hmtl5 Notes: Gritton Genealogy


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5401 Recognizes all pupils shown in old photograph
Fourteen appearing in Gravat School group dead, says Mrs. Liggett.
If you are among the many readers of the Commercial-News who cut out the picture published in last Sunday’s edition of the Gravat school pupils of nearly forty years ago you can identify them from this list, furnished by Mrs. Clara Atwood Liggett, 1312 Polk avenue.
Mrs. Liggett, a life resident of this community, and a member of the group of children appearing in the old photograph, can name 14 of the pupils who have died since the picture was taken, and give the names of the same number of married ones.
According to her identification, the two pupils holding the sign are Elvin Gritton and Charles Wheeler. The others are:
Bottom row, left to right: Everett Daniel, Ora Gravat, Grace Starr, Pearl Starr, Dessie Gravat, Fannie Wheeler, Lydia Fairchilds, Laura Fugate, Bessie Gritton, Elza Fairchilds, Ernest Gritton, Elmer Caster.
Second row, left to right: Jesse Smith, Homer Fairchilds, Howard Gravat, Lubina Caster, Tacy Heitro, Edna Wheeler, Effie Smith, Tacy Fairchilds, Olive Gravat, Orville Starr, Charles Vanvickle, Earl Swisher.
Third row, left to right: William Daniel, Stella Daniel, Jennie Daniel, Zettie Swisher, Elsie Heitro, Rebecca Clem, Margaret Fugate, Ira Gravat, Jennie Wells.
Fourth row, left to right: Clara Atwood, Jessie Swisher, John Radebaugh, Stella Radebaugh, Gertrude Fairchilds, Ona Radebaugh, Sarah Vanvickle, Francis Smith, Rosa Wells.
Top row, left to right: Ira Atwood, Harley Gravat, John Hardenbrock (teacher), Charles O. Gravat, Reuben Vanvickle, and Edward Fugate.
The 14 known by Mrs. Atwood to have died since the picture of these pupils, all descendants of some of Vermilion county’s first families, was taken, are Margaret Fugate, Ira Gravat, Gertrude Fairchilds, Ona Radebaugh, Francis Smith, Elvin Gritton, Bessie Gritton, Jesse Smith, Homer Fairchilds, Edna Wheeler, Effie Smith, Ira Atwood, Harley Gravat, and the teacher, John Hadenbrook.
Here are the married names of some of the old Gravat school pupils: Fannie Wheeler (Howard) White, Lubina Caster (John) White, Edna Wheeler (Winnie) DeMoss, Stella Daniel (Coy) Vanvickle, Jennie Daniel [Ernest] Henry, Zettie Swisher (Jewell) Potter, Rebecca Clem (Luther) Cramer, Cara Atwood (J.) Liggett, Jennie Swisher (J.M.) Justice, Lulu Radebaugh (Charles) Thompson, Gertrude Fairchilds (C.O.) Gravat, Ona Radebaugh (Charles) Finley (deceased), Sarah Vanvickle (Clifford) McCracken.

Newspaper clipping from Cora (Gritton) Hedges. Commercial News, Danville, Illinois. No date available.
Fairchild, Daisy Gertrude (I4395)
5402 Records show that Hazel and Clarence married twice and divorced twice. Daniels, Hazel Marie (I3312)
5403 Relatives Attend Funeral At Miller
The remains of Erastus Fairchild accompanied by relatives was taken to Miller Monday for services. Mr. Fairchild had made his home here for past few months with his daughter, Mrs. Ted Abbott, 733 W. 8th. He was born at Danville, Ill., July 8th, 1853 and passed away Jan. 15th, 1939 following a brief illness. Surviving are his daughters, Mrs. Lawrence Coll and Mrs. Ted Abbott of North Platte and Mrs. Clarence Peterson of Los Angeles, and his sons, Harold and James of Miller. Interment was at Kearney beside his wife who passed away about a year ago.
Relatives attending funeral services at Kearney Tuesday for Erastus Fairchild were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cool and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Tatom, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Easton, Mrs. Vincent Roddy, Mrs. Jack Didel, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jeffers.
The Tribune, North Platte, Nebraska. Thursday, 19 January 1939.
Fairchild, Erastus Chambers (I523)
5404 Remington - Beatrice "Betty" Gritten, 89, of Remington, died at 1:49 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 23, 2010, at St. Elizabeth East in Lafayette.

She was born on May 9, 1921, near Casey, Ill., to the late Norman and Nellie Davis.

She married Charlie Critten on Dec. 14, 1940, in Illinois. He died in 1980.

Mrs. Gritten worked at the Bryan Manufacturing in Monticello for 25 years, Carson Inn in Remington for 10 years, and Dwyers in Wolcott for 10 years. She retired at the age of 85.

She enjoyed reading.

