday, 13 May 1893, page 1. | Moudy, Elizabeth Ann (I453)
5088 | Mrs. Mabel C. Austin Funeral services will be conducted at the graveside in Inglewood Park Cemetery at 1:30 p.m. today for Mrs. Mabel C. Austin, 80, who died from a heart ailment Thursday after a short illness. She was the mother of Thomas T. Austin, reporter for The Times, and in addition to her son, leaves two sisters, Mrs. Emma J. Mercer of Chicago and Mrs. Katherine McGrew of San Francisco, and a brother, Bynum C. Fletcher, of Ft. Wayne, Ind. Mrs. Austin was born in Indianapolis, Ind., and had been a resident of the Los Angeles area since 1922. For the past few years she lived at 1010 Centinela Blvd., Inglewood. The Lost Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California. Saturday, 11 August 1956. | Fletcher, Mabel C. (I4474)
5089 | Mrs. Mabel Shean Mrs. Mabel Shean, of Rt.1, Midland, died today at 3:10 a.m. at The Medical Center after a lingering illness. She had resided in this community for the past 34 years and was a member of the Methodist Church. She was a native of Danville, Ill., and a daughter of the late John and Olive Cline. Survivors include her husband, C.E. Shean, Midland. The Columbus Ledger, Columbus, Georgia. Tuesday, 5 February 1963. | Cline, Mabel (I322)
5090 | Mrs. Martin Palmer and Mrs. J.D. Silliman have returned from Harrodsburg where they attended funeral services on Monday for their relative, Mr. Finley Vaughn Gritton. The Advocate-Messenger, Danville, Kentucky. Tuesday, 12 January 1960. | Gritton, Finley Vaugn (I2504)
5091 | Mrs. Mary Anne Sweeney Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Anne Sweeney, 80, a resident of San Benito for 50 years, are set for 10 a.m. today in San Benito All Saints Episcopal Church with the Rev. Charles Robinson officiating. Mrs. Sweeney died Sunday in a Harlingen nursing home. She was the widow of James W. Sweeney, who died in 1969. She was for many years active in civic work in San Benito. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Robert R. Rumbo of Harlingen, who asks that those wishing to give memorial donations send them to Dolly Vinsant Hospital, where Mrs. Sweeney had been a “Grey Lady” for many years. Pallbearers will be R.A. O’Neal, E.W. Franke, Frank McCowan, W.W. Reed, John Rugaart, Barney Majeskey. Burial will be in Buena Vista Memorial Park in Brownsville under direction of Thomae Funeral Directors. Valley Morning Star, Harlingen, Texas. Monday, 17 May 1971 | Yeazel, Mary Anne (I3759)
5092 | Mrs. Mary I. Gritton Aledo - Mrs. Mary Iona Gritton, 86, of Aledo died Monday at Mercer County Hospital. Services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday at Reiser Chapel. Burial will be in Aledo Cemetery. Visitation is 7 to 9 tonight. The family will not be present. Memorials may be made to Mercer County Nursing Home. Mary Baker married Glen L. Gritton in 1911 in Aledo. He died in 1963. She was a member of the United Methodist Church and Royal Neighbors of American for over 60 years. Survivors include daughters, Lillian Meyers, Reynolds; Alice McMullen, New Windsor; Leota Churchill, Shreveport, La., and Helen Elliott, Rock Island; a son, Kenneth, Rock Island; five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. The Dispatch, Moline, Illinois. Tuesday, 27 May 1980. | Baker, Mary Iona (I2331)
5093 | Mrs. Mary Josephine Pettyjohn, 74, formerly of 505 New York street, died in the hospital at the State Soldiers home at 10:40 p.m. Wednesday. She had been in failing health three years and hospitalized three weeks. She had lived at the Soldiers home four years. Born in Penfield, Ill., she was married to Leoads Pettyjohn who died in 1953. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Millie Breese, Lafayette; two sons, Edward H. Gritton, East Chicago, and Joseph B. Gritton, Schererville; four brothers, Ben Underwood, Three Rivers, Mich., William Underwood, Kalamazoo, Mich., Charles Underwood, Lafayette, and Edward Underwood, Elmdale, and a sister, Mrs. Clyde Green, Attica. | Underwood, Mary Josephine (I557)
5094 | Mrs. Maud Yeazel Passes Away Today Mrs. Maud E. Yeazel, one of the active workers of the Hammond Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and widow of George Yeazel, a building contractor, died at 6:10 o'clock this morning of cancer, following a long illness. Mrs. Yeazel was also a member of the First Christian church. She is survived by her son and daughter, Roland and Lila, and her mother, Mrs. Mary Irwin, 207 Detroit Street. Arrangements for the funeral which is to be held Monday with interment at Oak Hill cemetery had not been announced this noon. Mrs. Yeazel had a host of friends in Hammond, especially in church and W.C.T.U circles. She was held in high esteem in the city. | Ervin, Maude E. (I3805)
5095 | Mrs. Minnie E. Hawkins, 82, died at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at her home 4641 Bellevue. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. W.T. Carter; three sons, Hollie A. Hawkins, Allen R. Hawkins and Raymond G. Hawkins; eight grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Thursday at the home. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky. Thursday, 24 August 1944. | Gritton, Minnie Etta (I2167)
