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- Former City Employe Buried at New Crown
Funeral services for Charles W. Fletcher, age eight-five, 810 Harmon avenue, were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the E.R. Gross undertaking establishment. Burial was in the New Crown cemetery.
Mr. Fletcher, a gardener in the city parks for many years, who was retired, died Saturday night at his home after a brief illness. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Charles White, of Couer d'Alene, Idaho; Mrs. William T. White and Mrs. G.A. Everett, Indianapolis, and a son, R.L. Fletcher, Decatur, Ill.
The Indianapolis News, Indianapolis, Indiana. Tuesday, 19 September 1933.
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- Coroner Probes Death
Aged Man, Victim of Asthma, Is Found Dead in Bed
Dr. John A. Salb, deputy coroner, today was investigating the death of Charles Fletcher, 85, of 810 Harmon street, who was found dead in bed late Sunday night. Mr. Fletcher had suffered from asthma for a number of years.
Surviving him are two daughters, Mrs. Grace White, 1406 North Hamilton avenue, and Mrs. Gertrude Everett, 571, East derive, Woodruff Place.
The Indianapolis Times, Indianapolis, Indiana. Monday, 18 September 1933.
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