Surviving are four children, Vera Louise Largen (husband; Darrell) of Marcellus, Michi., Clarence Norman Gritten (wife: Catherine) and Paul Richard Gritten (wife: Linda), both of Lafayette, and Donald Lee Gritten (wife: Jan) of Waco, Texas; a stepdaughter
[article is cut off]

Journal and Courier. Saturday, 25 December 2010.
Davis, Beatrice (I1263)
5405 Rena L. Bullock, 92, of Danville died at 11:30 a.m. Monday (Feb. 13, 2012) at Hawthorne Inn, Danville.
She was born Feb. 2, 1920 in Vermilion County to Ray C. and Grace L. Esworthy Yeats. She married Maurice Bullock on April 29, 1967. He preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by her parents; two brothers, Raymond and Melvin Yeats; three sisters, Fauntella Collings, Dorothy Richmond and Janice Ramsey; one nephew, Ray Yeats and one great-nephew, Larry Jenson.
She is survived by four sisters, Ruby Stacey, Ginny (Harold) Auter, Ruth Weaver and Wilma (Robert) Courson, all of Danville and several nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews.
Yeats, Rena LaVerne (I3198)
5406 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Notes, Notes (I4314)
5407 Richard M. Hensley m. Jane Jennings, 29 Feb 1956 Vermilion County, Illinois.

in the 1860 US census, Richard (age 30), Jane (age 25), Anna S. (age 2) and James Hensley (age 23, b.KY) are in Blount Township, Vermilion County, James Hensley is the right age to be Richard's brother. See 1850 US census for Pendelton County, Kentucky. Father Benjamin, mother Anna.

In 1862 Richard marries Belinsy Belle Gritton in Vermilion County

In June 1863, Richard M. Hensley is on the list of Class I persons subject to do miliary duty in the 7th Congressional District, in Blount Township of Vermilion County, Illinois
Hensley, Richard M. Age 33. White. farmer, Unmarried. Born in Kentucky.

I have found no record for Richard after the 1863 draft record. 
Hensley, Richard M. (I451)
5408 Rites at Electra for Mrs. W.R. Talley
Special to The Record News.
Electra, Texas, March 19. - Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Assembly of God church for Mrs. W.R. Talley, 72, who succumbed to a heart ailment Sunday. Rev. W.B. Crump officiated. Burial was at Vernon by Totten Brothers.
Mrs. Talley complained of feeling ill while sitting in her chair. A doctor was called but she died before he arrived.
A native of Tennessee, she moved to Texas in 1881. She had lived here 29 years.
Surviving are two sons, Will Talley of Electra; Hixon Talley of Wichita Falls; one daughter, Mrs. Ed Griffin, Electra; a sister, Mrs. H.C. Smith, Harrold; 15 grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Times Record News, Wichita Falls, Texax; Tuesday, 20 March 11934.
Cline, Leah Sophronia (I3618)
5409 Rites for Mr. Gritton.
Reynolds, Ill., Feb. 26. - (Argus News Service) - Funeral services for Clarence Gritton, Edgington township resident who died of pneumonia in his home at 4:30 o'clock Sunday morning, were conducted yesterday afternoon in the Freytag mortuary, Reynolds.
The Rev. Hugh Robinson of the Edgington Presbyterian church and the Rev. C.B. Larson of the Illinois City Methodist church, officiated. Burial was in the Edginton cemetery and pallbearers were Laurence Rommell, Earl Boultinghouse, James Sackville, Ben Berr, George Carlson and John Stropes.
Mr. Gritton was born Marsh 2, 1888, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gritton, who now reside in Joy. He married Ethel Robbins a number of years ago.
Surviving are the widow; the parents; four sons, Lonnie and Bert Gritton of Milan and Eldon and Warren Gritton, at home; a daughter, Ruth Gritton, at home; two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Dorsitt of Joy and Mrs. Pearl Norton of New Boston, and four brothers, Glenn Gritton of Aledo, Joseph and Elmer Gritton of Aledo and Louis Gritton of Muscatine.
The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, Illinois. Wednesday, 26 February 1936.
Gritton, Clarence (I2332)
5410 Rites Friday For Mercer Native HARRODSBURG (Spl.) -Services for Floyd Evans Gritton Sr., 80, of 333 S. Main St., Lawrenceburg, a native of Mercer County, will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at the Gordon-Gash Memorial Chapel, Lawrenceburg, with burial in Spring Hill Cemetery, Harrodsburg. Friends may call at the funeral chapel.
A retired State Highway Department employe and World War I veteran, Mr. Gritton died Wednesday at 9 a.m. at Woodford Memorial Hospital in Versailles.
Mr. Gritton, who was a member of the American Legion in Harrodsburg,
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Gertrude Grimes Gritton; a son, Floyd E. Gritton Jr. of Owenton; three brothers, Claude of Lawrenceburg, Wallace of Harrodsburg and David Gritton of Mercer County; a sister, Mrs. Melburn Healey of Mercer County; four grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren.
August 10, 1972. A Publisher Extra Newspaper. The Advocate-Messenger from Danville, Kentucky
Gritton, Floyd Evans (I3024)
5411 Rites Held For C. Umbanhowar
The Homer Enterprise
Friday, December 7, 1956, page 1

