Notes |
- Obituary
John W. Fletcher was born in Marion county, Ind., April 21, 1846, died June 8, 1905, aged fifty-nine years, one month and eighteen days. The deceased was married to Arminda Humbles January, 1867. to them were born nine children, six sons an three daughters, two sons and two daughters having preceded their father to the better land. The last one to go was Louie, who died December 15, 1904, at North Platte, Nebr. Elmer, Leonard, Noble, Howard, Myrtle and the widow are left to mourn the loss of one who will never return. The deceased was not a member of any church, but held to the United Brethren faith and was a frequent attendant at church service. When but a mere youth, only sixteen years of age, he enlisted in his country's service and served three years in Company A., Fifty-seventh Indiana Infantry. This to him was one of the green spots in his life, notwithstanding the hardships and exposures incident to army life which caused him to be a constant sufferer during the last ten years of his life. Having lived here for twenty-one years his presence on the streets and elsewhere will be missed.
Only a few hours before he died he ws on the streets, little thinking that a stroke of paralysis would cause it to be his last day on earth.
Funeral services were held at the M.E. church by the Rev. Pierce, after which his remains were laid to rest in the Willow Branch cemetery.
The Hancock Democrat, Greenfield, Indiana. Thursday, 22 June 1905.
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- US Civil War Pension Index
Name: John W Fletcher
Gender: Male
Unit: A 57. Ind. Infantry
Filing Date: 9 Sep 1878
Filing Place: Indiana, USA
Relation to Head: Soldier
Spouse: Arminda Fletcher
Filed as invalid: 9 Sep 1878
Filed as widow: 30 Jun 1905