Notes |
- LKH note:
About Rice Milner and Sarah Oder.
Rice Milner is named as Eliza Ann Milner's father on her marriage record.
I have not documentation for their birth dates, but several family trees on Ancestry agree on those dates.
The same group of family trees agree that Eliza's mother was Sarah Oder. The same trees list three children for Rice and Sarah, but do not include Eliza.
I have found documentation to confirm Rice and Sarah are the parents of Lucinda, but have not found any documentation to link James or William to them.
The three children listed on many Ancestry family trees.
1. James Milton Milender, b.1816
m. 8 Nov 1844 to Cynthia Ann Hoskins in Vermilion Co., IL
2. Lucinda Milender
b. Sep 1818
d.24 Dec 1904
m. 10 May 1837 Richard Fletcher in Marion Co., IN
3. William Bradford Milender
b.1 Aug 1833
d. 15 Feb 1909, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN
m. 14 May 1848 to Charlotte Coffin in Marion Co, IN
- LKH note:
In 1831, John Milliner bought 80 acres next door to John B. Cline.
Need to research possible family between John and Rice Milliner.
Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Archive.
Search Criteria: Section No: 25
Purchaser Information
Social Status
Legal Description
Aliquot Parts or LotW2NW
Section Number25
County of PurchaseVERMILION
Details of Sale
Price per Acre1.25
Total Price100.00
Type of SaleFD
Date of Purchase09/26/1831
- Know all men by these present that we Rice Milliner and Joseph Odor are held and firmly bound unto the commonwealth of Kentucky in the just and full sum of fifty pound current money and for payment well and truly to be made and done to the said commonwealth we bind ourselves and every of our heirs ___ & adm jointly and severally firmly by then ____ ___ with our seals and date this 20th day of January 1815.
The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas a marriage is shortly intended to be solomnized between the above bound Rice Milliner and Sarah Odor now should there be no lawful cause to obstruct said marriage then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force.
- Handwritten marriage record, Harrison County, Kentucky.
Rice Millener & Sarah Odor was married 26 day of January 1815.
Daniel Chadd & Ruthy Chadd was married 21st day of February 1815.
Abel D. Todd & Peggy Blair was married 28th day of March 1815
Samuel Kendell & Sarah Fosudor was married 30th day of March 1815
By me John Conner
- State of Illinois, Vermilion County.
The people of the State of Illinois to all to whom these permits shall come Greetings. Know Ye that whereas Rice Milliner of the County of Vermilion and State of Illinois died intestate as it is said on or about the 14th day of May A.D. 1848 having at the time of his demise personal property in his state which may be lost destroyed or diminished in value if speedy care be not taken of the same; to the end therefore that said property may be collected and preserved for those who shall appear to have a legal right or interest therein, We do here by appoint James Milliner of the County of Vermilion and State of Illinois administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits which were of the said Rice Milliner at the time of his demise with full power and authority to secure and collect the said property and debts whosoever the same may be found in this state and in general to do and be required of him by law. Witness Norman D. Palmer Probate Justice of the Peace in and for the said County of Vermilion at his office in Danville this 14th day of July A.D. 1848.
N.D. Palmer Probate P.J.P.