Graveside rites were conducted in the G.A.R. Cemetery Saturday afternoon by the Rev. Wm. J. Edmunds for Charles E. Umbanhowar, 67, who passed away at his home in Indianapolis on Wednesday of last week. Funeral services were conducted in Indianapolis earlier Saturday. Mr. Umbanhowar was born in Homer, February 8, 1889 to James H. and Mary Elizabeth Hall Umbanhowar. He had been affiliated with the New York Central Railroad for the past 45 years, having retired from active duty on the road this past July. He has served for the past 26 years as general chairman of the grievance committee of Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, of which he was a member. He was also a past master of the Millersville Masonic Lodge, A.F. & A.M., a past patron of the Millersville O.E.S.; a member of the Forrest Park Methodist Church; the Indianapolis Consistory; Shrine; Moose; the Indiana Gun Club and the Okaboji Indians Gun Club. He is survived by his wife, the former Faith Silkwood, and an adopted daughter. Mrs. Vivian Warman, both of Indianapolis, as well as his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Umbanhowar, and his sister, Mrs. Ray Tate, both of Homer. (transcribed by Homer Historical Society)
Umbanhowar, Charles Edward (I3641)
The Homer Enterprise
Friday, August 30, 1957, p 1

Funeral services were conducted at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Jeanes’ Funeral Home for Mrs. Elizabeth Umbanhowar, 89, and burial was made in G.A.R. Cemetery. Mrs. Umbanhowar passed away at 4:15 a.m. Friday, Aug. 23rd, in Burnham Hospital, Champaign, where she had been taken on Tuesday. Born Feb. 25, 1868 near Homer, she was the daughter of Edward and Sarah Yeazel Hall. She was married Feb. 16, 1888 to James H. Umbanhowar, who preceded her in death in 1926. The couple farmed near Homer until her husband’s death, after which Mrs. Umbanhowar moved to Homer. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Ray Tate of Homer; seven grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by three sons, Charles, Fred and Audrey. Mrs. Umbanhowar was a member of the Homer Methodist Church and the Order of the Eastern Star. (transcribed by Homer Historical Society)
Hall, Mary Elizabeth (I3639)
5413 Rites Yesterday for Mrs. Earl Gritton, Sr.
Mrs. Myrtle Frances Gritton, 80 years of age, the widow of Early Gritton Sr., died early Monday morning, Jan. 20, at the Audrain Hospital in Mexico where she had been a patient since Sunday morning. She was the last member of a family of three brothers and four sisters.
She was born May 13, 1883 in Monroe County, Mo., the daughter of the late Andrew and Mary Elizabeth Patterson Jones. On Feb. 23, 1902 she was married to Earl Simpson Gritton, Sr., who preceded her in death Feb. 21, 1957.
The Gritton family moved to Centralia in 1908. She was a member of the First Christian Church and was active in church activities. She was a member of the Sarah Group of the Christian Women's Fellowship.
She is survived by six children, five sons and a daughter. They are Ray of Moberly; Mrs. Hazel Kempster, Kansas City, Kansas; Chester, Minneapolis, Minn., Roy of Kansas City, Kansas and his twin brother, Ralph of the home and Earl Gritton, Jr., Centralia. There are also nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren surviving.
She was preceded in death by a daughter, Mrs. Bertha Gallip, in 1936.
Funeral services were at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 22 at the First Christian Church. Rev. Donald E. Mattson, pastor, assisted by the Rev. Fletcher Dodson, past of the Allen Street Methodist Church, offiated at the services.
Burial was in the Centralia Cemetery.
The body was in state at the Meador Funeral Home until the hour of the services.
Centralia Fireside Guard, Centralia, Missouri. Thursday, 23 January 1964.
Jones, Myrtle Frances (I2626)
5414 Robert and sister Betty were twins. Brennan, Robert Gene (I3547)
5415 Robert Dean Kern, 71, of Olivet died at 2:10 a.m. Friday (Jan. 10, 2003) at Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana.
He was born Feb. 23, 1931 in Vermilion Grove, a son of Russell L. and Betty V. Holland Kern. He was preceded in death by a sister. He married Elva Jo Robertson on July 30, 1993 in Olivet. She survives.
Also surviving are seven sons, Robert Gene Kern, Richard Gerald Kern, Wesley Dean Kern, Monte Wayne Kern, Eugene Galey, David Galey and Robert Galey; six daughters, Teresa Lynn Norton, Penny Jo Davis, Rhonda Berlin, Debra Kincaid, Dorene and Jamie Jumps; four brothers, Charles W. Kern, James H. Kern, Russell L. Kern and Raymond R. Kern; two sisters, Norma Jean Hughes and Mary Jane Stark; 29 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
He was a fabricator for Mervis Industries, Danville for many years and retired in 1976.
News-Gazette, The (Champaign-Urbana, IL) - Saturday, January 11, 2003
Kern, Robert Dean (I3927)
5416 Robert E. Gritton, groceryman at 315 North Broadway, has been removed to his home, 538 East William, from St. Mary's hospital where he underwent an operation.
