Matches 5,501 to 5,550 of 5,765
# | Notes | Linked to |
5501 | son of George Washington Justus and Hannah L. Swisher | Justus, Frank Morris (I1005)
5502 | son of Grant Greer and Nola Many Bowers | Greer, Euell Edward (I1313)
5503 | son of Harrison Fairchild and Sarah E. Lanham | Fairchild, John Logan (I2867)
5504 | son of Harry Elmer Shepherd Sr and Sarah Kerenetta McCorkle | Shepherd, Harry (I3356)
5505 | son of Harvey Frank Cochran and Rebecca McCoy | Cochran, George B. (I4221)
5506 | son of Henry Albert Starr and Samantha Jennie Hawk | Starr, Shelby Jacob (I4086)
5507 | son of Henry B. Lawrence and Cora Snapp | Lawrence, Wilbur H. (I1291)
5508 | son of Isaac Edward Reese and Cora Tryphena Norris | Reese, Robert Lawrence (I2893)
5509 | son of Isaac Seely and Mary A. Owens | Seely, Marshall (I2070)
5510 | son of Jackson Cromwell and Mary J. Mead | Cromwell, John D. (I2294)
5511 | son of Jacob Clester and Lucinda Peters | Clester, Bowman Davis (I2934)
5512 | son of Jacob Grimes and Cynthia Ann Guthrie | Grimes, Jacob (I3881)
5513 | son of Jacob Huffman and Katharine Elizabeth "Betsy" Price | Huffman, Joseph (I1072)
5514 | son of Jacob Niccum and Eliza Jane Eaton | Niccum, William David (I1032)
5515 | son of James Alexander Chasteen and Angeline R. Asher | Chasteen, Harry A. (I3057)
5516 | son of James Burns Quinn and Elizabeth McFadden | Quinn, James Leo (I3428)
5517 | son of James Harvard Cooley and Harriet Y. DeNeal | Cooley, James Bernard (I3091)
5518 | son of James Hornor and Leann Wiles | Hornor, Luke (I2079)
5519 | son of James Makemson Current and Mary Elizabeth Lynch | Current, Martin Albert (I3588)
5520 | son of James Muir Johnston and Millie Ann Phillips | Johnston, Owen W. (I3749)
5521 | son of James Stucky and Margarett Peterson | Stuckey, John Preston (I36)
5522 | son of James W. Burton and Samantha Patton | Burton, Clarence James (I4204)
5523 | son of James White and Nancy Wiles | White, James W. (I4369)
5524 | son of James White and Nancy Wiles | White, Ritchison Trott (I2365)
5525 | son of James William Gilroy and Anna Crawford | Gilroy, Levi Larrence (I2038)
5526 | son of Jesse Herren and Rachel Collings | Herren, August White (I4441)
5527 | son of John Campbell and Urith A. Lane | Campbell, Samuel (I2232)
5528 | son of John Coon and Sarah Moorhead | Coon, Lewis (I704)
5529 | son of John Dines and Louisa J. Allison | Dines, Ralph A. (I3178)
5530 | son of John Ellery Myers and Ida Esther Killey | Myers, Everett W. (I2828)
5531 | son of John Franklin Cox and Rhoda Mae Stephenson | Cox, Louis Wendell (I3365)
5532 | son of John Franklin McBride and Sudie Gertha Howell | McBride, Larry O. (I2617)
5533 | son of John Goodner and Margaret Swisher | Goodner, Henry (I2264)
5534 | son of John H. Kolb and Rachel E. Whitlock | Kolb, James L. (I4435)
5535 | son of John H. Sprouls and Stella M. Camp | Sprouls, Robert (I4397)
5536 | son of John Henry Claypool and Sarah Elizabeth Glenn | Claypool, David Ira (I3078)
5537 | son of John Hough and Martha Jane Dixon | Hough, Abel Crittenden "Cit" (I764)
5538 | son of John James Layton and Elizabeth Poulson | Layton, Jacob E. (I2884)
5539 | son of John L. Smith and Sarah D. Mason | Smith, Adon (I4413)
5540 | son of John Lewis Matthews and Dora Ellen Williamson | Matthews, Charles W. (I3807)
5541 | son of John Matthew Harvard and Sarah Ellen Richter | Havard, Charles (I3752)
5542 | son of John Pint Sr and Catherine Krenz | Pint, Harry (I3542)
5543 | son of John Poulter and Martha "Patsy" Ransdell | Poulter, G. Ransdell (I438)
5544 | son of John Seilhymer and Carrie Sylesta Spicer | Seilhymer, William Armistice (I3529)
5545 | son of John Sherman Whitington and Lela P. Mouer | Whitington, Charles E. (I3523)
5546 | son of John Sines and Abigail Ann Elwell | Sines, John A. (I3129)
5547 | son of John Stucky and Margaret Cline | Stucky, Francis M. (I111)
5548 | son of John Wesley Hillard and Louisa Elizabeth "Mary" Adams | Hillard, Charles Ashbel (I2932)
5549 | son of Jorgen Johansen Aakjer and Margareth Cathrine Hinrichsen | Aakjar, Hans Johansen (I2625)
5550 | son of Joseph Johnson and Josephine Craig | Johnson, William Herbert (I2924)