5096 | Mrs. Minnie Jewell Ball Dies At 82 Centralia - Mrs. Minnie Jewell Ball, 82, of Centralia, died early Monday morning at the Audrain Medical Center in Mexico where she had been a patient since Aug. 19. Services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Meador and Son Funeral Chapel in Centralia. The Rev. Dr. Edwin Burris of Centralia will officiate with the Rev. Winfred Pugh of Moberly assisting. Burial will be in the Centralia Cemetery. Friends may call at the Funeral home after 2 p.m. today. Mrs. Ball was born Feb. 10, 1894 in Monroe County, a daughter of Charles and Georgia Ann dry Gritton. She was married to Ernest Ball Nov. 25, 1914. He died Feb. 11, 1970. Surviving are a son, Morris Wayne Ball of Centralia; three daughters, Mrs. Sam (Della Fae) Phipps of Clark, Mrs. Lawrence (Maurine) Bryson of Centralia and Mrs. Margaret Milhollin of Moberly; one sister, Mrs. Larry (Gladys) McBride of Centralia; 10 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Ball was preceded in death by four brothers, four sisters, three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. She was a long time resident of the Centralia community. She was a member of the Tulip Christian Church which she joined at the age of 14. Memorial may be given to the Tulip Christian Church north of Centralia n memory of Ernest and Jewell Ball. Pallbearers for the services Wednesday will be Nelson Alexander, Kenny Ball, Lester Bryson, Earl Gritton Jr., Bobby Dale McBride, Lavern Milhollin, Monroe Moss and Nevelle Sanders. Honorary pallbearers will be Emmitt Bryson, Byron Duncan, Clyde Marshall, Ralph Sanders, Archie Stauterman and Louis Tanner. The organist will be Bobby Ball and the soloist will be Mrs. Jewel Sanders. Mexico Ledger, Mexico, Missouri. Tuesday, 31 August 1976. | Gritton, Minnie Jewel (I2614)
5097 | Mrs. Myrtle E. Gritton Edwardsburg - Mrs. Myrtle E. Gritton, 62, of Edwardsburg, died Thursday at Lee Memorial Hospital in Dowagiac following a heart attack Wednesday at her home. Mrs. Gritton was born June 2, 1891, in Somerset, Ky., the daughter of William and Elizabeth Randall and came to Edwardsburg 28 years ago from Tilton, Ill. She was married in 1911 to Ernest L. Gritton. She was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary in Cassopolis and the Methodist Church in Edwardsburg. Surviving are: a son, Randall A. of Ohio; two daughters, Mrs. Walter Gloede and Mrs. Charles Clark, both Edwardsburg; two brothers, Edgar Randall, Urbana, Ill., and Raymond, Danville, Ill., and five grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Edwardsburg Methodist Church with the pastor, the Rev. Paul Patterson, officiating. Burial will be in Edwardsburg Cemetery. Friends may call at the Connelly Funeral Home in Cassopolis. The Daily Star, Niles, Michigan, Friday, 11 December 1953. | Randall, Myrtle E. (I294)
5098 | Mrs. Nell Perry Mrs. Nell Jane Perry, 55, of 902 N. Maple, Normal died at 7 p.m. Friday at Brokaw Hospital. She entered the hospital Monday. She was taken to the Stubblefield Funeral Home, where visitation will be at 7 p.m. Sunday. She was born at Potomac, Sept. 10, 1912, a daughter of Thomas and Alice Wise Alexander. She was married to Ralph Perry at Potomac Oct. 13, 1934. Surviving are her husband; a son, Richard D. Perry, Wayne; two brother, Douglas Alexander, Olivet; Forrest Alexander, Griffin, Ga. She was a member of Hope Reformed Church at Holland, Mich. The Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois. Saturday, 17 February 1968. | Alexander, Nell Jane (I4137)
5099 | Mrs. Pearl Bates Funeral services for Mrs. Pearl Bates, 68, who died Friday, will be conducted in the chapel of the Utter-McKinley Viewpark Mortuary at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow. Mrs. Bates, formerly of Chicago, had lived in the Viewpark area for 24 years. She leaves her husband, Albert Bates of 2229 W. 74th St.; two daughters, Mrs. Carol Goldstein of Chicago and Mrs. John Osborne of Westwood; four sisters, Mrs. Mabel C. Austin of Los Angeles; Mrs. Emma Jane Mercer of Chicago; Mrs. Ann Marshall, Indianapolis, and Mrs. Katherine McGrew of Stamford, Ct., and a brother, B.D. Fletcher of Lafayette, Ind. Interment will be in Inglewood Park Cemetery. The Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California. Monday, 19 August 1946. | Fletcher, Martha Pearl (I4476)
5100 | MRS. R. M. FOX DIES AT RESIDENCE HERE Death of Mrs. Mary Jane Fox, wife of R. M. Fox, occurred at 2 o'clock Wednesday morning at her residence, 205 North Eleventh street. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the residence, conducted by the Rev. Homer T. Fort, of First Methodist church, with burial at Hopewell cemetery, pallbearers to be G. H. Hargroves, Lee Terry, O. A. Holcomb, C. C. Hopkins, Adell Hopkins and Jeff Carrol. Mrs. Fox who was born December 21, 1855 in Tennessee, was married November 27, 1877. She is survived by her husband and these children: W. J. Fox, Caviness; Mrs. Nellie Clark, Frisco; Mrs. Dora Henley, Paris, and C. A. Fox of Petty, besides several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The Paris News, Paris, Texas. 13 Mar 1935 | Fox, Mary Jane (I2042)