Herald and Review, Decatur, Illinois. Wednesday, 8 November 1922, page 33.
Gritton, Robert Edward (I464)
5417 Robert Eugene Fouse, 75, of Hoopeston died at 11:15 a.m. Monday (June 20, 2011) at Hoopeston Community Memorial Nursing Home.
He was born May 2, 1936 in Hoopeston to Roma Fouse and Leota Hobson Fouse. He married Ruth Ann Fouse July 10, 1958. She passed away May 29, 1988. He was also preceded in death by his parents, two brothers, one daughter, one stepson and one grandson.
He later married Dovie Cross on Aug. 28, 1989 in Ambia, Indiana. She survives. Other survivors include daughters, Linda (Wesley) Parson, Darlene (Mike) Johnson, Cathy Miller, Sheila (Billy) Hardwick, Bonnie (Dick) Moore, Vivian Elaine (Todd) Crose and Donna (Adam) Hardwick; sons, Dwayne Fouse, Robert Irvin and Nathan Irvin; two sisters; two brothers; 45 grandchildren and great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
Robert worked for Robintech for 15 years and later worked for Ora J. Baer in Danville for several years. He liked carpentry, camping, traveling, playing Aggravation, euchre and spending time with his family.
Commercial-News (Danville, IL) - Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Fouse, Robert Eugene (I4157)
5418 Robert F. Ronna died at 3:20 p.m. Friday, June 26, 1981 at his home in New Lenox.
He was born January 23, 1917 in Buckley, the son of Fred C. and Meta Hilgendorf Ronna. He married Ruth Austin. He married Charlotte Jean Fultz Dec. 10, 1947, who survives.
Other survivors include a daughter, Donna Balk of Buckley; four sons, Warren F. of Champaign, Robert L. of Joliet, Stanley P. of Salt Lake City, Utah and William H. of Tempe, Arizona; five grand-daughters; and his father of Gilman.
Also, five brothers, Delmar of Loda, Lawrence of Chatsworth, clarence of Milford, Arnold of Murray, Kentucky and Orville of Paxton; and two sisters, Irma Ennen, Loda and Lois Grohler of Kankakee. His mother and two brothers are deceased.
Mr. Ronna was supervisor for nine years at Continental Grain Co., Lockport. He was a former mayor of Loda and a Loda High School graduate. He was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, was a World War II Army veteran and a past commander of the Loda and Frankfort American Legion Posts.
Ronna, Robert Frederick David (I1283)
5419 Robert W. Thompson probate date 23 Sep 1920 in Cook County, Illinois. Names Clara E. as wife. Thompson, Robert W. (I3173)
5420 Roscoe Elliott Wood Stricken In Illinois
Roscoe Elliott (Woody) Wood, 62, former Mansfield resident, died Friday afternoon in St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Danville, Ill, following a three-year illness.
Born March 30, 1897, at Ironton, he was a resident of Mansfield for many years. He was a communications engineer with the Gustav Hirsch organization, retiring two years ago. During World War 2 he was a civilian employee of the United States navy in Trinidad, B.W.I.
He was a member of the First Congregational Church in Mansfield, Mansfield Lodge 35, F& AM, the Dayton Consistory, the Baku Grotto and Ruth Chapter 17, Order of Eastern Star.
His only survivor is his wife, Mrs. Hester Gritton Wood.
Funeral services will be conducted at the J.H. Finefrock & Sons Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock by the Rev. James C. Mead, pastor of the First Congregational Church. Burial will be in the Mansfield Memorial Park. Friends may call at the funeral home Monday evening from 7 o'clock until 9 o'clock.
News-Journal, Mansfield, Ohio. Saturday, 13 February 1960.
Wood, Roscoe Elliott (I1240)
5421 Roy Albert Anderson Obituary
Roy Albert Anderson, a longtime resident of Silverdale, died February 5, 2003 at Harrison Hospital. He was 91.

Mr. Anderson was born on October 8, 1911 in Sorum, South Dakota to Andrew T. and Mary E. (Stumpf) Anderson.

He attended Windom High School in Windom, Minnesota, where he excelled in football and baseball, serving as team captain for three years and earning several school letters. He graduated in June of 1925.

Mr. Anderson arrived in Kitsap County in 1941. He began work as a fireman for the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in 1944 until his retirement in 1971.

His hobbies included travel, bowling, fishing, and watching sports on television.

Mr. Anderson married Merrie Hazel (Vancil) Cline on November 30, 1956 in Bremerton, Washington.

Mr. Anderson is survived by his loving stepsons, Tim A. Cline of Seabeck, Washington and Daniel V. Cline of Bothell, Washington; stepdaughters Diane E. Griffith of Jacksonville, Oregon and Merrie M. O’Meara of Bellingham, Washington; brothers Donald Anderson of Orinda, California and David Anderson of Rocklim, California; and sons Jerry A. Hanson of Port Angeles, Washington & Vernon F. Hanson of California. He is also survived by 15 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

He is preceded in death by his wife, who passed away on September 8, 1992, and by two sisters, Josephine of Ballaton, Minnesota and Ruby of Billings, Montana.

Memorial donations may be made in lieu of flowers to:
The American Heart Association
4414 Woodland Park Avenue North
Seattle, Washington 98103-7499
The Harrison Hospital Foundation
2520 Cherry Avenue
Bremerton, Washington 98310 
Anderson, Roy Albert (I360)
5422 Roy Battershell, 67, of Henning died yesterday (Oct 18, 1966) at Lake View Hospital where he had been a patient five days. Born Jan 10, 1899, near Henning, he was the son of William and Addie Chambers Battershell. He was married to Florence Fairchild at Henning August 28, 1913, and she survives. Also surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Sonna Sue DeLois and Mrs Shirley Carder, both of Plainfield, Indiana; a son, Bill of New Windsor; 11 grandchildren and a great-granddaughter. He was preceded in death by his parents and a sister. The body is at the Lanham Funeral Home in Potomac and friends may call after noon on Thursday
Battershell, Roy Simpson (I3325)
5423 Rufus M. Fox
Rufus M. Fox, 205 N. 11th St., retired grocer, died at 6 a.m. Tuesday, at his home. He was 84 years old, having been born Aug. 21, 1959, in Tennessee.
Funeral services were arranged for 2 p.m. Wednesday at the residence, with interment made in the cemetery at Hopewell by Brown-Roden Funeral Home, pallbearers being J.D. Kennedy, Roscoe Dunnam, Bill Gibson, Bill Sutton, Ray Jones and Louis Anderson.
Surviving are three children, Mrs. R.A. Henley here; C.A. Fox, Petty, and Mrs. J.A. Clark, Frisco community. There are 20 grandchildren and 33 great-grandchildren.
The Paris News, paris, Texas, Tuesday, 7 March 1944, page. 5.
Fox, Rufus Morgan (I2041)
5424 Ruly Consoer, 93, formerly of Fort Myers, passed away Jan. 19, 2003. She was preceded in death by her husband, George Lewis Consoer, Sr. and one daughter, Barb Hann.

She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Attorney George Lewis (Michaeleen) Consoer, Jr. and their children, George Lewis 'Chip' Consoer, III, of Evansville, IN and Tiffany Consoer-Hagan of Ft. Myers, FL.

Private services will be held in Effingham, IL at the convenience of the family.

Arrangements by Bauer Funeral Home, Effingham, IL.

Published by The News-Press on Jan. 23, 2003.
Cook, Reaullua Ruly June (I3790)
5425 Russell Berrier's death certificate states he is buried at Wheatfield Cemetery. I can find no entry for him on Find a Grave. Berrier, Russell Glenn (I1898)
5426 Ruth's death certificate gives Nebraska as place of birth. Gritton, Ruth Elaine (I574)
5427 Ruth's death certificate lists Kennedale Memorial Park for burial. This cemetery is now known as Emerald Hills Memorial Park and is the location of burial of her brother and his wife (Clarence and Opal Swisher). Find a Grave does not have an entry for Ruth. Swisher, Ruth Lillian (I4076)
5428 S1, US Navy
Service start date: 6 Dec 1946 
Enos, Clarence W. (I1597)
5429 Sadie Rose Trim Fox
March 12, 1928-Sept. 16, 2021
Decatur – Sadie Rose Trim Fox, 93 of Decatur died in her home on Thursday, September 16, 2021.
A celebration of Sadie’s life will be held on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at the First Christian Church 3350 North MacArthur Road, Decatur Illinois. Visitation will b 10:00-11:00am followed by the service and burial in Point Pleasant Cemetery, Long Creek, Illinois. Memorial, if desired, may be made to the Church or the Mt. Zion Library. Tanzyus-Logan Funeral Service and Care is handling the arrangements.
Sadie was born March 12 1928 in Greenville, Mississippi daughter of Harry Franklin and Johnnie Kent Trim. She was a High School Art Teacher in Mississippi, Washington, Oregon, and Illinois. Sadie was a member of First Christian Church Decatur, Mt. Zion District Library Board, and Delta Kappa Gamma. She held a Bachelor’s Degree from Delta State University Mississippi and a Master’s Degree from Millikin University Illinois. She married Marion F. Fox July 7, 1982 in Decatur IL.
Surviving is her husband Marion F. Fox, her son Russell (Christina) Hollingsworth; son-in-law Terry Meyer; step-children: David (Linda) Fox, Nancy (Jerry) Mills and Judith Fox and sister Hattie Trim Lester; grandchildren: Abigail Hollingsworth (Andrew) Fraser, Christopher Meyer, Emily Hollingsworth, Michael Meyer and Elena Hollingsworth; and several step-grandchildren, nieces and nephews all of whom she adored. She was preceded in death by her parents, her daughter Paula Meyer; and siblings: Ann Trim (William) Boykin, Thomas F. (Annabelle) Trim, Billy E. (LouAnn) Trim, W. Paul (Carolyn) Trim.
You are invited to sign the family guestbook at
Herald and Review, Decatur, Illinois. Tuesday, 21 September 2021, page A
Trim, Sadie Rose (I4405)
5430 Sarah Graham
Muleshoe – Mrs. Sarah Graham, 82, of Muleshoe, formerly of Paris, died Sunday at the Muleshoe Nursing Home.
Funeral services were set for today at 2 p.m. in the Chapel of the Chimes at the Singleton Ellis Funeral Home with the Rev. Bill Kent officiating. Burial was to follow in Muleshoe Cemetery.
Mrs. Graham was born Sept. 27, 1898 in Cushman, Ark., a daughter of Tilmon and Percy Ann Kirkdoffer. She was reared in the Paris area and married W.J. Fox in Paris. He preceded her in death. She had lived in Amarillo since 1945, having moved there from Wichita Falls. She had been in the Muleshoe Nursing home since July 1979.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Pauline Myers of Wichita Falls; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Whiteson of Muleshoe and Mrs. Dollie Dry of Fort Smith, Ark.; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
The Paris News, Paris, Texas. Tuesday, 25 September 1989, page 4.
Kirkdoffer, Sarah Jane (I2832)
5431 Sarah Gritton Dies At Home In Joy Sunday
Hold Funeral services Today rom Mercer Native, 84
Mrs. Edward P. Gritton, 84, died at her home at Joy, Sunday, Jan. 21, 1945. She suffered a paralytic stroke Friday morning, Jan. 19.
The former Miss Sarah Catherine Minteer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Minteer, was born near Joy, Feb. 5, 1860. She was married to Edward P. Gritton, Sept. 13, 1883. Her husband passed away Aug. 14, 1939.
Life Resident
She was a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She was a lifelong resident of Mercer county with the exception of a little over a year, when she lived in Iowa. For the last 22 years she as lived in Joy.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Bertha Dorsett and Mrs. Pearl Norton of Joy; four sons, Glen L. and Elmer of Aledo; Lewis of Muscatine and Joseph of New Boston; 22 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. She has six grandsons in the service.
Last of Family
A daughter a son preceded her in death. Nellie E., Dec. 21, 1902 and Clarence, Feb. 23, 1936. Mrs. Gritton was the last of a family of six children.
Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Latter day Saints church at Joy and burial was in Millersburg cemetery.
Pallbearers were six nephews, Lyle Minteer, Joe and Fred Garmer, Harlie Brown and Marion and Charles Pearson. Mrs. Lavella Minteer sand, accompanied by Mrs. Marjorie Holmes. In charge of flowers were Mrs. Lillian Morrow and Mrs. Bessie Retherford.
Minteer, Sarah Caroline (I2326)
5432 Sarah N. Gritton
Salvisa - Sarah Nelson Gritton, 91, the widow of David Gritton, died at 4 a.m. today at her home in Salvisa.
Her survivors include two sons, Robert "Rags" Gritton of Harrodsburg and Davis Marshall Gritton of Cincinnati, and one granddaughter.
Arrangements are incomplete at Ransdell Funeral Chapel in Harrodsburg.
The Advocate-Messenger, Danville, Kentucky. Tuesday, 16 September 1981.
Nelson, Sarah (I3559)
5433 Second marriage to Unknown Wright who died befor 1998. Caster, Daisy Floral (I1224)
5434 Section O, Lot 28, Space 15. York, Michael Lee (I2126)
5435 sencond marriage for both bride and groom Family F1247
5436 SERVICES FOR G. EVELYN ELLIOTT will be Friday at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home. Mrs. Elliott, 74, 143 Sherman St, died Tuesday evening at her home, Rev. Roger Miller of the First Christian Church will officiate and burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery. Visitation will be today at the funeral home. Memorials may be left to the First Christian Church, the Muscatine Hospice and Community Nursing Services.
She was born March 17, 1915 at New Boston, Ill, and had lived in Muscatine since 1928. She married Edwin L. "Ted" Elliott on August 28, 1937 in Muscatine. She was a member of the First Christian Church and the Rebecca CWF Circle. Mrs. Elliott was employed by the Muscatine County Abstract Co., J.B. Mark and Sons Insurance, Muscatine Lighting, Stanley Consultants, and did the accounting for the family business of Elliott Brothers. She also worked for many years for the Driver's License Division of the Iowa Highway Patrol. She retired in 1984 as an office employee of Louis Rich and taught evening classes in ABC Shorthand and typing at Muscatine Community College before retiring from teaching in 1987.
Survivors include one son Thomas Elliott, and one foster child, Steve Harfst, Muscatine, three daughters, Mrs. Sandra Carpenter, Moscow, Mrs. Jerry (Barbara) Musgrove and Mrs. Juanita Sheese both of Muscatine, seven grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. She is also survived by three brothers, Dr. Charlie Gritton, Henderson, Ky., Paul Gritton, Fort Dodge, and Robert Gritton, Russelville, Ark., and three sisters, Mrs. Carl (Vivian) Irwin, Mrs. Margaret Webb and Mrs. Clifford (Marjorie) Hintermeister, all of Muscatine. She was preceded in death by her parents and husband in 1964.
Muscatine Journal: July 11, 1989
Gritton, Grace Evelyn (I3449)
5437 Services for Virginia A. Gritton, 81, Henderson, Ky., formerly of Millersburg, will be 11 a.m. Sunday at Millersburg Cemetery.
Mrs. Gritton died Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003, at Methodist Hospital, Henderson.
Trimble Funeral Home, Aledo, is in charge of arrangements.
Virginia Hyett was born April 30, 1921, in Millersburg. She married C.L. Gritton.
Survivors include her husband, Dr. C.L.; daughters, Myrna Taylor, Franklin, Ky., Marcia Littlefield, Lawrenceville, Ga., and Joy Gritton, Morehead, Ky.; five grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Published by Legacy Remembers on Feb. 22, 2003.
Hyett, Virginia Annabelle (I3452)
5438 Services Held For Aud Umbanhowar
The Homer Enterprise. Friday, June 8, 1956, p 1
Audrey Owen Umbanhowar, 62, a lifelong resident of the Homer vicinity, died at 2 a.m. Sunday, June 3rd, in the Veterans' Administration Research Hospital in Chicago where he was taken on May 30th. He had been a patient for several weeks in the Veterans' Hospital, Danville, prior to being taken to Chicago.
The body was brought to the Jeanes' Funeral Home, Homer, where funeral services were conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. by Rev. Wm. J. Edmunds. Burial was made in the GAR Cemetery with military rites conducted by the Homer American Legion Post, of which he was a member and a past commander.
Mr. Umbanhowar was born Feb. 19, 1894 near Homer on the Umbanhowar farm, to James Hamilton and Mary Elizabeth Hall Umbanhowar. He attended No. 10 district school and then was engaged in farming. He was also employed by an oil company as a truck salesman.
Mr. Umbanhowar entered service in World War I in 1917, and received his discharge in 1919 after serving with Battery F, 10th Field Artillery. He later served in the army of Occupation in Germany for a year.
He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Umbanhowar, one brother, Charles of Indianapolis, and one sister, Mrs. Ray Tate, Homer. His father and one brother preceded him in death.
Umbanhowar, Audrey Owen (I3643)
5439 Services Held Tuesday For Howard T. Brandon
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 22, at the Fisher funeral home in Dallas City, for Howard Taylor Brandon, 70, of Niota, who died at 9:25 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19, 1966, at the Veterans Administration hospital, Iowa City, Ia., where he had been a patient for two weeks. He had been in failing health for 12 years.
Miss Mary Hutson, lay pastor of the Nauvoo Presbyterian church, officiated, and burial was in the Industry, Ill. cemetery.
Anita Gerhadt, organist, accompanied Connie Ferrill and Shirley Ferrill, who sang "In the Garden" and "Wonderful Place."
Pallbearers were Joh, Melvin, Jack and Glen Rea, Richard Brandon and William Boyer.
Mr. Brandon, son of William H. and Jessie Taylor Brandon, was born in McDonough county, Ill., on July 19, 1896. He was a veteran of World War I, serving as a private in the 475th Aero Squadron, Company 7, 163rd DB. He entered the service Aug. 13, 1917, at Billings, Mont., and received his discharge at Des Moines, Ia., on Dec. 27, 1918.
He was a machine operator by trade. He was married in June 1919, at Madison, Mo., to Mattie Gritton, who died in 1931.
He is survived by the following children: Robert; James, Midwest City, Okla; Howard Jr., New York City, N.Y.: Brady, Houston, Tex.; Pfc. Connie, U.W. Army, Ft. Hood, Tex.; Gary, Galesburg, Ill.; and Mrs. Joyce Zahn, Chicago; two brothers, Earl Brandon of Ferris, Ill, and Valasco Brandon, Dallas City; two sisters, Mrs. Forrest Greeling, Macomb, Ill., and Mrs. Helen Rea, Niota; and nine grandchildren.
The Dallas City Enterprise, Dallas City, Illinois. Thursday, 24 November 1966.
Brandon, Howard Taylor (I2620)
5440 Several researchers give Merritt's parents as William Gritton and Jane Lipsey. However, William Gritton (husband of Jane Lipsey) died in 1823, and there is no record of a second marriage for her. And those same researchers give Merrit's birth date as 8 Jan 1828. There is obviously a problem with those dates. Gritton, Merritt (I2605)
5441 She is always listed as May in census record. Her full "Nancy Mary May Allison" is listed on Edward's World War I draft registration info. Coon, Nancy Mary May (I971)
5442 She married first to Albert Shumacker; second to William Carroll; and third to Lester Everett. Hall, Bertha Elizabeth (I3000)
5443 Shock Fatal to Worker
Charlie G. Fox dies in machine accident
Charles G. Fox, 46, 2609 2nd St., died shortly after arriving in the emergency room at Methodist Hospital Tuesday afternoon, apparently of an electrical shock.
Fox and two co-workers were disconnecting wiring on a machine tool and apparently grabbed a “hot wire” at Continental Moss-Gordin Inc., 300 Paris Ave., about 3:30 p.m.
The mishap occurred in the plant’s research facility and no one else was injured, according to H.G. Moss, vice president for western operations.
Voltage of the hot wire has not been determined, but Moss indicated it was “either 220 or 440.”
Fox was taken to the hospital by a Henderson ambulance.
Funeral arrangements were pending late Tuesday at Sanders Funeral Home.
Fox, a Lubbock resident 13 years, had been supervisor at Continental Moss-Grodin since moving here in 1953 from Paris, Tex. He was a World War II veteran and member of University Baptist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Lois; two sons, Ronnie and Donnie, of the home; a daughter, Jan, of the home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Fox, Paris; three brothers, Raymond, Colorado Springs, Colo., Edward, Las Cruces, N.M., and Andrew, Paris; and two sisters, Mrs. Jack Mason, Dallas and Mrs. Jess Brawner, Paris.
Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, Lubbock, Texas. Wednesday, 15 February 1967, page 1.
Fox, Charlie Granvil (I3574)
5444 Sigel Yeazel Dies Week Following Operation
The Homer Enterprise
Thursday, April 29, 1948, page 1

Sigel M. Yeazel, 63, retired Homer farmer and trucker, died Saturday afternoon in Illinois Research hospital, Chicago, where he had been a patient for two weeks. He underwent a major operation a week before his death and appeared to be recovering. Mrs. Yeazel and son, Glen, had visited with him Wednesday and Mrs. Yeazel planned to return Sunday. Funeral services were conducted at 3 p. m. Tuesday in Homer Methodist church with Rev. R. E. Buford officiating. Burial was in GAR cemetery. Mr. Yeazel was born Aug. 10, 1884, son of Wallace and Sarah Cessna Yeazel, on a farm north of Homer. He was married to Edith Waggoner, who died in November, 1918. He later married Hattie Blacker. They moved to town about 15 years ago from a farm southeast of Homer, and he had been a trucker since then. Surviving are his wife, Hattie; three children by his first marriage, Mrs. Nellie Anderson, Homer, and Mrs. Helen Bryant and Glen Yeazel, both of St. Joseph; his mother, Mrs. Sarah Yeazel, 92, Homer; 13 grandchildren; three step-children, Mrs. Violet Yeazel, St. Joseph; Mrs. Dorothy Atkinson, Indianola, and Floyd Blacker, Champaign. He also leaves two brothers, Troy, Rockwell City, Iowa, and Rolla, Fairmount; and five sisters, Mrs. Nellie Johnson, Homer; Mrs. Ada Hillard, Homer; Mrs. Mabel Stayton, Ogden; Mrs. Bertha Hartley, Decatur, and Mrs. Mertie Clester, Fairmount.
Transcribed by the Homer Historical Society
Contributor: Raymond Cunningham (49950856)
Yeazel, Sigel Morton (I2915)
5445 Sister Dies
Mrs. Charles Hines, Danville, sister of Mr. A.D. Gritton, 1713 East William street, died early today. Her funeral will be conducted in Pape Funeral home, Danville, Sunday afternoon. Burial will be in the cemetery at Armstrong. Mrs. Hines leaves her husband and two children, her mother, Mrs. Charles Gritton, who lived with here, six sisters and seven brothers.
The Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois. Thursday, 27 January 1944.
Gritton, Elzora May (I542)
5446 Sister Dies
Mrs. Emma Rohrer, 72, of Danville died at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in St. Elizabeth Hospital in Danville. She leaves her brother, A.D. Gritton of 1713 E. William St. in Danville.
Herald and Review, Decatur, Illinois. Thursday, 11 November 1965.
Gritton, Emma Deloris (I548)
5447 Sister Dies
Mrs. Jessie Freeze, 62, of Georgetown, sister of Anthony (Tony) D. Gritton, 713 E. William St., died Monday night in Danville. She made her home in Georgetown, Ill.
The Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois. Wednesday, 2 march 1966.
Gritton, Jessie Dora (I554)
5448 Sivey - Velma Sivey, 97, of Redding died Saturday at Shasta Healthcare in Redding. Arrangements are pending at Allen & Dahl Funeral Chapel in Redding (243-1525).
Record Searchlight, Redding, California. Monday, 13 October 2008.
Cline, Velma Fay (I1489)
5449 Skeleton Found.
Paris, Mo., Sept. 8 - Tom Gritton, who was engaged in hauling rock from Allen Creek in the Middle Grove neighborhood, while removing a large rock discovered a skeleton of a man which had evidently been hidden for a number of years past. It is said that this find was made near the place where Alexander Jester camped the night before young Gilbert Gates' mysterious disappearance first caused a thrill of horror in Monroe county thirty ears ago. It is thought that this find may form another link in the chain of circumstantial evidence against the old man charge with the murder of his young traveling companion.
Herald and Review, Decatur, Illinois. Saturday, 9 September 1899, page 1.
Gritton, Thomas E. (I4227)
5450 sno of David C. Bloomfield Jr. and Hannah Lambert Bloomfield, Levi (I461)

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